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Year 5/6 (AW ER PR) Cemetery Convenience Criticise Excellent Existence.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 5/6 (AW ER PR) Cemetery Convenience Criticise Excellent Existence."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 5/6 (AW ER PR) Cemetery Convenience Criticise Excellent Existence

2 ‘c’ makes ‘s’ sound before ‘i’, ‘e’ and ‘y’
The following words are linked by this spelling rule: ‘c’ makes ‘s’ sound before ‘i’, ‘e’ and ‘y’

3 cemetery c e m e t e r y A cemetery is where dead people are buried
‘c’ makes ‘s’ sound before ‘i’, ‘e’ and ‘y’ cemetery c e m e t e r y A cemetery is where dead people are buried

4 ‘c’ makes ‘s’ sound before ‘i’, ‘e’ and ‘y’
c_me_e_y r m e t e e c y Cemetery means…

5 convenience c o n v e n i e n c e
‘c’ makes ‘s’ sound before ‘i’, ‘e’ and ‘y’ convenience c o n v e n i e n c e Convenience means availability or usefulness

6 ‘c’ makes ‘s’ sound before ‘i’, ‘e’ and ‘y’
c_nv_n_en_e n o e v i n e c c n e Convenience means…

7 criticise ( critic-ise) c r i t i c i s e
‘c’ makes ‘s’ sound before ‘i’, ‘e’ and ‘y’ criticise ( critic-ise) c r i t i c i s e To criticise is to find fault with

8 ‘c’ makes ‘s’ sound before ‘i’, ‘e’ and ‘y’
r_t_c_s_ i r i t i c s c e Criticise means…

9 excellent e x c e l l e n t Excellent means outstanding.
‘c’ makes ‘s’ sound before ‘i’, ‘e’ and ‘y’ excellent e x c e l l e n t Excellent means outstanding.

10 ‘c’ makes ‘s’ sound before ‘i’, ‘e’ and ‘y’
ex_el_e_t n x l e l e t c e Excellent means…

11 existence e x i s t e n c e Existence means being or reality.
‘c’ makes ‘s’ sound before ‘i’, ‘e’ and ‘y’ existence e x i s t e n c e Existence means being or reality.

12 e_ist_n_e c x t n e s e i e Existence means…
‘c’ makes ‘s’ sound before ‘i’, ‘e’ and ‘y’ ‘c’ makes ‘s’ sound before ‘i’, ‘e’ and ‘y’ e_ist_n_e c x t n e s e i e Existence means…

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