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The research compendium: information and knowledge management for decentralized research teams Michael Regier BAR, BSc, MSc Department of Statistics, UBC.

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Presentation on theme: "The research compendium: information and knowledge management for decentralized research teams Michael Regier BAR, BSc, MSc Department of Statistics, UBC."— Presentation transcript:

1 The research compendium: information and knowledge management for decentralized research teams Michael Regier BAR, BSc, MSc Department of Statistics, UBC

2 2 What is a compendium A compendium –is a concise, yet comprehensive compilation of a body of knowledge. –may summarize a larger work. –brings information together in order to weigh the evidence.

3 3 What is a research compendium A centralized resource that summarizes a body of common research in order to –expedite research, summarizes key resources (e.g. all outcomes, key background articles, tables, translation codes, data descriptions) – weigh the evidence, brings together background resources, intermediate results and research outcomes –understand outcomes as a collective body of evidence in order to identify underlying themes and trends.

4 4 What is HTML? HTML is a HyperText Markup Language intended for designing pages of text containing hyperlinks to other pages of text. –e.g. Example of an HTML document which is generated by HTML codeHTML documentHTML code HTML links information across disparate sources (web pages and websites). –These linkages reveal –commonalities in subject matter –avenues of thought –streams of consciousness. HTML allows individuals or organizations to place information in servers. – This information can be accessed, read and used by anyone who knows the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) or who links to it via a webpage that has the URL embedded in it.

5 5 The technical problem with HTML HTML was never intended for complex webpage and website design required by sophisticated users of information. We can use HTML, but it is becoming increasingly inefficient to use it due to webpage and website complexity.

6 6 The X factor - XHTML XHTML is eXtensible HyperText Markup Language. It is the evolution of HTML Solves many of the problems now encountered with HTML website design. –The structure/content and the webpage presentation/design features are separated into different files. –Website management is more efficient and website uniformity is retained. XHTML can allow content to be viewed across platforms (e.g. computers, cell phones, ipods).

7 7 Why would I want an XHTML research compendium? A research compendium –centralizes information from disparate sources, –is a repository of all research outcomes (expedites deliverable assessment for grant reviews), –e-mails can be reduced by posting routine information (e.g. meeting agendas, drafts of papers, research day contacts, submitting project proposals) –allows remote access to key resources via the internet (Wi-Fi or wireless fidelity), –it can be made a searchable resource, –virtual interactions can be integrated into the compendium, –levels of security can be integrated, and –allows researchers and grant coordinators to focus on content.

8 8 The prototypeprototype A prototype of the research compendium has been developed. This version, with the removal of the data sets, was delivered in January 2007 It uses XHTML and is best viewed with either Microsoft Explorer 7 or Firefox. –Earlier versions of Microsoft Explorer do not support XHTML

9 9 Using the research compendium: A personal story The research compendium has –expedited my research, –reduced my dependence on hard files, reduced searching in my file cabinet –increased the formal documentation of intermediate results, and –increased my ability to quickly and efficiently share information.

10 10 A possible live research compendium Main Page Public Information: Research team Contact information Summary of the research Media releases Projects and summaries Summaries of results Abstracts Admin Publication resources Virtual Meetings Forms Research Resources Background resources LiteratureData Outcomes Intermediate Results, White papers Posters, Presentations, Papers Password Protected Area

11 11 Conclusions Reasons for a research compendium –A searchable centralized repository of information background data deliverables outcomes –Post/submit/perform routine information meeting agendas drafts of papers research day contacts project proposals virtual meetings –Remote access to key resources via the internet security can be added passwords A research compendium requires –An initial expense to set it up –A branding of the compendium (e.g. graphics, style sheets) –Maintenance (KT?)

12 Thank you

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