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Fire Alarm Interface of Smoke Dampers
Presented by: Jason Lupa, PE Siemens Industry May 2018 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania This presentation is a general overview of the concepts and proper code application of interfacing a fire alarm system with fire/smoke dampers. The goal is to provide information that will illustrate the general design considerations along with the key areas of system integration that require coordination with the construction team. The intent of the course is to contribute to your education and professional growth. This presentation attempts to familiarize you with dampers and their fire alarm interfaces. The information in this presentation was compiled from sources believed to be reliable for informational purposes only. Participants need to consult the codes and references standards for issues that may impact a specific design. We do not guarantee the accuracy of this information or any results and further assume no liability in connection with this publication, including any information, methods or safety suggestions contained herein. Moreover, this presentation cannot be assumed to contain every acceptable safety and compliance procedure or that additional procedures might not be appropriate under the circumstances.
Objectives Upon completion, participants will be better able to:
Identify basic fire and smoke damper components Recognize damper applications and their fire alarm integration methods Learn the minimum code requirements along with industry best practices Damper testing & maintenance Know where to find additional information. This seminar will assist participants in implementing occupant life safety design strategies and systems. This interactive training will focus on these concepts presented in the participant material. Knowledge review questions will provide opportunity for participants to discuss and consider the changes. This Summary is based on the 2018 Edition of the International Building Code. The 2009 edition of IBC has the same requirements but with different paragraph numbering. Most jurisdictions in our region of practice enforce one or the other of the above code editions. NFPA 90A is also used for guidance.
For your convince, I have all of today’s material available for future reference. This includes both the slidedeck along with supporting research notes which contain more detailed code references. CODE REFERENCES
Fire & Smoke Damper Components
What is the Purpose of a Damper?
To stop the spread of fire and smoke Supply fresh air or remove smoke Smoke dampers are passive fire protection products used in air conditioning and ventilation ductwork or installed in physical smoke barriers (e.g., walls). This may be done to prevent the spread of smoke from the space of fire origin to other spaces in the same building. A combination of fans and dampers can exhaust smoke from an area while pressurizing the smoke-free areas around the affected area (inhibiting smoke infiltration into additional areas). may also be used to maintain the required concentration of a fire suppression clean agent in a space, as installed in supply air ducts to restrict the introduction of air into the space, and as installed in return or exhaust air ducts to restrict the depletion of the clean agent from the space. Smoke dampers are usually installed by sheet metal contractors. Smoke dampers can be activated by the fire alarm system, usually initiated by smoke detectors, or interlocked with a fire suppression system. Smoke dampers close by an electric or pneumatic actuator, or a spring actuator, and can be either manually reset or driven open on a reset signal to the electric or pneumatic actuator. Combination fire/smoke dampers are also available if a smoke barrier is desired at the same location as a fire barrier.
Fire dampers are actuated by heat
Fire Damper – UL555 Fire dampers are actuated by heat Frame Fusible Link Blades Jackshaft Fire dampers are operated manually and are not connected to an alarm panel. They utilizes a fusible link (heat activated) to close the damper at a predetermined temperature. Fire dampers are designed to stop fire, not smoke. They provide equivalence to the fire resistance of a building’s fire barriers, through which HVAC openings for the passage of air have been created. They are passive fire protection products used in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) ducts to prevent the spread of fire inside the ductwork through fire-resistance rated walls and floors. When a rise in temperature occurs, the fire damper closes, usually activated by a thermal element which melts at temperatures higher than ambient but low enough to indicate the presence of a fire, allowing springs to close the damper blades. Fire dampers are available in hourly ratings. • Use a 1½-hour fire damper in 1-hour or 2-hour walls. • Use a 3-hour fire damper in 3-hour or 4-hour walls. Blade Damper
