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What’s happening at the academy?
Speak Out There are two new ways in which you can speak out about bullying. In the student reception, you will find a ‘Speak Out’ box. You can post your comments in here. Remember, we can only tackle bullying and support those being bullied if we hear about it and have enough information. Posting anonymously can’t work. You can also your concerns to our new address
#Helping Hands Key points from the assemblies this week are:
The #helpinghands challenge for Wigston Academy is to support local people and families who are not as fortunate as we may be. If you are able to – please donate one item to this worthy cause. On the next slide you will see the types of things that can be donated Key points from the assemblies this week are: children in the UK will be living in temporary accommodation such as bed sits this Christmas Over 2500 families in Leicestershire needed the support of charities like the food bank for food last Christmas One item, will help make someone’s Christmas a little better.
The deadline for donations is Tuesday 18th December
WHAT’S IN A FOOD PARCEL? Foodbank provide three days of nutritionally balanced, non-perishable food and staff have worked with nutritionists to ensure food parcels contains sufficient nutrition for at least three days worth of healthy, balanced meals for individuals and families. A TYPICAL FOOD PARCEL INCLUDES: Breakfast cereals * Tinned puddings – rice pudding, custard, sponges Soup * Fish/meat paste for sandwiches Pasta * Crackers for cheese Rice * meals in a tin like macaroni cheese, stews Pasta sauce * Jelly pots Tinned beans * UHT milk – including soya, rice or almond milk too Tinned meat Tinned vegetables Tinned fruit Tea or coffee Sugar Biscuits Snacks Fruit Juice Cartons The deadline for donations is Tuesday 18th December
English Competition 100 word story
Entry form available from Mrs Patel: Room 30A
Aerosols and Banned ITems
A reminder that aerosols are banned in school. They cause issues for people with breathing conditions and as a result are potentially very dangerous As a reminder: Food should only be consumed in the dining room or outside Banned Items (There are a few but here are the main offenders) Chewing gum Fizzy or energy drinks
Break and Lunchtimes Food should only be consumed in either the dining room or outside of the building. There should not be anyone eating in the corridors or atrium and we need to avoid the mess that is currently being left on the floor along both the performing arts and red corridors
Drama Club Drama Club will run at Lunchtime on Fridays from 1.30pm to 1.55 pm. It will take place in the Drama Studio (Room 28)
As you will know, your voice is a new group set up to make change in and out of school. Our first project – as voted for by you – is recycling at Wigston Academy. If you are interested in being part of this new project and want to get involved, whether that is to help research, take action, speak or create, then please to let us know and we will inform you of where to meet and when!
Yr 10 & 11 GCSE English ‘Drop In’
Drop in sessions every Wednesday lunchtime in room 30 (Mr Mackay's room). A chance to complete homework, ask questions about the GCSE texts, go through elements of English you are unsure of...anything to do with GCSE English. It's drop in, so please just come along and stay for as long as you need to...there's no minimum or maximum.
Year 7 French Trip Medical forms needed to be handed in by the latest on Friday 14th December. Some people still need to get these forms back. Without you will not be able to go on this trip. Forms must be handed to main reception or to Miss Lloyd at student reception no later than this Thursday.
A homework club is running every Thursday in ICT 5
Maths Homework Club A homework club is running every Thursday in ICT 5
Quiz Winners Congratulations to 9 VCh and 8 Tco (Again!) – winners of this weeks year 8 and 9 quiz.
Prizes and treats up for grabs
Coming soon to a tutor group near you Prizes and treats up for grabs
This week in PE Still a few things going on in PE in the final week
MONDAY: Year 7 Boy’s Football v John Ferneley – County Cup – Home TUESDAY: Year 9 Boy’s Football v Thomas Esltey – County Cup – Home WEDNESDAY: Year 7/8/9 Badminton Club (Site B) THURSDAY: Year 10/11 Badminton Club (Site C)
Geography Club Everyone is Welcome!!!
First meeting – Thursday 13th December at 1:30 in Lunch. Come to room 13 to get an Early Lunch Pass from Mr Cotterill. From then on it will be every Thursday in Week 1. Room 13 Site A – Mr Cotterill. Geography Club Do you care about the Earth? Do you want to help campaign to save our planet and improve recycling in our school? Or do you just love to learn about the world we all live in? Geography Club has many wonderful things to look forward to this year!!!
