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Striving for Business Excellence: Implementing the EFQM Excellence Model at Statistics Sweden Lilli Japec, Dan Lisai, Åke Pettersson, Sara Hoff and Marie.

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Presentation on theme: "Striving for Business Excellence: Implementing the EFQM Excellence Model at Statistics Sweden Lilli Japec, Dan Lisai, Åke Pettersson, Sara Hoff and Marie."— Presentation transcript:

1 Striving for Business Excellence: Implementing the EFQM Excellence Model at Statistics Sweden Lilli Japec, Dan Lisai, Åke Pettersson, Sara Hoff and Marie Collin Q2010 Helsinki, May 4-6, 2010

2 Quality Management System at Statistics Sweden Quality framework: The EFQM Excellence Model ISO 20252 Market, opinion and social research Method for continuous improvement work: Six Sigma Method for evaluation and follow-up: Modern internal auditing

3 Quality Management Organization Quality Director + 4 Quality coordinators Regular monthly meetings with Director General and Deputy Director General Quality coaches at every department (12) External consultants

4 Business Excellence Models product quality process quality organizational quality: leadership, strategy and competence

5 Self-assessment and submission document discussions with top management external consultant current approaches identified strengths and weaknesses identified comprehensive picture of Statistic Sweden management system obtained

6 Improvement work 15 different areas for improvement identified high priority areas: risk management, competence and customer/user relations ISO 20252: statistics production process

7 Training and communication quality recurrent topic at manager meetings training programs for future managers induction training quality coaches, focus on ISO 20252 information on intranet about quality efforts quality network

8 Feedback report December 2009, five external assessors site visit for role model organizations 250-300 points of maximum 1000 examples of strong areas: –customer segments, assigned individuals responsible for these segments and assigned customer teams for our most important customers –internal quality award –top management commitment to quality

9 Feedback report examples of improvement areas: –the transition to a more process oriented organization –relevant target setting, comparisons with others and cause and effect relations between how we do things and what we achieve –lack of evaluation

10 Future challenges and supporting factors awareness of our maturity level of business excellence strengths and weaknesses to work on a number of evaluations and assessments have been carried out prioritizing and coordinating activities transition to a process oriented organization, with an upgraded system of quality assurance and quality control elements will take time

11 Future challenges and supporting factors external pressure EFQM model a systematic managerial tool to improve and develop the organization consider all aspects of quality and constantly question if the way we do things leads us to our goals implementation of ISO 20252 external evaluation

12 Thank you! Lilli Japec, PhD Quality Director Statistics Sweden

13 13 EQFM Model 2010

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