Fire Damper – UL555 Curtain Damper
Fire dampers do no require electric power and operate similar to a fire sprinkler head Frame Curtain are used up to about 36” x 36”. After that they will not hold against air pressure so multiblade dampers are used. Springs are wrapped around the jackshaft and the fusible link releases them to slam shut. Closing times can be under a second. This causes a pressure spike that can split ducts. So actuators are controlled closure. Curtain is spring loaded. A link melts to close the blades. Gravity only closure is not good in dynamic systems (fan stays on). These are OK in static systems (fan shuts down). These dampers require ongoing testing and inspections. Fusible Links Curtain Damper
Fire/ Smoke Damper - UL555S
Smoke dampers are actuated by a smoke Combination fire/ smoke dampers are actuated by heat or smoke Motor Frame Blades with seals Actuator Combination Fire/Smoke dampers meet the requirements of both the UL Standards for Safety, UL 555 Fire Dampers and UL 555S Smoke Dampers. They are similar to fire dampers in fire resistance rating, and also prevent the spread of smoke inside the ducts. Smoke dampers are operated by either a factory-installed electric or a pneumatic actuator. They are controlled by the building fire alarm and activated by smoke detectors. Smoke dampers have two general applications: As part of a “passive smoke control system” in which they close upon detection of smoke and prevent the circulation of air and smoke through a duct, transfer, or ventilation opening. As part of an “engineered smoke control system” designed to control smoke migration using walls and floors as barriers to create pressure differences. Pressurizing the areas surrounding the fire prevents the spread of smoke into other areas. These dampers can be reopened to push smoke out or exhaust smoke depending on supply or return. Jackshaft Blade Damper
Fire/ Smoke Damper - UL555S
UL555(S) requires 75 second closing time. Test covers leakage, high velocity closing, other functions Actuators are tested as an assembly with the damper, not listed alone. Actuator Smoke duct detector Actuators are tested as an assembly with the damper, not listed alone. UL555(S) requires 75 second time. Test covers leakage, high velocity closing, other functions System designers should insist upon these electric fuse links when selecting a combination fire/smoke damper. Models designed with airfoil blades perform better (less pressure drop) than others. Less pressure drop in a system means energy savings. System designers should select products that certify their performance through a third party, such as the Air Movement and Control Association International (AMCA). Locations, sleeve attachments, and sealing of combination fire/smoke dampers follow the same criteria as fire dampers. Blade Damper
Damper Classifications
Static Rated Not tested with airflow through the damper. Installed in systems where the fans will shut off in the event of a fire. “Fan off System” Dynamic Rated Tested with heated airflow through the damper. A “fans on system” ─ these dampers will slam shut due to the spring loaded design. Fire dampers are available as “static” or “dynamic”. Dynamic Fire Dampers – Dynamic Fire Damper is a damper that is approved for use where the HVAC System blower will remain on during an alarm (or “Fans On”). Dynamic fire dampers are rated to close against moving air. Static Fire Dampers – Static Fire Damper is a damper that is approved for use where the HVAC System blower will cycle off during an alarm (or “Fans Off”). Engineers typically specify dynamic dampers since the cost difference is small.
Smoke or Fire/ Smoke Damper Requires smoke detection!
Damper Summery Fire dampers are NOT actuated by the fire alarm system and are NOT part of a smoke management system. Fire Damper Smoke or Fire/ Smoke Damper Requires smoke detection! Smoke damper codes have remained fairly consistent over the years, and remain so in the International Building Code. Most applications require the highest classification for dampers (class 1 out of a possible 4). Classification is determined by the amount of leakage (in cfm per sq. ft.) allowed, based on the way the damper is sealed. When it comes to designing smoke control systems, dampers, which are tested via UL-555S, are available in a variety of blade types and shapes, so there's a lot of design flexibility.
