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Disneyland Paris trip 2018.

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Presentation on theme: "Disneyland Paris trip 2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 Disneyland Paris trip 2018

2 Agenda of Meeting Outline of itinerary Timings of daily activities
Hotel room arrangements Spending money and personal belongings Groups and group leaders Expectations Documents

3 16th October Arrive in school at 6am to leave at 6:30am promptly
All bags MUST be checked by a parent/carer. We will ask each parent before we load the bags. One bag per student; bags must be soft and cabin size Students will need a packed lunch and snacks for the coach journey

4 Disney 17th – 18th October Students will need money for drinks and snacks for three days We would recommend no more than 50 euros for the entirety of the trip. The students will be responsible for their own money Food is included Gifts in Disney are expensive so we avoid them

5 Disney 17th – 18th Students will be allowed to go around the park in small groups Students must remain in a group of at least 3 at all times Students will be in groups of 10 with a staff leader Students will be required to meet during certain times of the day to ensure their safety

6 19th October Students will remain in their small groups led by a staff member for going around Paris Students will need money to buy lunch at a service station Arrive home at around 9:30pm

7 Other information Students will be allowed to take their mobile phones, but in an emergency please contact the school who will then contact a staff member on the trip We expect all students to behave impeccably The normal school rules as to how to behave will apply and sanctions will be issued on return for anyone breaking rules NB – in an extreme case you may well be expected to collect your child from France

8 Medical issues and Travel Insurance
EHIC Card Insurance – see copy which we will put on the website We will notify you if a child is ill or injured Please ensure we have any medication and it is in approved package with a copy of prescription as we do not want to get stopped at customs!

9 Emergency Contact Information / Process During the school day the Emergency Number is the school: We will provide you with two further mobile numbers before we go which can be used outside school hours

10 Documents we need tonight
Passport – we will copy and give back to you. We will collect again on departure morning EHIC – this entitles your child to state medical care in France, it must be in their name and in date

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