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Presentation on theme: "TRAINING OF FOCAL POINTS on the CountrySTAT SYSTEM based on FENIX"— Presentation transcript:

CountrySTAT Platform Overview of the tables preparation in the new CountrySTAT platform TRAINING OF FOCAL POINTS on the CountrySTAT SYSTEM based on FENIX

2 Overview Work flow Preparing tables in CountrySTAT Important rules to create tables

3 Your table is published
Work flow Have the data ready Create your table following the rules Use the right codification CVS format No columns with labels CPC 2.1 HS GAUL CountrySTAT indicators Unit of Measurement DAC Attributes Flag Forestry production Fishery production Scientific Fishery production Have the metadata ready Title Subject Data type Domain Your table is published Go to the metadata editor Upload the values Create the DSD structure Fill all metadata 24/12/2018

4 Preparing tables in CountrySTAT
Unit of measurement: code and label 1° dimension : Year Value 2° dimension : code and label 3° dimension : code and label Flag Save the file in Excel format Unit of measure is not a "key" dimension: two identical lines that differ only by UM can not be uploaded

5 Preparing tables in CountrySTAT
All Label Columns Have To Be Deleted

6 Preparing tables in CountrySTAT
Unit of measurement: code and label 1° dimension : Year Value 2° dimension : code and label 3° dimension : code and label Flag Once ALL LABEL COLUMNS HAVE BEEN DELETED, please save it in CSV

7 Preparing tables in CountrySTAT
This is how a table should look like after deleting its label columns!

8 Preparing tables in CountrySTAT
Save the Excel file with all the label columns as .xlsx Save the same file without the label columns as CSV (.csv) If you close the CSV file, don’t open it again If you need to modify something: take the Excel file, modify it, save it again in Excel, delete the label columns, save again as CSV and delete the first version of your CSV

9 Important rules for creating tables
Always start your work with formatting the Excel sheet in TEXT format Position the cursor exactly as shown in the figure Select « text » Right cursor button, choose "cell format"

10 Important rules for creating tables
 Always start the table beginning with the cell A1 (the upper side left corner) - not empty rows or columns!

11 Important rules for creating tables
In your table ALWAYS have the following columns: Year (even if you have only one) Indicator (even if you have only one) Value Flag Measurement Unit If you have a missing data (or data non existing) DO NOT create the row in your file Excel for that particular value  you will have in this way an (automatically generated) empty cell once published If by mistake you leave the empty cell in your Excel, the system will automatically generate a ZERO for that line (which is an error as ZERO means ZERO and not “missing data”)

12 Important rules for creating tables
NEVER use comma or dot for separating the thousands e.g. one thousand: NO NO 1,000 YES 1000 Always use a dot for separating decimals e.g. three dot four: NO 3,4 YES 3.4 Use the "replace” tool: « replace all , (commas) with . (point) »

13 Important rules for creating tables
 Mark in a notebook which coding you have used for each column to be sure to select the correct list code afterwards in the DSD Each column must have only one codification Do not put the totals in your Excel sheet: the system allows you to calculate aggregated data so you can generate them on the fly

14 Important rules for creating tables
When you insert a code with leading zeros, for example "0101", check that Excel does not turn it into "101" To insert the month, in the "time" column : for January 2010 : write for November 2012 : write etc. To insert the day, in the "time" column: for 1 January 2010 : write for 26 November 2012 : write

15 Important rules for creating tables
 Never have columns with the same title NO OK

16 Important rules for creating tables
 Never use the "merge“ function

17 Important rules for creating tables
 Never write text out of the table

18 Important rules for creating tables
 Never have more than one sheet within the same Excel file

19 Important rules for creating tables
 Never have two or more tables in the same Excel file

20 Important rules for creating tables
Always convert to CSV file at the very end and do not open the CSV file afterwards! Once the dataset has been published, always check whether the table visible on the web is the same as your original Excel file Always have for one table ONLY ONE version of the Excel file and ONLY ONE version of the CSV file

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