Damper Applications and Fire Alarm Integration
Damper Locations Smoke Barriers – divides a building into sections
Horizontal exit passageway enclosures Atrium boundaries Stairwell enclosures Separations between occupancies in a mixed-use building Smoke Partitions – usually encloses certain rooms Storage rooms, trash rooms, boiler and furnace rooms, and similar rooms that have a higher-than-average chance of fire. Shaft Enclosures Typically when a duct travels vertically floor-to-floor. Can be also be horizontal FIRE BARRIERS – IBC [2018] Section 707 You cannot run a duct or air transfer opening through an exit passageway enclosure or stairwell enclosure (not at all; not even with a fire damper) unless that duct is for the purpose of independent stairwell pressurization. Duct through other types of Fire Barriers, use a 1½-hour fire damper. Exception: If the fire barrier is only one-hour rated, and if the building is fully sprinklered, and if the system is fully ducted (not an air transfer opening), then you don’t need a fire damper. SHAFT ENCLOSURES – IBC [2018] Section 713 A 1½-hour fire damper and Class I or II smoke damper (or combination damper meeting both requirements) is required at each penetration of a shaft enclosure. If the shaft does not extend all the way to the bottom of the building, some Code officials may allow you to place a horizontal fire/smoke damper at the floor level where the duct emerges from the bottom of the shaft. Other Code officials will rule against this and will instead require that the shaft be extended down into the ceiling cavity of the floor below, so that your duct can emerge from the side of the shaft with a vertical fire/smoke damper. SMOKE BARRIERS– IBC [2018] Section 709 A Class I or II smoke damper is required at each duct penetration. Smoke barriers are also automatically one-hour fire partitions
Damper Exceptions Never installed in Type 1 grease, parking garages and clothes dryer exhaust systems (IBC ¶ ). Never interfere with the operation of an engineered smoke exhaust system (such as for an atrium), approved alternate protection shall be used (IBC ¶ ). See also IMC [2018] section item #2 and section exception #2 SMOKE PARTITIONS – IBC [2018] Section 710 A Class I or II smoke damper is required at each air transfer opening in a smoke partition. Nothing is required in ducted penetrations of smoke partitions • Ducted penetrations of smoke partitions do not require smoke dampers.
Subducts may also be used vertical exhaust shafts.
Damper Exceptions If ductwork crosses a rated wall, fire-rated gypsum board or a listed fire-wrap insulation material may be substituted for dampers Subducts may also be used vertical exhaust shafts. Continuous duct without openings in the rated corridor If an exhaust hood or dryer exhaust duct crosses a rated wall or floor, then instead of a damper you must encase the duct itself in a rated enclosure such as a fire-rated gypsum board shaft or a listed/labeled fire-wrap insulation material or use sub-ducts in lieu of dampers at vertical shafts.
Damper Exceptions A subduct may be used in place of a damper for some exhaust applications A subduct is simply a trick of duct construction to avoid installing a fire/smoke damper at the shaft penetration in an exhaust duct. As we all know, any shaft up through a building must maintain the fire rating of the floor assembly, so if you have a single duct routed in a shaft and there is an opening at each floor, the fire rating must be maintained. Installing a subduct removes the requirement for a damper, detection and control of the damper by the FACP. The IBC in and IMC offer an alternative to installing dampers: provide an inner duct boot with a minimum 22” upward extension inside the main duct and have a fan at the top of the shaft which operates continuously maintain a constant negative pressure on the duct. The idea is that fire and smoke will not climb down the boot if exhaust air is being drawn up the main duct. The subduct is usually steel (minimum gage of 26) due to moisture issues. The building code also says that the airflow will be continuous in the subduct shaft. So what does continuous mean? First, we all agree it means the fan runs 24/7. But what about when there is a power failure? Some jurisdictions require subduct fans to be on emergency power. To take it a step further, some jurisdictions require airflow monitoring with a trouble alert at the fire control panel. Dampers or subducts may not be required in Group B & R occupancies equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler per IMC
NFPA 90A Application Detail
A building may have a combination of dampers and alternative solutions. The Mechanical Engineer selects the smoke containment method. SMOKE DAMPER SUBDUCT For extra tall highrises, a subduct cannot be balanced for more than about 20 floors. For this situation, the duct may be installed in multiple sections serving less than 20 stories each. Another approach is to provide an exhaust fan in each guestroom as a “pusher” at each floor, which is relatively weak compared to the exhaust fan. SUBDUCT
Smoke Control Strategies
