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European Imperialism.

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Presentation on theme: "European Imperialism."— Presentation transcript:

1 European Imperialism

2 What is Imperialism? Domination of foreign lands and people in order to gain raw materials and markets Attempts to spread economic and political influence around the world

3 What are the three (main) types of Imperialism?
Discussion Question What are the three (main) types of Imperialism?

4 Types of Imperialism Colony Protectorate Sphere of Influence
Territory completely dominated by the parent country, direct rule Protectorate Territory whose policies and government are guided by another country Sphere of Influence Area in a country where a foreign power had exclusive rights in trade or investment

5 Changes in Europe Europe began to…which was caused by
Renaissance Reformation Scientific Revolution Enlightenment What did these movements do?

6 Motivations for Exploration
Europe was not one of the major centers of world power (Who kicks ass? Who else is pretty awesome?) Were dependent on trade with Asia (China had cool stuff) ???

7 Motivations for Exploration
Existing trade routes: ??? What’s the problem?? Dangerous Expensive Not controlled by Europeans With whom did they normally have to trade for products from Asia? So, what did they do?

8 15th century trade routes

9 Motivations for Exploration
“GOLD, GLORY, GOD!” Acquiring treasure and riches Promise of fame and prestige Spread Christianity to newly conquered peoples Gain Raw Materials and New Markets Industrial Revolution Capitalism National Rivalries Colonies seen as evidence of political power National competition

10 New technologies for Exploration
Compass ??? Astrolabe Cartography Clocks

11 New technologies for Exploration
Weapons ??? What on ships? Ship construction Lateen sails on multiple masts Developed by whom? Allows ships Ship rudder on stern Caravel Lateen Sail Ship Rudder

12 Exploration To circumvent … Europeans, led by the Portuguese and quickly followed by the Spanish... Portugal Sailed … Gained … East Asian Spice … European Trade …

13 European trade routes

14 Exploration Spain Remember the rivalries Columbus:
Italian sailor and navigator What was he doing? 1492 CE –

15 Exploration Spain Where was he really? Believing he was in India…
Returned to Spain … RESULT: Spain competes with Portugal to discover new trade opportunities and a “new world” was “discovered”


17 Discussion Question What was the primary difference in the goals of Spanish and Portuguese Imperialism?

18 Overseas Empires and the Atlantic World
Spain and Portugal continued to compete for supremacy in overseas trade throughout the 16th century. Spain was... Portugal followed suite, though were always more interested in … Because Spain… Both received what? Other Europeans soon followed (French, Dutch, English)

19 Wealth Derived from the Americas

20 The Rise of the Atlantic World
Wealth derived from Americas and other overseas empires caused a shift from Mediterranean to Atlantic World. Drastic changes would soon follow General Effects: ?




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