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Prof. dr. A. Achterberg, Astronomical Dept

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1 Prof. dr. A. Achterberg, Astronomical Dept
Prof. dr. A. Achterberg, Astronomical Dept. , IMAPP, Radboud Universiteit Gas Dynamics, Lecture 7 (shocks: theory) see:

2 Shocks: non-linear fluid structures
Shocks occur whenever a flow hits an obstacle at a speed larger than the sound speed


4 Shock properties such as density, velocity and pressure;
Shocks are sudden transitions in flow properties such as density, velocity and pressure; In shocks the kinetic energy of the flow is converted into heat, (pressure); Shocks are inevitable if sound waves propagate over long distances; Shocks always occur when a flow hits an obstacle supersonically In shocks, the flow speed along the shock normal changes from supersonic to subsonic

5 Why must the flow be supersonic?
Pressure and density fluctuations travel at the sound speed Cs ; In a supersonic flow the signal of pressure changes can not travel upstream; Only way a supersonic flow can adjust velocity to “miss”an obstacle is through a shock!

6 Subsonic flow around sphere
backward propgating sound wave Forward propagating sound wave V - Cs V + Cs Flow velocity V

7 V + Cs Supersonic flow past a sphere V - Cs


9 Bow shock Earth’s magnetic axis Earth’s magnetosphere Solar wind V ~ 350 km/s , CS ~ 70 km/s, Machnumber S = V/Cs ~ 5


11 The marble-tube analogy for shocks

12 Time between two `collisions’
`Shock speed’ = growth velocity of the stack.

13 1 2 Go to frame where the `shock’ is stationary: Incoming marbles: Marbles in stack:

14 2 1 Flux = density x velocity Incoming flux: Outgoing flux:

15 Conclusions: The density increases across the shock The flux of incoming marbles equals the flux of outgoing marbles in the shock rest frame:

16 Steepening of Sound Waves:

17 Effect of a sudden transition on a general conservation law (1D case)
Generic conservation law:

18 Change of the amount of Q in layer of width 2e: flux in flux out

19 Infinitely thin layer:
What goes in must come out : Fin = Fout

20 Infinitely thin layer:
What goes in must come out : Fin = Fout Formal proof: use a limiting process for   0

21 Summary of shock physics
Shocks occur in supersonic flows; Shocks are sudden jumps in velocity, density and pressure; Shocks satisfy flux in = flux out principle for - mass flux - momentum flux - energy flux


23 Simplest case: normal shock in 1D flow
Starting point: 1D ideal fluid equations in conservative form; x is the coordinate along shock normal, velocity V along x-axis! Mass conservation Momentum conservation Energy conservation

24 Flux in = flux out: three jump conditions
Three conservation laws means three fluxes for flux in = flux out! Mass flux Momentum flux Energy flux Three equations for three unknowns: post-shock state (2) is uniquely determined by pre-shock state (1)!

25 Shock strength and Mach Number
1D case: Shocks can only exist if Ms>1 ! Weak shocks: Ms=1+ with << 1; Strong shocks: Ms>> 1.

26 Weak shock:

27 From jump conditions:

28 Weak shock ~ strong sound wave!
Sound waves:

29 Very strong normal shock

30 Strong shock: P1<< 1V12
Approximate jump conditions: put P1 = 0!


32 Conclusion for a strong normal shock:

33 Very strong normal shock

34 Strong shock: P1<< 1V12
Approximate jump conditions: put P1 = 0!


36 Conclusion for a strong shock:

37 Jump conditions in terms of Mach Number: the Rankine-Hugoniot relations
Shocks all have S > 1 Compression ratio: density contrast Pressure jump


39 Oblique shocks: four jump conditions!
(1) (2) (3) (4)

40 Oblique shocks: tangential velocity unchanged!


42 From normal shock to oblique shocks:
All relations remain the same if one makes the replacement: θ is the angle between upstream velocity and normal on shock surface

43 From normal shock to oblique shocks:
All relations remain the same if one makes the replacement: θ is the angle between upstream velocity and normal on shock surface Tangential velocity along shock surface is unchanged

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