The IBC Section 909 defines requirements for passive and active smoke control systems. The active smoke control system requirements are broken down into three methods: Pressurization Exhaust Opposed airflow The Mechanical Engineer selects the types of smoke control method and locates the dampers. The Electrical Engineer designs the fire alarm interface equipment. This is where you as engineers decide the most appropriate method and application for the specific building or area. Passive Fire Protection • Fire-resistant-rated construction (walls, floor/ceiling, roof, barrier, partition) • Fire/ smoke dampers which only close upon smoke detection • Fire-resistance rating of structural members • Fire-resistant joint systems • Penetration firestopping • Opening protectives (fire door or window assembly, fire shutter, fire-rated glazing) • Duct and air transfer openings (combination fire/smoke damper, fire damper, smoke damper) Active Fire Protection • Automatic sprinkler systems • Fire/ smoke dampers which open and close as part of a smoke control system to move air upon smoke detection • Alternative automatic fire-extinguishing systems • Standpipe systems • Portable fire extinguishers • Fire alarm and detection systems • Emergency alarm systems
Smoke Control Strategies - Passive
PASSIVE METHOD Passive methods of controlling smoke includes enclosing an area with smoke barriers, utilizing smoke doors and dampers at smoke barriers. For this method, smoke dampers close and isolate the fire. Air in the duct is static. Dampers Fire and Smoke Dampers are critical to compartmentation. Making ceilings higher is an example of passive smoke protection. They are typically found in shaft enclosures, exit enclosures, exit passageways, horizontal exits, incidental use areas, occupancy separations, and exterior walls. Containment dampers in walls and ducts stop fire and smoke. Located in walls, corridors (escape paths), and ceilings to protect from fire spreading upward. Compartmentation is intact. Sprinklers can control the fire better in smaller compartments until the fire department arrives. If the fire spreads, water pressure can drop and the sprinklers become overpowered. Then compartmentation-containment is critical to escape and protection of structure.
Smoke Control Strategies - Passive
SHAFT DAMPERS PREVENT SMOKE FROM MIGRATING OUT OF FIRE ZONE INTO UNPROTECTED ZONES. If the HVAC fans are on, the fire alarm will override the environmental controls and close the dampers. If HVAC fans are off, typically dampers close but the fire alarm will prevent the dampers from opening. Dampers are used to control or contain the flow of air movement within a space or floor of a building. The difference between a fire damper and a smoke damper is: A fire damper utilizes a fusible link (heat activated) to close the damper at a predetermined temperature. A smoke damper is activated by a mechanical means that closes as a result of the fire alarm system detecting smoke.
Damper Control - Passive
Standard application for closing dampers: normally powered when open; the fire alarm relay interrupts power to close. Status is not required. One fire alarm relay can control dampers individually or in groups. Starting at the far left, hot power is run to the smoke detector. As long as smoke is not present the detector passes power to the temperature switch. Power to the actuator drives the damper open and holds it in the open position. If smoke is detected by the smoke detector, power is removed from the actuator via the fire alarm relay opening its contacts. The actuator’s internal spring accomplishes that function. In case smoke is not detected but the temperature at the damper rises to 165°F (74°C), then the temperature responsive switch opens. This cuts power to the actuator and the damper springs closed. The temperature switch is manual reset so the damper remains closed during the event. In the cases where the damper is only a smoke damper, the temperature switch is not present. The smoke detector or a relay from the smoke control system is the only operating control.
Damper Control - Active
ACTIVE METHOD Reopenable dampers can assist in exhausting dangerous amounts of toxic, low temperature smoke from the fire zone and to pressurize adjacent zones to prevent spread. For this method, some smoke dampers close while some open. This shows the overall concept of a non-dedicated system used as a sandwich” pressurization. The ducts move ventilation air under normal circumstances and are used for smoke control only in an emergency.
Damper Control - Active
When part of a smoke control system, Dampers must be monitored for position and fault. Two fire alarm relays are required to force closed and force on. Within 3ft of actuator The dampers used for smoke control are typically of the same construction as containment. The primary difference is in the control methods. The damper blade position indication switches may be auxiliary switches on the actuator, damper blade switches, or magnetic contact switches. The smoke control system has a relay that allows the FSCS panel switches to place it in automatic, closed, or open position. The smoke control system components are UL 864, UUKL listed. The actuator has UL 873 or UL electrical listing and UL 2043 low smoke generation listings. The damper and actuator as a unit is UL555S listed. This diagram shows the same smoke damper as the last slide with an added relay to override the damper open. By shorting hot power to terminal 3 of the actuator, it will drive open. While not always necessary, a contact opens to disconnect the signal terminal on the potentiometer. This prevents hot 24VAC from damaging the signal output. On DDC systems this is important.
