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1 Introduction

2 Introduction Endorsement is the method by which companies increase the value of the product through various mediums Celebrities as endorsement medium draws attention to a brand and shape the perceptions of the brand


4 Celebrity Endorsement History
In 1760s Josiah Wedgewood and Sons, producers of pottery and chinaware, used royal endorsement In s, trade cards were introduced with faces of celebrities on them Endorsement of products by using celebrities became popular and the right strategy for many products to have bigger reach in the market. Eg: NIKE (Michael Jordan)

5 Celebrity Endorsement in Nepal
Nepal has been lagging behind when it comes to celebrity endorsement Lack of followers of Nepali advertisement Lack of crazy fan following in Nepalese fans for Nepalese celebrities, companies can never rely on celebrities of Nepal Indian Celebrities and endorsements from Indian Media’s are more influencing than Nepalese celebrities and endorsements.

6 Growing use of Celebrity endorsement
In recent times, celebrities like Maha Jodi, Rajesh Hamal who are veteran celebrities can be seen endorsing products in various modes of advertisement Endorsements in magazines and print ads has been popular since a long time in Nepal when it comes to Nepalese celebrity endorsement


8 Problem Statement increasing amount of products and services in the Nepalese market marketer wants to make their product to be People don’t have a single attribute towards the celebrity while getting influenced my ads. This research aims to provide the companies with the relevant analysis as to which factors affects the product purchase intention among the Urban Youth of Nepal.

9 Research Objective The main objective of this research is to rank the celebrity according to the three criteria: Attractiveness, Trustworthiness and Expertise. the organization may take some hint as to which aspect to focus while targeting the urban youth. At the end, this research tends to combine all the variables and calculate the cumulative sum for the final ranking

10 Conceptual Framework Attractiveness Trustworthiness Purchase Intention

11 List of Celebrity Sandeep Chhetri Rajesh Hamal Ashmi Shrestha
Maha Jodi Saugat Malla Paras Khadka Swostima Khadka Samragyee RL Shah Niti Shah Priyanka Karki

12 Methodology

13 Research Methodology Research Design Type of study Time frame
Exploratory Time frame Cross sectional Unit of study Individual Data collection Method: Convenient sampling Approach: Questionnaire Type of investigation Ranking

14 Limitation Many of the urban youths were not aware of all the celebrities that were in our list. This might be because the youths today don’t watch much television or read newspapers. respondents often were not able to connect the name of celebrities and their faces. the respondents provided response based on a single experience

15 Data Interpretation and Analysis

16 Geodemographics

17 Contd.. Response Rate 70% Mean Age 24 years

18 Exposure to ad Influence from ad

19 Factors Attractiveness Trustworthiness Expertise Classy Beauty
Elegance Sexy Trustworthiness Dependable Honest Reliable Sincere Trustworthy Expertise Expert Experience Knowledgeable Qualified Skilled

20 Contd… Each variables – 5 questions Internal Consistency

21 Results

22 Celebrity Attractiveness
Most Celebrity Attractiveness Celebrity Score Niti Shah 5.02 Paras Khadka Ashmi Shrestha 4.94 Saugat Malla Samragyee RL Shah 4.78 Priyanka Karki Swastima Khadka 4.63 Rajesh Hamal Ma Ha Jodi 4.5 Sandeep Chhetri Least

23 Celebrity Trustworthy
Most Celebrity Trustworthy Celebrity Score Ma Ha Jodi 5.24 Ashmi Shrestha 4.05 Paras Khadka 4.66 Swatima Khadka 4 Rajesh Hamal 4.63 Priyanka Karki 3.8 Saugat Malla 4.36 Samragyee RL Shah 3.76 Sandeep Chhetri 4.07 Niti Shah 3.6 Least

24 Celebrity Expertise Celebrity Score Ma Ha Jodi 5.34 Priyanka Karki
Most Celebrity Expertise Celebrity Score Ma Ha Jodi 5.34 Priyanka Karki 4.14 Rajesh Hamal 5.21 Ashmi Shrestha 4.06 Paras Khadka 4.95 Swastima Khadka 3.82 Saugat Malla 4.84 Samragyee RL Shah 3.63 Sandeep Chhetri 4.62 Niti Shah 3.41 Least

25 Correlation among the variables
 p < 0.01 Attractiveness and trust Trust and Expertise Expertise and Attractiveness Sandeep Chhetri 0.788 0.807 0.655 Ashmi Shrestha 0.812 0.833 0.751 Saugat Malla 0.841 0.865 0.862 Swostima Khadka 0.838 0.915 0.802 Niti Shah 0.622 0.828 0.407 Rajesh Hamal 0.757 0.867 Maha Jodi 0.585 Paras Khadka 0.918 0.852 Samragyee RL Shah 0.730 0.894 0.637 Priyanka Karki 0.831 0.843 0.809

26 Correlation Attractiveness (A) Source Credibility Trustworthiness (T)
Attractiveness (A) Source Credibility Trustworthiness (T) Source Credibility Expertise (E) P- value Confident Interval Correlation with Purchase intention 0.44** 0.43** 0.33* 0.01 99%

27 Formula Preferred Value of Celebrity
PVOC = A ×Mean value of Attractiveness + T × Mean value of Trustworthiness T × Mean value of Trustworthiness +(E × Mean value of Expertise)

28 Ranking Ma Ha Jodi 5.995 Paras Khadka 5.577 Rajesh Hamal 5.51 3rd 2nd
1st Ma Ha Jodi 5.995 2nd Paras Khadka 5.577 3rd Rajesh Hamal 5.51

29 Conclusion In Nepal the celebrities are endorsed randomly
The youths of Nepal are influenced more by the Indian celebrities Youths are still influenced by the veteran celebrities Youths also prefer the sports personel Celebrities had varied scores on different dimensions

30 Recommendation Consider all the three dimensions while selecting their brand endorser also consider what type of product they are trying to promote using the celebrity weightage on the dimensions should be given according to the nature of the product

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