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2 ANWAR SADAT Leader of Egypt during 1973 Arab-Israeli War
Signed Camp David Accords with Menachem Begin in 1978 Assassinated by fundamentalist Muslims in 1981

3 SADDAM HUSSEIN President of Iraq 1979-2003
Attacked Iran over Shattal-Arab waterway during Iran-Iraq War Invaded Kuwait 1990 starting Persian Gulf War Captured by U.S. then executed 12/06

4 OTTO VON BISMARCK Unified Germany through “blood and iron”
Used militarism and war Took Alsace-Lorraine from France

5                                                       NAPOLEON Emperor of France at end of French Revolution through coup d’etat Napoleonic Code – equality and freedom of religion Abolished serfdom, reduced power of RCC

6 ELIZABETH I Leader of England 1558-1603 Restored religious unity
Defeated Spanish Armada England united, stable, nationalistic

7 ADOLF HITLER Leader of Nazi party
Germany is nationalistic, totalitarian (fascist) state Aggression leads to WWII Holocaust

8 MIKHAIL GORBACHEV Won 1990 Nobel Peace Prize for part in ending Cold War Perestroika reformed economy Glastnost allowed openness Many republics declare independence from Soviet Union, U.S.S.R. collapses

9 LENIN Leader of the Bolsheviks during Russian Revolution
Communist, Marxist Promised peace, bread, and land NEP has elements of capitalism

10 PETER THE GREAT Westernization of Russia
Obtained land from Sweden on Baltic Sea Built new capital at St. Petersburg

11 CATHERINE THE GREAT Encouraged Enlightenment ideas
Autocratic czarina of Russia Partitioned Poland Obtained warm water port from Ottoman Empire

12 STALIN Ruler of Soviet Union after Lenin
Absolute dictator of totalitarian state Purges against opponents 5 Year Plans for industry Collectivization for agriculture

13 ADAM SMITH Author of Wealth of Nations Free market economy, capitalism
Noninvolvement of gov’t in econ. “laissez faire” hands off

14 JOHN LOCKE Author of “Two Treatises on Government”
Enlightenment philosopher of 1700s Rulers stay in power with consent of governed Natural rights – life, liberty, property

15 KARL MARX Author of “Communist Manifesto”
Exploitation of workers (proletariat), would lead to revolution Classless society

16 GALILEO Scientist who improves telescope, 1600s
Earth revolves around the sun Tried by RCC as heretic

17 LOUIS XIV Absolute monarch of France c. 1700
Sun King and Palace of Versailles Left France in debt

18 MACHIAVELLI Author of “The Prince” in Renaissance Italy
“end justifies the means” in ruthless politics

19 MARTIN LUTHER 95 Theses starts Protestant Reformation
Protests indulgences, corruption, worldliness of RCC Ends religious unity in W. Europe

20 JOMO KENYATTA African independence leader
Leader of Mau Mau revolt against British First president of independent Kenya

21 NELSON MANDELA Leader of ANC imprisoned for 28 years for actions against apartheid Winner of Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 with F.W. de Klerk Elected first black president of South Africa in 1994

22 GANDHI Responsible for achieving independence for India and Pakistan from Great Britain in 1947 Used passive resistance, civil disobedience, boycotts, Salt March Encouraged unity and rights for all religions and castes

23 HO CHI MINH Found of Viet Minh nationalist group
Leader of Viet Cong (Vietnamese communists) that fought South Vietnam (backed by U.S.)

24 CHIANG KAI-SHEK Leader of Nationalist party in China after Sun Yat-sen
Lost to communists led by Mao Forced to retreat to Taiwan

25 SUN YAT-SEN Led revolt against the Manchu dynasty in China
“Three Principles of the People”: Nationalism, Democracy, Livelihood Ends thousands of years of rule by dynasties

26 DENG XIAOPING Responisibility System allowed some private control of land and industry Four Modernizations in industry, science, agriculture, technology Violent crackdown in Tiananmen Square against democratic reforms in 1989

27 MAO ZEDONG Founder of Chinese communist party
                                     MAO ZEDONG Founder of Chinese communist party Little Red Book (propaganda for totalitarian state) Great Leap Forward, communes Cultural Revolution

28 EMPEROR MEIJI End of shogun system and feudalism New education system
Beginning of industrialization for Japan Leads to imperialism for raw materials Competition with west

29 SIMON BOLIVAR The Liberator
Gained independence for Venezuela, Columbia, Ecuador, and Panama from Spain Influenced by Enlightenment ideas and French and American Revolutions Encouraged unified Latin America

30 FIDEL CASTRO Overthrew Batista government in Cuba
Aligned with Soviet Union Only communist government in western hemisphere                                      

                                      TOUSSAINT L’OUVERTURE Led revolt of African slaves against French for Haiti’s independence First Latin American nation to achieve independence

32 CONFUCIUS Chinese philosopher 500 b.c.
Social order based on 5 relationships Valued family, government, education, ethics Foundation of Chinese civilization

33 SIDDHARTHA GAUTAMA Founder of Buddhism, the Buddha
                                      SIDDHARTHA GAUTAMA Founder of Buddhism, the Buddha Rejected wealth and meditated on human suffering Four Noble Truths Noble Eight-Fold Pah to nirvana

34 MUHAMMAD Founder of Islam Born in Mecca
                                        MUHAMMAD Founder of Islam Born in Mecca Preached faith in Allah, 5 Pillars Fled to Medina after persecution (hejira)

35 MOTHER TERESA Catholic nun, Sisters of Charity
Helps poor and diseased of India, built hospitals and orphanages Won Nobel Peace Prize for efforts

36 Lech Walesa Leader of Polish Solidarity movement, an independent trade union He was arrested and imprisoned International pressure led to his release 1989 Free elections Lech Walesa is elected President

37 Aung San Suu Kyi Myanmar formerly Burma
1990 the opposition party led by 1991 Noble Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi She won election but was put on house arrest Freed from house arrest and wins Parliamentary election in 2012

38 PEOPLE ON EXAM RELIGION/PHILOSOPHY – Confucius, Jesus, Muhammad, Siddhartha Gautama, Luther AUTHORS/THINKERS – Marx, Locke, Smith, Galileo, Machiavelli WESTERNIZATION – Peter the Great, Emperor Meiji, Ataturk, Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi LAW CODES – Hammurabi, Justinian, Napoleon

39 LEADERS – Pericles, Louis XIV, Elizabeth I, Catherine the Great, Akbar the Great, Genghis Khan, Napoleon, Otto von Bismarck, Lenin, Hitler, Gandhi, Mao, Mandela EXPLORERS – Zheng he, Marco Polo, Ibn Battuta, Columbus INDEPENDENCE LEADERS/NATIONALISTS – Simon Bolivar, Toussaint, Sun Yat-sen, Jomo Kenyatta, Gandhi, Ho Chi Minh

40 CHECK OUT… Thematic essays on p. 423, 444 GOOD LUCK!

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