Damper Control - Active
supervised Un-supervised Fire Alarm System A SHORT DISTANCE REDUCES THE CHANCE OF A WIRE FAULT LISTED FIRE ALARM RELAY Component operating the emergency control function NFPA 72 21.2.5 21.2.6 21.2.7 21.2.8 3’ Emergency Control Function Interface Circuit NFPA 72 21.2.4 21.2.9 EXAMPLES SOME CONTROL DAMPER STAIR PRESSURIZATION ACTIVATION SMOKE CONTROL FAN CONTROLLER FACP This represents the Emergency Control Function interface between the fire alarm system emergency control function interface device and the component controlling the emergency control function. The connections to all emergency control functions also require specific attention. For example, the contractor must locate a listed relay supervised by the FACP used to initiate control of protected premises emergency control functions within 3 feet of the controlled circuit or appliance (NFPA , Section ). The wiring interconnection between the FACP and controlled electrical and mechanical systems must comply with the requirements of The National Electrical Code and, the FACP must monitor the integrity of the interconnected wiring. This requirement can be avoided if the fire safety function is wired in a fail-safe fashion. For example, if the passive damper needs be shut down when the fire alarm system smoke detector actuates, closes automatically if the circuit wiring controlling the fan is cut, then the system is wired in a fail-safe mode and the circuit wiring controlling the fan does not have to be monitored for integrity. Source: (pg.174 NFPA 72 fig A )
Damper Control - Active
Smoke Control by FACP FACP must be UUKL listed FIREFIGHTERS SMOKE CONTROL PANEL Damper Status Fire Alarm Signal Damper Status FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL Damper Command STARTER Smoke control systems are a good example of the marriage of building mechanical systems with fire protection/life safety systems. Fans are starting or stopping; dampers are opening or closing; doors are closing, opening, or unlocking; elevators are being recalled. Both the BAS and fire alarm systems have jobs to do, but, like dancing, someone has to lead. It seems that the BAS is the natural choice under these circumstances, but there are issues that must be recognized and reconciled. A smoke control system is required to have a firefighters’ smoke control panel. The purpose of this panel is to provide a visual display of the current status of the smoke control system. This enables the responding firefighters to make effective decisions, including the option to manually override automatic system operation at the panel through the use of the panel’s three-position (“on-auto-off” or “open-auto-closed”) switches to change the smoke control sequence to accommodate actual conditions. Whatever the operational conditions, it is necessary to prepare a sequence of operation matrix for each floor condition to ensure that the BAS will respond properly to any fire alarm system input. Smoke dampers that affect the performance of the smoke control system also are monitored to confirm that they modulate to their proper position under smoke control system initiation. They are inspected and tested to confirm that they have been provided with end switches for status of their positioning, which is displayed on the firefighters’ smoke control panel. Fire Alarm Signal Fan Command
Damper Control - Active Smoke Control by BMS Both FACP & BMS must be UUKL listed FIREFIGHTERS SMOKE CONTROL PANEL BMS Damper Status Purge FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL Fire Alarm Signal STARTER Damper Status Damper Command Fire Alarm Signal Fan Command In this example of an integrated fire alarm and building automation system working together to provide smoke control. In addition to listed components, the BAS must comply with NFPA 72 requirements such as circuit type, reliability, wiring arrangements, and limitations and they must be used by the BAS for all portions related to the smoke control system. The building automation system provides the FSCS in this scenario. Siemens building automation systems and fire alarm systems are both listed to provide this level of integration. Fan Status
Smoke Damper Actuation
Smoke Damper Activation Methods
The IMC & IBC require one of the following smoke detection methods for a closing damper: Duct smoke detector Spot smoke detector above fire barrier doors Spot smoke detector near the air transfer opening Area smoke detection in corridor of damper Total coverage smoke detection for area served by the damper Actuating methods for smoke dampers are identified in both the IMC and the IBC (2018 Edition Section ) with one of five methods used for closing damper: Where a smoke damper is installed within a duct, a smoke detector shall be installed in the duct within 5 feet (1524 mm) of the damper with no air outlets or inlets between the detector and the damper. The detector shall be listed for the air velocity, temperature and humidity anticipated at the point where it is installed. Other than in mechanical smoke control systems, dampers shall be closed upon fan shutdown where local smoke detectors require a minimum velocity to operate. Where a smoke damper is installed above smoke barrier doors in a smoke barrier, a spot-type detector listed for releasing service shall be installed on either side of the smoke barrier door opening. Where a smoke damper is installed within an air transfer opening in a wall, a spot-type detector listed for releasing service shall be installed within 5 feet (1524 mm) horizontally of the damper. Where a smoke damper is installed in a corridor wall or ceiling, the damper shall be permitted to be controlled by a smoke detection system installed in the corridor. Where a total-coverage smoke detector system is provided within areas served by a heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) system, smoke dampers shall be permitted to be controlled by the smoke detection system.
