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Deviant Behavior.

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Presentation on theme: "Deviant Behavior."— Presentation transcript:

1 Deviant Behavior

2 What this Chapter is All About via Disney Video Clips:
What is “Deviance”? Definition: any behavior that goes against the norm of a given society - varies from group to group/ society to society What this Chapter is All About via Disney Video Clips:

3 Examples of Positive and Negative Deviance Video:
Deviance can be Positive or Negative Positive Deviance- behavior that is outside the norm but later viewed as appropriate or even heroic over conformity to norms Negative Deviance- behavior that goes against accepted norms Hurts people Could be against the law Examples of Positive and Negative Deviance Video:

4 Who is a “Deviant”? Definition: any person who violates any social norm of a given society Reaction to Deviants: negative response attempts to control behavior attempts to change behavior

5 Cost and Benefits of Deviance
Cost of Deviance (Negatives) Benefits of Deviance (Positives)

6 Cost and Benefits of Deviance
Cost of Deviance (Negatives) Benefits of Deviance (Positives) Deviance erodes trust Deviance, If not corrected/punished, can result in nonconformity of others Deviance stimulates more deviance Deviance is expensive Deviance clarifies norms Deviance can be a temporary safety valve Deviance increases unity within a society or group Deviance promotes needed social change

7 How to Prevent Deviance?
Social Control: ways to promote conformity to the norms of a given society Two Types: Informal/Internal: behavior that results from values, beliefs, morals (knowing right from wrong) Formal/External: social behavior based on social sanctions (rewards/punishments)

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