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Theories of Behavior Change Part 4

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1 Theories of Behavior Change Part 4

2 Self-Monitoring Behavior Awareness Progress Physical Activity
Self-monitoring refers to the practice of tracking one’s own _______________ for the dual purpose of increasing _______________ and monitoring _______________. A research study has shown that self- monitoring was the most influential predictor of successful behavior change for _______________ _______________. Behavior Awareness Progress Physical Activity

3 Self-Monitoring Awareness Behavior Outside Meetings Tracking
Self-monitoring is an important tool because it increases client _______________ of _______________,offers _______________, provides information for the personal trainer on the client’s behavior _______________ of _______________, allows for _________________ and _______________ _______________, provides an opportunity for _______________ and is a _______________ a client can use on their _______________. Awareness Behavior Accountability Outside Meetings Goal Setting Tracking Progress Feedback Skill Own

4 Self-Monitoring Ways clients can self monitor:
Writing in an exercise planner Getting on the scale weekly Using a food log Using feedback devices, pedometers, fitbits

5 Self-Monitoring: Challenges
Clients may not be diligent about recording their behavior May perceive self- monitoring as a burden

6 S.M.A.R.T. gOALS

7 Specific Specific: target a specific behavior and include a detailed plan (who what where, why

8 Measurable Measurable: How you will demonstrate and evaluate that the goal has been met

9 Attainable Attainable and Action Oriented; target behaviors as opposed to outcomes

10 Realistic Realistic: make goals challenging yet achievable

11 Time-Oriented Time-Oriented: relative short term to allow for feedback and modification

12 Feedback Feedback is defined as two-way communication between two or more parties. Personal trainers need to keep this in mind so that they do not impose their views without taking the views of the client into consideration. Feedback has been labeled as an important component of physical activity behavior change.

13 Uniquely You Personal trainers need to recognize that each client is unique and have the ability to customize to a population. Personal trainers need to recognize that client’s unique needs can be based on age, physical ability, gender, culture and other individual factors.

14 Uniquely You Personal trainers need to be open to modifications based on preference or perceived need. Sometimes tailoring to meet a client’s needs or preferences may go against the personal trainer’s beliefs, and… The personal trainer should carefully consider the pros and cons of including such preferences to guide clients to a compromise that the client and personal trainer can feel comfortable implementing.

15 Rapport One of the most fundamental components of a successful intervention is _____________. Rapport refers to a sense of _____________, _____________ or _____________ between two people. Rapport Trust Respect Confidence

16 Rapport Rapport building is the _____________ task of a personal trainer. Clients may have _____________ _____________ for personal trainers because of the title; personal trainers must continue to earn _____________ and _____________ through skill and prescribed intervention. First Initial Respect Respect Confidence

17 Developing Rapport Display/communicate credentials
Confirm professionalism by dressing and acting professionally Highlight things in common such as likes, dislikes, or experiences Affirm any client strengths

18 Developing Rapport Empathize with client’s struggles/feelings
Self-disclosure: share relevant struggles you have had in the past, take sincere interest in your client Nonverbal cues: have good eye contact, open posture, and appropriate facial expressions

19 Developing Rapport Remain nonjudgmental and open-minded
Be a good listener Offer explanations for the components of intervention or program

20 Success with Clients There is no prescription guaranteed to help a client achieve and maintain physical activity behavior change. Personal trainers must be wary of presuming that what works for one client will work for every other client. It is important for personal trainers to be flexible and open-minded with a willingness to tailor interventions to each client’s unique needs.

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