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Presentation on theme: "Cnidarians."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cnidarians

2 Introduction Include JellyFish Sea anemones Hydras corals

3 Body shapes Polyp: Remain in one place
i.e: Corals have a _______ shape Medusa: Weak swimmers, go with the current i.E jellyfish have _________ body shapes

4 Body plan/function Hollow central cavity with one opening called______
They have nematocysts: special stinging structure Used to kill or stun prey Found on tentacles-surround its mouth Pull its prey into its mouth with tentacles. After digestion, waste is released through its mouth


6 Body plan/function (cont…)
Body Symmetry: ______________________ They have tissue, but no ________

7 Reproduction Asexual reproduction Budding Sexual Reproduction
1. Producing eggs and sperm

8 Hydras Have a_________ shape Live in freshwater
Move via somersaulting movement

9 Sea anemones Polyps that resemble underwater flowers
Have tentacles that contain _______________ Fish swimming by are stung by nematocysts


11 Corals Soft bodied organisms-shapes: antlers, fans, brains
Use minerals in water to build ________________ skeleton Forms Corals reefs Extract calcium from eater to build solid reef. Top layer of reef contains living corals Plant like autotrophic algae called _______________, live inside coral’s body to create a symbiotic relationship.

12 Coral Anatomy

13 Jellyfish Deliver a painful poison through its nematocysts on its tentacles. They have a ______________ shape. Use its nematocysts to capture prey Have both sexual and asexual stages in its life cycles

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