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Elements of a Short Story

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1 Elements of a Short Story

2 Setting Place Time Weather Conditions Social Conditions
Mood or Atmosphere

3 Plot Introduction Rising Action Climax Falling Action Denoument

4 Conflict Types Kinds External Internal Man vs. Man
Man vs. Circumstance Man vs. Society Man vs. Himself/Herself

5 Character Person in a work Characteristics of a Person
Antagonist and Protaganist Characteristics of a Person Physical appearance What he/she says, thinks, feels, and dreams What he/she does or does not do What others say about him/her and how others react to him/her

6 Character (continued)
Individual – round, many sided, and complex Developing – dynamic, many sided personalities that change by the end of the story Static – stereotype, 1 or 2 characteristics that never change and emphasized

7 Point of View Innocent Eye – told through eyes of a child
Stream of Consciousness – reader feels they are inside the head of a character First Person – told by protagonist o0r someone close to the protagonist (uses I, me, we, etc.

8 Point of View Omniscient - Tells story in 3rd person (they, she, he, it, etc. Omniscient Limited – know what the character knows which includes thoughts and feelings Omniscient Objective – only see and hear what they characters see and hear

9 Theme Controlling idea or central insight
Author’s underlying meaning or main idea Reveals to the reader through symbols, allusions, similes, metaphors, hyperboles, or irony

10 Works Cited Engram, Judith. “Short Story Elements.” Halifax Regional School Board. 26 Aug <

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