Damper Activation: Duct Detector
A duct smoke detector must be within 5 ft of the damper with no inlets or outlets between the detector and the damper When using a duct detectors for damper control, the damper must be shut whenever the fan is off since the duct detectors requires a minimum velocity of 100 fpm to operate. Duct smoke detector must be within 5 ft of damper. It is important to make sure the sample tube holes are facing the direction of airflow. They should be located so that the detector is between the last inlet or outlet upstream of the damper and the first inlet or outlet downstream of the damper.
Damper Activation: Spot Detector
A spot smoke detector must be within 5 ft of the damper with no inlets or outlets between the detector and the damper The 3’ rule applies to Emergency Control Functions which the system must initiate (NFPA ). The contractor must locate a listed relay used to initiate a control functions (such as starting a fan) within 3 feet of appliance. For smoke dampers, control relays would have to be within 3ft of a damper for an engineered smoke control system (1st relay to close the damper; 2nd to forced open). For passive dampers, the S/D is normally powered open and a listed fire relay signals the damper to close. If a fault occurs, the intended operation is performed. Therefore the 3ft rule does not apply and the circuit is a NFPA 72 Class D. This type of circuit is a pathways which has a fail-safe operation that performs the intended function when the connection is lost, and a Class D pathways does not have supervision of the integrity of the pathway. The most common circuit that you use in a fire alarm system that meets this designation is power to door holders. Interruption of the power results in the door closing. Control of passive dampers can be individual or grouped (zoned). I typically see a one relay per damper design for projects requiring individual control of the dampers or status of each damper. Most project typically group them with no status monitoring. You could control all of the dampers with a single fire alarm relay signaling multiple damper actuators; it depends on your sequence of operations and also the damper power source(s). Multiple power sources will require multiple relays.
Damper Activation: Spot Detector
Large openings may require more than one detector The detectors are spaced according to code for the opening size. See NFPA 72 for details. To comply with both IMC and NFPA 72 requirements, Siemens can install an area smoke detector directly in the airstream, to control the damper. It must be within 5’ of the damper and access to the grill must not be blocked for future maintenance of the damper. Since the detector will be installed directly in the airstream, it must be programmed as a duct detector to account for the air velocity and maintain the UL listing. It should also be labeled: ‘FOR SMOKE DAMPER CONTROL’ and programmed as either alarm or supervisory; depending on the programming of the building’s other damper detectors. Make sure the red dust covers are removed once system is online!
Damper Activation: Detector in Duct
The smoke detector must be listed for this application and an access hatch must be provided. This method can be used for ‘zero flow’ applications. The damper may remain open even when the fan is off. The device detects the presence of smoke in the airstream of ductwork in HVAC systems without a minimum operating velocity. They have a listed minimum air velocity of 0 fpm, meaning that it does not “require a minimum velocity to operate“, therefore not requiring shutdown of the building upon a single fan being shut down.
Access Dampers and smoke detectors must be accessible for inspection and testing. If they are not accessible from a grill or register, an access door in the ductwork is required. Fire dampers and smoke dampers must be accessible for service. If reaching inside the duct is necessary (for example, to re-open a closed fire damper) then you must provide a duct access door and a ceiling access panel or an accessible ceiling type. IMC and NFPA 72 also require access for the smoke detection equipment.
