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Mrs Parkinson, Mrs Parkes, Miss Merritt, Mr Grant and Mrs Light.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs Parkinson, Mrs Parkes, Miss Merritt, Mr Grant and Mrs Light."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs Parkinson, Mrs Parkes, Miss Merritt, Mr Grant and Mrs Light.
Welcome to Year 3 Mrs Parkinson, Mrs Parkes, Miss Merritt, Mr Grant and Mrs Light.

2 Diaries Children have brought home diaries this week.
They will be used for communicating and as a reading record. The diaries should be brought to school every day so that they can be used at school and at home. This way we can also monitor their reading at home.

3 Reading in Year 3 The children will continue to use the Accelerated reading programme, which involves reading books that they will bring home and back to school on a daily basis. When they have finished their book, they will take part in a quiz on the school computer before progressing to the next book. We aim to hear the children read in a group situation once a week within the classroom. Reading for ten minutes before bedtime will have a big impact on your child’s English skills.

4 Expectations in Year 3 We try to encourage children to become more responsible for their own belongings. To help them with this, please could we ask that all items are labelled with their names. Children are able to bring in small, flat named pencil cases to use at designated times during the week. Please teach your child how to tie a tie and their shoelaces!

5 Homework Reading is still very important for your children and we ask that you read to them or hear them read every day. Homework is the same as Year 2 –

6 Physical Education The children should have a PE bag containing: a red polo shirt, red PE shorts, red long socks, white short socks, trainers and for football/rugby. Earrings cannot be worn during PE lessons due to health and safety regulations. Therefore a disclaimer from the school office would need to be signed if your child has just had their ears pierced. Children can wear blue or black and jogging bottoms and red sweat shirts for outside games during cold weather. All children will participate in PE, unless a short note has been given to the teacher explaining why a child cannot join in. Swimming lessons for 3SP will commence this week and 3LG/3DP after Christmas. Swimming – shorts and swimming costumes only, no jewellery at all, swim caps and goggles are fine to bring and of course a towel.

7 Food and drink If your child would like to bring a snack, please can we ask that they bring a piece of fruit or vegetable. We do encourage children to bring water bottles to school so that they can drink at regular intervals. These bottles are kept in the classroom. As we are a healthy school please can you ensure that there is only water in the bottles. Other non fizzy drinks can be included in the lunch boxes.

8 Extra information *Please check the website and s for information regarding parent events. *There is a booklet sent home at the start of each term –please read it carefully! *After school clubs have a limited number but there are opportunities every half term.

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