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What is this? What is it made out of?.

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Presentation on theme: "What is this? What is it made out of?."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is this? What is it made out of?

2 American Chemical Society, 2011
Plastic bags are made from polyethylene: a thermoplastic made from crude oil. Oil = Preyng sahng American Chemical Society, 2011

3 United States International Trade Commission 2009
110 billion plastic bags are produced in Indonesia, Taiwan, and Vietnam every year. United States International Trade Commission 2009

4 Up to 1 trillion plastic bags are used worldwide every year.
Anyone know how to write 1 trillion? 1,000,000,000,000 The New York Times, 2007

5 That’s 2 million plastic bags every minute.

6 It takes up to 1,000 years for plastic bags to break into smaller pieces. They never fully decompose. Ro – looey = decompose Give a student a bag and have them try to break it apart. Difficult? They never fully decompose. The Ocean Conservancy, 2013

7 How many plastic bags do you use a day?
Go around the room and write down answers on board and come up with average.

8 How many plastic bags do you use a year?
Multiply by 365. Give lowest number a sticker.

9 Where do all these plastic bags go?

10 Bags get blown around…

11 …to different parts of our lands…
Lion = Dtao …to different parts of our lands…

12 Bird = Bak sigh

13 …into our drains, flooding our streets...
Have you seen this? How do plastic bags make the streets flood? What do you think is caught in the drains? Drain - Loo …into our drains, flooding our streets...

14 … into our rivers…

15 … into our oceans…

16 … onto our shores.

17 Plastic bags have been found floating far away from any city.
This is near Antarctica. British Antarctic Survey ,2010

18 Where’s Antarctica? 10,000 kilometers from Cambodia!
Use the globe/map if have it Plastic can float a long way!

19 World Wildlife Fund Report, 2013
Plastic kills animals. Dolphin= P’sout World Wildlife Fund Report, 2013

20 Pay = Otter

21 Plastic kills more than 1 million birds a year.
World Wildlife Fund Report, 2005

22 Plastic can enter the food chain.
Turtle – ahn dowk

23 The Sierra Club, 2013

24 World Wildlife Fund Report, 2005
Sea animals sometimes die after trying to eat plastic bags, which they mistake for food. World Wildlife Fund Report, 2005

25 Seabirds also eat plastic.
Algalita Marine Research Foundation, 2009

26 Styrofoam (Polystyrene) is a plastic.
Ullmann’s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry 2007

27 Battambang, 2008

28 World Health Organization, 2005
Do not burn plastic. The smoke is poisonous and can cause respiratory diseases, birth defects, cancer, headaches and immune system disorders. Respiratory diseases and immune system disorders What can you do instead of burning plastics? (Wash out bags, reuse, or bury) World Health Organization, 2005

29 Battambang, 2008

30 Battambang, 2008

31 Phnom Penh, 2008

32 Phnom Penh, 2008

33 Phnom Penh, 2008

34 What can we do to stop using so much plastic?
Sahng groo-ah = save

35 1. Reduce/Avoid Reduce = gut bpa toy Avoid = chop bra
Say no to plastic bags. What could you use instead of plastic bags?

36 Use a cloth bag instead or your backpack.

37 Use a cloth bag or your backpack.
Tong gra nut Show cloth bag and and backpack

38 2. Reuse plastic bags and containers.
1. Wash plastic bags. Carry plastic bags and containers and bread bags.

39 3. Recycle 1.What items can be recycled in Cambodia?
2. How many times can each item be recycled?

40 How many times can these items be recycled. • Aluminum can. • Tin can
How many times can these items be recycled? • Aluminum can? • Tin can? • Paper? • Cardboard? • Glass bottles and jars? • Plastic bottles and bags? • Styrofoam/polystyrene? Divide into teams – each team guess each item. Whichever team most points wins.

41 United States Environmental Protection Agency 2012
Recycle Times: • Aluminum can: Infinitely • Tin can: Infinitely • Paper: 5 – 7 times into new paper • Cardboard: 8 times • Glass bottles and jars: Infinitely • Plastic bottles and bags: Once • Styrofoam/polystyrene: Usually never Newspaper not good quality can be made into new newspaper or egg cartons. Plastic bottles and bags – Fibers can be turned into clothes, furniture and carpets. Styrofoam/Polystyrene: Difficult to do – 98 % air, rest made of oil. Cannot recycle if has food on it. United States Environmental Protection Agency 2012

42 Bury your plastic trash!

43 China banned free plastic bags
China banned free plastic bags. This ban saves 37 million barrels of oil a year. What does ban mean? World Watch Institute, 2013

44 Ireland started taxing plastic bags in 2002 and has now reduced plastic bag use by 90 percent.
BBC News, 2002

45 Rwanda banned plastic bags in 2008 and remains plastic free.
The Atlantic Post, 2013

46 Bangladesh has banned plastic bags.
Aljazeera News, 2008

47 South Africa, Italy, Somalia, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Eritrea, Australia, Switzerland, France, Tasmania, Taiwan, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, Samoa, Singapore, Bhutan, Malta, Japan, Israel, Canada, western India and Mexico have also banned plastic bags. BBC News, 2013

48 Cambodia can do it too!

49 What can you do to use less plastic?

50 • Eat at restaurants/hang byes instead of getting take-away
• Eat at restaurants/hang byes instead of getting take-away. • Use a stone or metal bowl. • Reuse and wash plastic bags and containers. • Say no to straws. • Use glasses and cups and metal water bottles instead of plastic bottles. • Don’t eat packaged food. • Tell your family and friends!

51 U.S. National Library of Medicine National Institute of Health, 2013
BEWARE OF PLASTIC! • Plastic is made out of oil. • Do not put hot liquids or food in plastic. • Do not reuse plastic water bottles. U.S. National Library of Medicine National Institute of Health, 2013

52 Remember 1.) Reduce 2.) Reuse 3.) Recycle 4.) Bury

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