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Published byΦυλλίς Διαμαντόπουλος Modified over 6 years ago
Social Dialogue in Europe The EU's expectations towards and support for social partners?
EZA Kick-off Seminar Copenhagen 2017 Priorities of the European Social Dialogue 30 November – 1 December 2017 Jörg Tagger, European Commission, Acting Head of Unit "Social Dialogue"
Content What is European Social Dialogue?
New Start for Social Dialogue Cross-industry Social Dialogue Sectoral Social Dialogue European Pillar of Social Rights European Commission Support Outlook & Conclusions
Social Dialogue in Europe
1. What is European Social Dialogue?
European Social Dialogue
No uniform definition of social dialogue at national level Discussions, consultations, negotiations and joint actions undertaken by employers and trade unions at EU level Essential element of European Social Model Complements social dialogue at national/regional, sector, company level, …with its own dynamics Crucial for ownership and lasting results of policy measures at EU and national level
The early years: a balanced socio-economic market
1951/52 ECSC: Consultative Committee, (coal & steel delegates) 1958 Advisory Economic and Social Committee (delegates of various economic and social activity - today EESC) Joint Committees to advise on social and employment sectors: agriculture, transport and network services 1970s First forms of EU tripartite cross-industry dialogue 1980s Promotion of more bipartite dialogue between SPs started to develop in the Community institutions The early years: a balanced socio-economic market
1985 1990s 2000s 2015 Launch of SD Two committees:
Macroeconomic, New technology Social dialogue mentioned in the EEC Treaty (Single European Act, 1986) Informal working groups Criteria to set up sectoral SD committees (to select representative social partners) 1 cross-industry committee 43 sectoral SD committees 68 EU level employer organisations 18 EU level trade union organisations 1 unit in DG EMPL Need to find a socially accepted balance between economic and social objectives Reaffirm the importance of social partners in the European integration process
European Social Dialogue: Forms
ESD Tripartite Concertation Public Authorities (Commission, Council) + Trade Unions Employers Bipartite Dialogue Employers – Trade Unions Cross-industry SDC Covering the economy as a whole: workers (ETUC) and employers (BUSINESSEUROPE, UEAPME, CEEP) Sectoral SDC Covering workers and employers of 43 specific sectors of the economy Tripartite Social Summit for Growth and Employment (Art. 152 TFEU)
Legal Basis of EU Social Dialogue
Strong institutional recognition: TFEU Art. 152 Union recognises and promotes the role of social partners at Union level + Tripartite Social Summit Art. 154 Promotion of consultation of European social partners by the Commission + balanced support for their dialogue Art. 155 Agreements concluded by social partners
Consultation Procedure (Art. 154 TFEU)
European Social Dialogue Outcomes: Typology
Social Dialogue in Europe
2. New Start for Social Dialogue
1985: Conference at Val Duchesse
Launch of the European Social Dialogue 2015: Conference at Charlemagne A New Start of Social Dialogue
New Start - Priorities Closer involvement of the social partners in the European Semester Increase involvement of social partners in EU policy and law-making Clearer relation between social partners’ agreements and the Better Regulation Agenda Stronger emphasis on capacity building of national social partners
New Start – Timeline March 2015
Tripartite Conference: Launch of New Start June 2016 The EPSCO Council adopted Council conclusions on a “New Start for a strong Social Dialogue" (first time that Council adopted conclusions on social dialogue) 27 June 2016 A joint statement on a New Start for Social Dialogue was signed by the EU social partners, the Commission and the Netherlands Presidency on behalf of the Council of the European Union
New Start – Priority 1 European Semester Involvement
EU Level Before the Annual Growth Survey: meeting in the framework of the SDC After the Annual Growth Survey: EMCO/SPC hold debate with EU social partners EMCO “thematic review” on 22 Nov. (12 selected MS) National Level Employment Guidelines: call on Member States to involve social partners in national policies & need for an improving the functioning and effectiveness of national social dialogue Commission consults national social partners during Semester mission
New Start – Priority 2 Consultations
Dedicated hearings Long-term unemployment Labour Mobility Skills European Pillar Working Time Apprentiship Labour Authority & EU social security number Meeting with Vice- presidents Energy Union Investment Plan Digital Single Market Mobility Package
New Start – Priority 3 SP Agreements
Support in negotiations Assess representativeness Better Regulation Guidelines
New Start – Priority 4 Capacity Building
Responsibility of social partners (identification of needs) Employment Guidelines ESDE Chapter EU Calls to support social partner projects ESF funding
Social Dialogue in Europe
3. European Pillar of Social Rights
What is the European Pillar of Social Rights?
