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Update on radiation protection issues

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1 Update on radiation protection issues
Sigrid Kozielski Group leader for radiation protection on behalf of the radiation protection group 01 October, 2018

2 Summary Radiation Environmental Monitoring System - REMS
Environmental Monitoring Program Collaborations Personal Dosimetry Medical Examination Radiation Protection Training Operational RP

3 REMS – planning, contracts, recruitments..
Re-baselining of the total ESS project has stabilised the REMS project. All dates now feasible with only question being around equipment delivery. REMS Work Shop and Laboratory installed. Framework contract with gammadata (leading supplier for radiation monitoring systems in Sweden) for equipment supply being finalised. Recruitment of technician nearly completed.

4 REMS – ESS/CERN collaboration
Visit to CERN for ESS/CERN CROME collaboration agreement. Equipment for TS2 and for NC LINAC commissioning/operation has been discussed and agreed; addendum requires signature. CE marking of CROME completion foreseen for June 2019; ESS will be contributing to this process by providing resources to assist with finalising documentation required and ESS will prepare the final dossier for certification. Eventual procurement process of CROME between ESS & CERN requires clarification. Next meeting: CERN will visit ESS18 / 19 October Mini CROME workshop and initial equipment setup

5 REMS – REMS1 concept First draft prepared by Juha Hast, currently undergoing initial review. Identified the possible existing drivers that can be used for the upcoming integration of monitoring devices. Adapting existing drivers will reduce integration time. Identifying the necessary IT and network elements needed for monitors and databases in terms of security and data integrity. Collaboration between ESS IT and ICS departments. Test and development setup planned to the REMS workshop.

6 Radiological Environmental Program
Procedure for storage of environmental data is presently under review Civil engineering, majority due for completion by 1st quarter 2019 Stray Radiation Monitoring cabinets procured Potential reference monitors site identified 3km from site Weather mast tender re-launched to gain more options.

7 Collaborations ESS/JPARK workshop in Japan 13th-15th Nov. 2018
Exchange of experiences and future collaborations on specific topics of RP-matters A side work shop between CERN/ESS/J-Park/KEK on radiation monitoring will take place around the time Visit to the ILL Day-to-day operational knowledge of a neutron source facility in Europe More visits of RP staff planned to be trained and prepared for the operational and expert tasks Planned: Collaboration on environmental monitoring program

8 Personal dosimetry We continue with Landauer’s InLight dosimeter as OSL and CR-39 are both approved by SSM For operation we plan to change to Mirion’s DIS with the CR-39 from PSI Testing phase in 2019 in parallel with InLight by RP group members for NC Linac Neutron dosimetry service possible from PSI, as well as customised holders for DIS. Dosimetry lab needs SSM approval for each type of dosimeters Landauer OSL + CR-39 + = Mirion DIS + PSI CR-39 Customised holder I have been through the requirements for Dosimetry (see attached) and these are the main questions remaining: Archiving of dosimetry data and medical records for internal and external persons (SSM-66) Approval of dosimetry services for OSL and CR-39 for Landauer should be stored in Chess so that the RP HB can give the reference (SSM-50). Medical certificates where and how are these checked, documented and fed back to the access control system? How do we ensure that conditions are taken into account? Due dates? (SSM-64, SSM-53). Medical – do we want also Cat B to do medicals? (SSM-60)

9 Personal dosimetry Request for personal dosimeter
Privacy notice, consent form, ongoing work with ESS Data controller. Will be available in an Atlassian application. Include checking certificates for training, medically fit, past dose. Medical certificates Archiving of medical certificates for staff by HR, others not decided. How we assure decisions from medical examination are taken into account are not decided. Archiving of dosimetry data Two separate ESS records of dose taken at ESS & other facilities. Pseudonymisation used; some info kept in Chess other on secured laptop.

10 Medical examinations Special medical examination only legally required only for exposed workers of category A but not for category B will require medical examination Suggestion: All (non-exposed and) exposed workers employed by ESS have medical examination at start of their work and then every three years. Category A exposed workers should have medical check-up every year. All users/contractors/in-kind contributors working in radiation areas should confirm in signing that they are fit for work and understood the RP conditions to work in supervised/controlled areas ( part of user agreement ) I changed “Supervised” to ”radiation” areas in the last bullet point. /Ida

11 Radiation protection training
Meeting with Lars Aprin, responsible for safety training Radiation protection group will provide an overall concept for radiation protection training Basic information of ionising radiation hazards will be prepared for for general safety training RP training for exposed workers in modules planned, e.g. Training for supervised area Training for controlled area Specific trainings ( e.g. handling of sealed sources, operation of X-ray equipment,..)

12 Conclusion and outlook
Activities are increasing…. For planning, installation and licensing Update of RP Handbook and release of new chapters in the upcoming weeks Risk assessment together with OHS and operators/stakeholders of equipment Set up of verification processes of RP matters e.g. REMS, Installation of radiation monitoring equipment Operational Commissioning of Ion source First personnel dosimetry Set up of zoning, verification of shielding (fixed and temporary) on-site Further implementation of radiation protection information/training for ESS staff

13 Backup slides

14 Archiving of dosimetry data
Area Dosimetry Personal Dosimetry LTH TS ESS Pers Dos ESS-xxxx Dose records (Identifier & dose) RP ESS-yyyy Identification (Identifier & name) ESS-zzzz Dosimeter assignment (OSL-id & name) Dose record Identifier & Dose (Monthly, Annual & Collective dose) ESS / External separate TS2 ESS IS+LEBT ESS Archive HR archive paper copies

15 Passive Dosimeter Service Request

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