Damper Activation: Detector Area
Local damper detector coverage can be deleted if the dampers are controlled by area spot detectors. NFPA [2013] Area Smoke Detectors Within Smoke Compartments. Area smoke detectors within smoke compartments shall be permitted to be used to control the spread of smoke by initiating operation of doors, dampers, and other equipment. Corridor Coverage Area Coverage
Dampers and Smoke Detection FAQ’s
Is damper smoke detection required to be connected to FACP? Yes, if a FACP is required, then both the IMC and NFPA 90A require the detectors to be installed in accordance with NFPA 72 and be connected to a fire alarm system. Do they cause an alarm condition? No. NFPA 90A and NFPA 72 state they are not required to activate the building evacuation alarm. IBC states they shall report only as a supervisory signal unless the AHJ requires an alarm condition. NFPA 90A and the International Fire Codes require where an approved fire alarm system is installed in a building, the smoke detectors used to prevent the spread of smoke must be connected to the fire alarm system in accordance with the requirements of NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm Code, which states that “smoke detectors mounted in the air ducts of HVAC systems shall initiate either an alarm signal at the protected premises or a supervisory signal at a constantly attended location or supervising station.” This means all duct smoke detectors connected to fire alarm systems that are, in turn, connected to a supervising station can be monitored for a supervisory condition rather than alarm. NFPA 90A and NFPA Smoke detectors used solely for closing dampers or for heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning system shutdown shall not be required to activate the building evacuation alarm IBC [2018] Duct smoke detectors. Duct smoke detectors shall be connected to the building’s fire alarm control unit when a fire alarm system is required by Section In facilities that are required to be monitored by a supervising station, duct smoke detectors shall report only as a supervisory signal and not as a fire alarm..
Sequence of Operations
Consider effect of damper closure on HVAC system Consider effect of damper closure on smoke migration Code minimum vs something that works Engineered smoke control vs just damper control Fire Alarm vs BAS control Normal Sequence of operations for a passive damper When smoke is detected (via a smoke detector), during testing or if power failure occurs, the damper will close and remain closed. When the smoke signal ceases (smoke detector reset), the test is completed or power is restored the damper will automatically RESET to the open position. The damper automatically resets if nuisance alarms occur and the system is reset.
Damper Status Monitoring
Open/ closed position status is required for active smoke control systems (IBC Chapter 9) and must report to a dedicated Firefighter’s Smoke Control Panel located in the Fire Command center. Local test switches are optional. For buildings where engineered smoke control is required by code, smoke damper open/closed status indication is required for all dampers that affect the proper operation of the smoke control system.
Local test switches are optional.
Damper Status Monitoring Position status is optional for passive contaminent dampers (IBC Chapter 7). If provided, it may report to a central fire or BMS system, or it may be local, near the damper. Local test switches are optional. Status lights eliminate the need for visual inspections, so optional damper monitoring can reduce future inspection costs! For buildings where engineered smoke control is required by code, smoke damper open/closed status indication is required for all dampers that affect the proper operation of the smoke control system. The Air Movement and Control Association (AMCA) does not require the need for visual inspection of motorized dampers with end switches that communicate to a panel or lights. While not required by code, the ability to monitor and test the damper remotely can be a cost-saving option. There is additional initial installation cost, but life cycle inspection costs are reduced. This type of monitoring may also be important to certain mission critical sites such as hospitals in areas concerned with infection control. A more stringent testing schedule, code mandated or not, would benefit from easier damper access or remote damper testing technology. Dampers with remote damper test switches and position-indicating devices lend themselves to more frequent testing due to the ease of access. An optional remote-mounted damper test switch, while functionally no different than the damper-mounted test switch, solves the problem of having to gain access above the ceiling to perform the damper test. Damper-open and damper-closed switches can be wired to remote indicating lights, LEDs or the building automation system, confirming the damper position and facilitating the test from the remote location.
