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A Streetcar Named Desire

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1 A Streetcar Named Desire
Symbolism Task: Find references/quotes from the text which demonstrate each of these examples of symbolism.

2 1. The Streetcar The Streetcar symbolises Blanche’s journey of uncontrolled desire (passion) into disaster (the living death of the asylum) The rails symbolise the inevitability of fate

3 2. The lantern and the lightbulb
The lightbulb – reality The lantern – covering over it to cope – ‘magic’

4 3. The moth Blanche’s fragility
Her attraction to danger and destruction

5 4. The stain on Blanche’s skirt
The coke stain on the dress (scene 5) Symbolises the blood spilt by her husband’s suicide Also Blanche’s stained reputation with her promiscuous past Guilt

6 5. Blue Piano Represents the life and vitality of the neighbourhood

7 6. The Polka (Varasouviana)
Recalls the tragedy in Blanche’s past

8 7. The Poker Game The games people play – “cards on the table”
The strong masculine characters – they are the ones around the table

9 7. Stanley and Blanche Blanche symbolises the decadent old plantation culture rooted in the slavery system Stanley represents the new America of immigrants, labour, cities and sweat

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