Message from Miss Watkiss
Schedule for BATB rehearsals will be mailed out for the last few rehearsals, Everyone is needed on Tuesday night and details will follow about Thursday night. Please attend all rehearsals you are called for and let Miss Watkiss know if you are not able to attend, either verbally or via mail. Choir on a Monday and Tuesday lunchtime for carol service Weds evening, Beauty choir rehearsals on Weds and Thurs. Massive thanks all for you support with the Christmas concerts they were a massive success.
Message from Miss Gladman
Any Year 10 or 11 that ordered a revision guide or workbook should go to the prep room to collect them as they need to be signed for. They will be available from Tuesday breaktime onwards.
Badminton Club Badminton Club is back on this week in its usual slot on Wednesday
Dance Club (Year 7 – 9) Dance Club will take place in site A hall every Monday Lunchtime All Welcome
Boxercise Are you interested in getting fit, learning some new skills through boxing? 10 x 1 hour sessions = £60 Every Monday after school starting in January 20 PLACES AVAILABLE PLEASE SEE MR PHILLIPS FOR MORE INFORMATION
Room 39 All students that wish to use Rm 39 at lunchtime MUST collect a green pass at breaktime. If you (or your guest) do not have a pass they will not be allowed in through the atrium doors. If any student abuses their pass by using it to go elsewhere in Site B without permission they will have their pass removed and will not be allowed in for the rest of the year!
Music Reminders… Orchestra - Wednesday 3.10pm-4.15pm - College Hall Big Band - Friday 3.10pm-4.5pm - A0.13
Message re Intervention (Yr11 only)
You MUST attend the sessions you have been invited to – please speak to your teachers if there are reasons that you cannot attend. But, if you are free (not allocated a specific intervention THIS cycle) you can take ENGLISH/SCIENCE/MATHS up on their offer of extra support! Tuesdays at pm English- Drop-in for ALL Wednesdays at pm Science - Drop-in for ALL Thursdays at pm Maths - Drop-in for ALL
Intervention continued
WHEN: WHERE: Business Thursday PM Geography Wednesday PM Child Development History Tuesday PM Computer Science Friday Lunch Maths Dance Wednesday Lunch Music Drama OCR PE English Product Design / Food Preparation & Nutrition French Science GCSE PE Textiles Tuesday Lunch Travel Business Room A2.4 Geography Room 14 Child Development Room C1.11 History Room 9 Computer Science Room C1.3 Maths Room 41 Dance Room F2 Music Room A0.12 Drama OCR PE Room ICT 5 English Room 27 Product Design / Food Preparation & Nutrition Room ICT 4 French Room 3 Science Room S5 GCSE PE Room 48 Textiles Room ADT3 Travel Room C1.12
Year 11 Prom and Hoodies If you are thinking of going to the prom or getting a Leavers Hoody then you need to get your money to Miss Lloyd on student reception. You have a little while but the Christmas deadline is fast approaching
To Wigston Academy and College
The Elves Are Coming…………… To Wigston Academy and College
Your teachers will reward you with elf tickets when you show positive attitudes to learning for example when you.. Persevere and show resilience (keep trying even when its tough) Make a valuable contribution to learning Respect others Take pride in your work Respond well to feedback in your books If you get one of these tickets – write your name and tutor group on the back of it and post it in the special box at student reception at the Academy or at the main reception at the College.
Write your name and form clearly – the elves can’t read that well.
Every week the elves will draw out tickets from the box and those selected will receive a Christmas chocolate treat. Don’t forget… Write your name and form clearly – the elves can’t read that well. Don’t ask your teacher for one of the tickets they are only allowed to give out a few (they are very special) and never to students who ask.
And finally…
Pupils return to school on 8th January at normal time
End and start of term LAST DAY Lessons : – 9.50 – 10.50 Break 12.30 Home Time Pupils return to school on 8th January at normal time
Merry Christmas A very Merry Christmas from Mr. Wilson and all of the staff at Wigston Academy
Have a good week
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