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Conflict management By Alfred A. Jarrett. Conflict management You are married to a Man with 6 wives and you are the 7 th – the one with the only male.

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Presentation on theme: "Conflict management By Alfred A. Jarrett. Conflict management You are married to a Man with 6 wives and you are the 7 th – the one with the only male."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conflict management By Alfred A. Jarrett

2 Conflict management You are married to a Man with 6 wives and you are the 7 th – the one with the only male child in the family.

3 Conflict management The FIRST wife killed the only boy- child of the family with the support of the 4 th wife- it was their deepest secret

4 Conflict management Wife number one and wife number 4 had a dispute 20 years after the death of the only male son in the family, said wife number two. During the dispute, wife number 7 was not home that day. During the dispute, wife number 4 told wife number 1 to kill her has she killed the only son in the family.

5 Conflict management The disputes between them happened when wives 2, 3, 5 and 6 were not home, but the daughters of wives number 2, 3 and 6 were present-they were deaf, dumb and blind.

6 Conflict management Wife 7 hard about the dispute and told her husband who was working in Kailahun that wife 7 killed her son.

7 Conflict management Wife number 3 had a son out of wedlock several years ago when her and her husband had a dispute and she went to the hinterland of Kabala until the baby was born and started attending school.

8 Conflict management The dispute between them was settled and she returned to her husband without the son, because she did not want him to know about the son she had out of wedlock.

9 Conflict management The news of the first wife killing the 7 th Wifes son killed the husband who was the Deputy Director of Education- Northern Region and had 4 sons out of wedlock that the first wife only knew about.

10 Conflict management We were informed by the first wife that wife number 7 was barren

11 Conflict management We were informed from from the first wife that wife number 7 was barren

12 Conflict management The family was in disarray.

13 Conflict management How can you resolve the conflict?

14 Note: 1.Members of group one were friends of wives number 7, 3and 2 2.Members of group number two were friends of wives 4, and 5 3.Members of group number three are friends of 1, 6 and the husband 4.The faithbase community, schools and neighbors were involved 5.Family support Unit and traditional authorities were involved 6.Friends of the children were involved 7.Herbalists and evil doers/traditional killers were involved 8.God and Satan

15 Conflict management Thanks

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