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Absentee shawnee tribe 39 tribes of ok. location.

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Presentation on theme: "Absentee shawnee tribe 39 tribes of ok. location."— Presentation transcript:

1 Absentee shawnee tribe 39 tribes of ok

2 location

3 Original location Originally ● southern Ohio ● West Virginia ● western Pennsylvania

4 Migration The Shawnee were driven from this area by the Iroquois sometime around the 1660s and then scattered in all directions to ● South Carolina ● Tennessee's Cumberland Basin ● eastern Pennsylvania ● southern Illinois.

5 Current location ● The Absentee Shawnee Tribe is primarily located in the heart of central Oklahoma

6 headquarters in contemporary times, the Absentee Shawnee Tribe headquarters is in Shawnee, Oklahoma. its tribal jurisdiction area includes land properties in Oklahoma in both Cleveland County and Pottawatomie County.

7 The map of the tribe hawnee/@35.2545167,-97.2124003,10.78z

8 population

9 Past and now Past:7,000 members Now,1,600 members

10 Language family group

11 The Shawnee language is a Central Algonquian language spoken in parts of central and northeastern Oklahoma by the Shawnee people. It was originally spoken in ●Ohio ●West Virginia ● Kentucky ●Pennsylvania. ●It is closely related to other Algonquian languages ●such as Mesquakie-Sauk (Sac and Fox) and Kickapoo.

12 Federal laws

13 Jurisdiction in Civil Actions The Tribal Court may exercise jurisdiction over any person or subject matter on any basis consistent with the Constitution of the Tribe, the Indian Civil Rights Act of 1968, as amended, and any specific restrictions or prohibitions contained in Federal law.

14 Force of the Tribal Common Law The customs and traditions of the Tribe, to be known as the Tribal Common Law, as modified by the Tribal Constitution and statutory law, judicial decisions, and the condition and wants of the people, shall remain in full force and effect within the Tribal jurisdiction in like force with any statute of the Tribe insofar as the common law is not so modified, but all Tribal statutes shall be liberally construed to promote their object.

15 tribal sovereignty

16 definition Tribal sovereignty in the United States is the concept of the inherent authority of indigenous tribes to govern themselves within the borders of the United States.

17 example The Absentee Shawnee Tribe possesses all the inherent powers of sovereignty held prior to the Constitution of the United States. The inherent right of self-government precedes the United States Constitution, and the governing body of the Absentee Shawnee has never relinquished any part of this sovereign right.

18 Effect of sovereignty on the tribe Among the powers of self-government upheld by the actions of the Absentee Shawnee, are the power to adopt and operate a form of government of their choosing, to define the conditions of tribal membership, to regulate domestic relations of members, to levy taxes, to regulate property within the jurisdiction of the Tribe, to control the conduct of membership by legislation and to administer justice.

19 Tribal notables

20 Benjamin Harjo, Jr ● painter and printmaker ● Benjamin Harjo Jr. (born 1945) is an award- winning Absentee Shawnee-Seminole painter and printmaker from Oklahoma

21 Ernest Spybuck (1883–1949) ● artist and autoethnography ● was an Absentee Shawnee Native American artist, who was born on the land allotted the Shawnee Indians in Indian Territory and what was to later become Pottawatomie County, Oklahoma, near the town of Tecumseh

22 Story

23 Legendary Native American Figures: Gitchi Manitou Gitchi Manitou is the great creator god of the Anishinaabe and many neighboring Algonquian tribes. The name literally means Great Spirit, a common phrase used to address God in many Native American cultures. As in other Algonquian tribes, the Great Spirit is abstract, benevolent, does not directly interact with humans, and is rarely if ever personified in Anishinabe myths-- originally, Gitchi Manitou did not even have a gender (although with the introduction of English and its gender-specific pronouns, Gitchi Manitou began to be referred to as "he.") It is Gitchi Manitou who created the world, though some details of making the world as we know it today were delegated to the culture hero Nanabozho. "Gitchi Manitou" (or one of its many variant spellings) was used as a translation for "God" in early translations of the Bible into Ojibway, and today many Ojibway people consider Gitchi Manitou and the Christian God to be one and the same.

24 The story... Main character-Gitchi Manitou(great spirit) description-Gitche Manitou (Gitchi Manitou, Kitchi Manitou, etc.) means "Great Spirit" in several Algonquian languages. Christian missionaries have translated God as Gitche Manitou in scriptures and prayers in the Algonquian languages. setting=Anishinaabe (or Anishinabe, plural: Anishinaabeg) is the antonym for a group of culturally related indigenous peoples in Canada and the United States that are the Odawa, Ojibwe (including Mississaugas), Potawatomi, Oji-Cree, and Algonquin peoples. The lesson-that people can believe in other gods

25 references

26 Absentee Shawnee Tribe of Indians ● The Absentee Shawnee lands were allotted in 1890 and 1891. ● The Absentee Shawnee Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma was organized under the Oklahoma Indian Welfare Act of 1936. … ● Of Oklahoma's three recognized Shawnee tribes, the Absentee have the largest number of members who speak their native Algonquian language.

27 questions

28 1. What does Absentee Shawnee mean? 2. What food did the Shawnee tribe eat? 3. What animals did the Shawnee tribe hunt? 4. What is the Shawnee tribe known for? 5. What were men and women's roles in the Shawnee tribe?

29 Answers 1. The Absentee Shawnee Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma (or Absentee Shawnee) is one of three federally recognized tribes of Shawnee people. 2. The Shawnees were farming people. Shawnee women planted and harvested corn and squash. Shawnee men hunted in the forest for deer, turkeys, and small game and went fishing in the rivers and lakes. Shawnee Indian food included soup, cornbread, and stews.

30 Answers 3. The Shawnee Indians ate a wide variety of food. The men hunted and the women farmed the land. The animals they hunted were deer, turkeys, squirrels, other small animals, and fish. The main crops the Shawnee grew were corn, squash, and beans. 4.The Shawnee Tribe is a federally recognized Native American tribe in Oklahoma. Also known as the Loyal Shawnee, they are one of three federally recognized Shawnee tribes. The others are the Absentee-Shawnee Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma and Eastern Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma.

31 Answers 5.Shawnee men were hunters and sometimes went to war to protect their families. Shawnee women were farmers and also did child care and cooking. Both genders took part in storytelling, artwork and music, and traditional medicine. In the past, Shawnee principal chiefs were always men, but either a man or a woman could be a village chief.

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