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2017 WIC Melbourne The Performance Management System of the Korean Healthcare Sector: Development, Challenges, and Future Tasks May 4th 2017 Yoon Kim,

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Presentation on theme: "2017 WIC Melbourne The Performance Management System of the Korean Healthcare Sector: Development, Challenges, and Future Tasks May 4th 2017 Yoon Kim,"— Presentation transcript:

1 2017 WIC Melbourne The Performance Management System of the Korean Healthcare Sector: Development, Challenges, and Future Tasks May 4th 2017 Yoon Kim, MD Professor, Dept. of Health Policy and Management, Seoul National University College of Medicine

2 Contents Why quality? Development Challenges and future tasks
What to measure How to use performance results How to govern system Final thought

3 Why quality?

4 Access without Quality

5 Unacceptable quality variation - 4 times difference in inpatient mortality among hospitals -
HSMRs (Hospital Standardized Mortality Ratios) of 66 large general hospitals (≥ 700 beds) in Korea

6 Relationship between Cost and Mortality - Risk-adjusted inpatient mortality and cost in cardiovascular diseases - Positive correlation between cost and mortality Regression : y = x (R² = 0.239)

7 Inhalation Bronchodilator prescription rate among asthma patients
Total Tertiary hospital General hospital Hospital Nursing home Clinic

8 Development

9 HIRA Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service
Established in 2000 National Health Insurance Act Major Functions Claims Review Benefit Decision Quality Assessment and improvement Performance measures More than 30 topics, about 400 measures

10 HIRA - Milestone 2002 Antibiotics and injection prescription rate
st public reporting 2005 New measures such as AMI quality Pay-for-performance demonstration AMI, hypertension and diabetes, long-term care 2015 New pay-for-performance scheme for general hospitals (0.5 billion US$) 2017 Patient experience survey Hospital standardized mortality ratio

11 Evolutionary Expansion of Measures
2008 2010 Prescription Prophylactic antibiotics Surgical volume Acute myocardial infarction Acute stroke Caesarian section CABG Long-term care hospitals Hemo-dialysis Mental hospital service for medical aid Hypertension 30-day mortality of stomach/colon/liver cancer Diabetes Colorectal cancer Breast cancer Acute otitis media 2012 Number of high-priced drugs added in prescription Caesarian section Surgical volume Acute myocardial infarction Knee arthroplasty CT Transfusion CABG Acute stroke Prophylactic antibiotics for surgery Long-term care hospital Prescription Caesarian section Prophylactic antibiotics for surgery Surgical volume Acute myocardial infarction Acute stroke Transfusion CABG(Coronary artery bypass graft) Long-term care hospital Hemo-dialysis Mental hospitals service Hypertension 11

12 Hospital Accreditation Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service
2005 Hospital evaluation program Mandatory for large general hospitals 2010 Hospital accreditation program (KOIHA) Replaced the existing mandatory program Voluntary in general, but mandatory for tertiary, teaching hospital, and long-term care hospitals ,769 accredited hospitals 335 acute care hospital : about less than 20% 1,235 long-term care hospital

13 Challenges and future tasks

14 Use - Policy Levers Measurement and feedback
Learning and technical assistance Public reporting Pay for performance Certification Accreditation Consumer incentive Innovation and diffusion

15 Challenge [1] Biased distribution of measures - HIRA Quality Measures
(As of 2009)

16 Improving patient safety
Task [1] Systematic development of measures based on national quality strategy Goal Objective Measure Target ↓ Readmission ↓ all-cause readmission rate in 30 days after discharge ↓ 20% Improving patient safety ↓ HAI UTI CLABSI SSI ↓ 40% These areas include obstetrical early elective deliveries (OB-EED), readmissions, adverse drug events (ADE), ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP), and central line-associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI). In the other six areas, to date, the evaluation has found mixed evidence, meaning some datasets show decreases, while others show no change, or even worsening, including venous thromboembolism (VTE), catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI), other OB adverse events (OB-Other), pressure ulcers, surgical site infections (SSI), and falls. ↓ ADR DDI Overdose Renal dosing ↓ 30%

17 Public reporting and quality improvement - Three Pathways -
Public reporting and Feedback [1] Selection Pathway Patient referral Consumer choice [3] Reputation Pathway Self-improvement Hospital QI [2] Improvement Pathway Quality Improvement

18 Antibiotics Prescription Rate for URI
Feedback Public reporting % Clinic Hospital 분기 General hospital Tertiary hospital (quarter) *URI - Upper Respiratory Infections

19 Challenge [2] Poor public awareness on reporting

20 Task [2] Public Reporting Strategy
Improve awareness on public reporting Public marketing, dedicated website, usability testing Salience E.g. cancer: surgical mortality vs. 5-year survival Easy-to-understand Avoid jargons, cognitive testing: consumer group Trust in the sponsoring organization Partnership with professional organizations

21 HIRA pay for performance
Empirical results: Quality Score Change in AMI

22 Improvement of AMI quality results

23 30 Day Fatality of AMI

24 [3] Task : Pay-for-performance Design
Absolute vs. Relative Threshold Single vs. Tiered thresholds – Goal Gradient Tied vs. Untied Incentive Combine tied and untied incentive Appropriate incentive size – more than 5% Significant size and percentage of incentive

25 [4] Poor Quality Governance
No national quality strategy No national authority to coordinate quality improvement policies/programs at the national level No department dedicated to quality within MOHW No national committee for coordination and stakeholder buy-in Poor alignment of healthcare policies with QI policies Designation of tertiary hospitals, Benefit design, Claims review

26 Task [4] Establish quality governance National Quality Improvement Committee
Develop a national quality strategy Establish clear goals and objectives Facilitate the development of institutional quality strategy based on the national strategy Coordinate policies and programs among various quality improvement organizations Enhance collaboration and avoid duplication among QI organizations Facilitate the use of performance results in other policies

27 Some additional task More use of outcome measures
c.f. Korea AMI mortality c.f. UK QOF experience Engaging clinical leaders Intrinsic motivation Monitoring unintended consequences Gaming: e.g. exception reporting

28 Final thoughts

29 Professionalism and Behavioral economics

30 Thank you

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