Who supplies the damper power
For passive dampers, they can be connected to normal power. This voltage could be 24 AC, 24V DC or 120VAC, depending on the actuator. This type of damper application is fail safe, it will close on loss of power. That is all a damper is for, to stop the flow of fire or smoke. If a HVAC fan is serving a critical space, such as an operating room in a hospital, the damper power should be on the same reliability level as the fan. For engineering smoke control systems which use active dampers, these must be on emergency power or have the same level of secondary power as the fire alarm.
Smoke Damper Design Coordination
Specifications should define who provides: Dampers & Actuators: Div15. Power & voltage: Div 16. Smoke Detection In-Duct detectors: Furnished & wired by Div 16, installed by Div 15. Area detectors: Div 16. Monitoring of the damper positions (status): Div 16 This is typically an area where there are differences in the scope of supply. Contractors either miss something that is required or multiple subcontractors have duplicated costs or gaps between their proposals. It will benefit you and your client bottom line by having an experienced contractor that is familiar with all aspects of the smoke control coordination process and sequencing with other building systems listed here. Siemens specializes in both fire alarm systems and building automation and control.
Referenced Codes & Standards
IMC section 606 IBC section 907 UL 864 Standard for Control Units and Accessories for Fire Alarm Systems UL 555 Standard for Fire Dampers UL 555S Standard for Smoke Dampers UL 555C Standard for Ceiling Dampers UL 263 Standard for Fire Tests of Building and Construction Materials NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code NFPA 80 Standard for Fire Doors and Other Opening Protectives NFPA 92 Standard for Smoke Control Systems NFPA 105 Standard for the installation of Smoke Door Assemblies and Other Opening Protectives Industry Specific, i.e. FGI/AIA guidelines for Healthcare The local AHJ has the final word. Has anyone seen any modifications or different standards that are utilized in your projects for smoke management?
So Which One Applies? Codes are law
If you don’t comply with applicable codes, you won’t get an occupancy permit. Standards are voluntary If code requires compliance with a particular standard, it is no longer voluntary. Guides and recommended practices Industry best practices Not required to use it Information can end up in the codes The Local AHJ has the final word so coordinate early and often! IBC requires smoke control systems for the exhaust method to comply with NFPA92B. IBC also requires the smoke control system to be listed per UL864 category UUKL. Since the IBC (code) requires compliance with NFPA92B and UL864 (standards), these standards are now considered to be part of the code, by reference.
Maintenance Testing IBC, IFC, & NFPA Requirements:
Passive Containment Dampers (IBC Chapter 7) Initial commissioning End of first year after installation Every 4 years after except in hospitals which is 6 years Active Smoke Control Systems (IBC Chapter 9) Initial Commissioning Dedicated systems – semi-annually Non-dedicated systems – annually Verify these testing requirements with the Local AHJ and insurance provider to insure compliance. Periodic testing of life safety systems and dampers is required by the codes. The International Building Code (IBC) and the International Fire Code (IFC) references NFPA 803 (fire) and NFPA (smoke) directly for the containment damper requirements. These two standards have details on what to test or inspect, periodic requirements, and replacement information. The IFC does give the smoke control system requirements directly – for dedicated systems and for non-dedicated systems. NFPA 90A5 , NFPA 92A6 and NFPA 92B77 are frequently referred to with respect to testing. However, they are not referenced by the IBC or IFC and only with respect to smoke protected seating by NFPA 101, the Life Safety Code.8 The Air Movement and Control Association (AMCA) has published a document with input from all the damper manufacturers titled Guide for Commissioning and Periodic Performance Testing of Fire, Smoke and Other Life Safety Related Dampers. It contains some of the material found in NFPA 80 and NFPA 105 along with other details. AMCA does not require the need for visual inspection of motorized dampers with end switches that communicate to a panel or lights.
Thank you for your attention!
Jason A. Lupa, P.E., FF Mid-Atlantic Business Development Engineer SIEMENS Industry, Inc. Infrastructure & Cities Sector Building Technologies Division Fire Safety and Security Business Unit, Liberty Zone 2000 Crawford Place, Suite 300, Mount Laurel, New Jersey 08054 Mobil: (609) - Direct: (856) - Main Phone: (856) - Fax: (856) - WEB: Presented by: Jason Lupa, PE Siemens Industry
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