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Presentation on theme: "BACTERIA PROTISTS"— Presentation transcript:


2 What do we know about them? Can we see viruses and bacteria with the naked eye? Why? Where do bacteria and viruses live? What is biological importance of their existence in the nature? Who are the protists?

3 What are the microorganisms? A microorganism is a living single-celled organism of microscopic size.

4 Bacteria Bacteria are the simplest living group of organisms and inhabit practically all environments. Common name – PROKARYOTES (without nucleus) Bacteria are the most successful organisms on the planet. They lived on this planet for two billion years before the first eukaryotes and, during that time, evolved into millions of different species.species

5 Bacteria Size and Shape Bacteria are so small that they can only be seen with a microscope. When viewed under the microscope, they have three distinct shapes (Figure below). Bacteria can be identified and classified by their shape:microscopebelow Bacilli are rod-shaped. Cocci are sphere-shaped. Spirilli are spiral-shaped.

6 Protists Common characteristic: EUKARYOTES Very diverse Three general categories: Animal-Like Protists Plantlike Protists Funguslike Protists

7 Section 20-1 Concept Map are classified by which include which Protists Animallike Funguslike Plantlike Parasites Take in food from the environment Produce food by photosynthesis Obtain food by external digestion Decomposers

8 Animallike Protists: Protozoans A.Zooflagellates B.Sarcodines C.Ciliates 1.Internal Anatomy 2.Conjugation D.Sporozoans Section 20-2

9 Food vacuole Nucleus Contractile vacuole Pseudopods Section 20-2 An Amoeba

10 Anal pore Gullet Oral groove Trichocysts Lysosomes Food vacuoles Contractile vacuole Micronucleus Macronucleus Cilia Section 20-2 A Ciliate

11 Plantlike Protists: Unicellular Algae A.Chlorophyll and Accessory Pigments B.Euglenophytes C.Chrysophytes D.Diatoms E.Dinoflagellates Section 20-3

12 Gullet Chloroplast Nucleus Eyespot Flagella Section 20-3 Euglena Carbohydrate storage bodies Pellicle Contractile vacuole

13 Plantlike Protists: Red, Brown, and Green Algae A.Red Algae B.Brown Algae C.Green Algae 1.Unicellular Green Algae 2.Colonial Green Algae 3.Multicellular Green Algae

14 Funguslike Protists A.Slime Molds 1.Cellular Slime Molds 2.Acellular Slime Molds B.Water Molds Section 20-5


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