A reference framework for upwards convergence 20 principles and rights Building on the existing EU social law A scoreboard of employment and social indicators Several concrete initiatives
Elements of the Social Package of 26 April 2017
Chapeau Communication Commission Recommendation with 20 principles Identical draft for a Joint Proclamation of Parliament, Council and Commission SWD: short fiche on each principle SWD: a scoreboard showing progress on employment and social indicators SWD: a consultation report The Pillar Work-life balance Access to Social Protection Written Statement Directive Working Time Directive Accompanying initiatives on Investing in Children Recommendation: SWD on implementation Active Inclusion Recommendation: SWD on implementation Other elements Reflection paper on developing the social dimension of Europe
What is the European Pillar of Social Rights?
20 principles and rights Equal opportunities and access to the labour market Education, training and life-long learning Gender equality Equal opportunities Active support to employment Secure and adaptable employment Fair working conditions Wages Information about employment conditions and protection in case of dismissals Social dialogue and involvement of workers Work-life balance Healthy, safe and well-adapted work environment Adequate and sustainable social protection Childcare and support to children Social Protection Unemployment benefits Minimum income Old age income and pensions Health care Inclusion of people with disabilities Long-term care Housing and assistance for the homeless Access to essential services
Joint Proclamation European Pillar of Social Rights at the Social Summit for fair jobs and growth in Gothenburg on 17 November 2017 President Juncker for the European Commission, President Tajani for the European Parliament, and Prime Minister Ratas for the Council of the European Union
Putting the Pillar Into Action: A Joint Effort
Update EU legislation, step up enforcement Funding European Semester Social dialogue Civil Society
First Initiatives Work-life Balance Access to Social Protection
Directive + policy measures Work-life Balance Social partners' consultations (2nd phase just sarted) Access to Social Protection Social partners' consultations on the Written Statement Directive (91/533/EEC) Information Rights for Workers Legal guidance on Directive 2003/88/EC Working Time 1
Social Dialogue in Europe
4. Cross-industry Social Dialogue
Cross-industry Social Dialogue Committees
AGS pre-consultation meeting Involvement in Employment Committee (EMCO), and Social Protection Committee (SPC) Advisory Committees on ESF, Health and Safety, Free Movement of Workers, and Social Security Coordination Tripartite Social Summit
Who are the European Social Partners?
Employers Workers Cross-industry: general social partner organisations Cross-industry: organisations representing certain categories of workers or undertakings Sectoral social partner organisations 63 sectoral employer organisations 15 sectoral worker organisations
Results of cross-industry Social Dialogue
Cross-industry agreements 4 Agreements implemented by Directive Parental leave (1996), Part-time work (1997), Fixed-term work (1999), Parental leave (2010) 5 "Autonomous" agreements implemented by social partners Telework (2002), Work-related stress (2004), Harassment and violence at work (2007), Inclusive labour markets (2010), Active Ageing and intergenerational approach (2017) Process-oriented texts Framework of Actions on Youth Employment (2013) Joint opinions and tools 2016/2017 on refugee crisis, digitalisation, industrial policy, apprenticeships, greening the economy, future of Europe Joint Statements New Start (June 2016) Last social summit in SE (Nov 2017)
Social Dialogue in Europe
5. Sectoral Social Dialogue
European Sectoral Social Dialogue
43 committees 145 million workers covered three quarters of the EU workforce > 6 million undertakings EU Social Dialogue Liaison Forum (information and discussion on cross-cutting issues)
European Sectoral Social Dialogue
Commission Decision of 20 May 1998 (98/500/EC) Art. 1: Criteria for a new committee Organisations on both sides must: relate to specific sectors or categories and be organised at European level be composed of organisations that are part of the social partner structures in the Member States have the capacity to negotiate agreements be representative of several Member States have adequate structures to ensure effective participation in the work of the committee
European Sectoral Social Dialogue
Establishing a new SSDC: steps Joint request by the social partners addressed to Commissioner EMPL; may include draft work programme Acknowledgement of receipt by Commissioner; preliminary assessment of representativeness of social partners Assessment by the Commission Acceptance/refusal of creation SSDC by Commissioner Formal representativeness study by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound, Dublin)
The Outcomes of Social Dialogue
23 agreements 80 process oriented texts 744 Joint opinions, declarations and tools For up-to-date information see the Social Dialogue texts database:
Social Dialogue in Europe
6. European Commission Support
European Social Dialogue: Support Commission
1. Financial support for social partners’ projects and negotiations Calls for proposals (grants); support of ETUI and EZA; joint work with ILO European Social Fund (national capacity building) Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance 2. Promotion and support of cross-sectoral activities 3. Research/analysis, information and communication Industrial Relations in Europe report Conferences Publications, SD Newsletter
Social Dialogue in Europe
7. Outlook and Conclusions
Outlook and Conclusions
What is recommended to Social Partners Active involvement European Semester Consultations on EU initiatives Implementation of Pillar All other activities (sectoral committees, etc.) Make use of EU support Grants ESF Capacity Building
Outlook and Conclusions
The future Brexit EP elections and new Commission New MFF
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