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Additives MJ Tompkins Nutrition 243 02.08.16.

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1 Additives MJ Tompkins Nutrition 243

2 Objectives To identify the reason(s) food additives are added to foods
To describe the ways food additives are regulated To understand the role(s) amendments play in the regulation of food additives Image from Microsoft PowerPoint 2016.

3 What are Additives? 3 types: Intentional Incidental Indirect
Intentional: added to impact the food in some way weather it be through taste, preservation, or enrichment amongst other things Incidental: comes into contact with the food through some sort of growing process (for example pesticides) Indirect: comes into contact via the food package

4 Reasons for Food Additives
Fortification Preservation Taste Texture Appearance Image from Microsoft PowerPoint 2016.

5 FDA and Food Additives Regulates more than 3,000 food additives
Never have permanent approval New additive process May take years Millions of dollars Lab testing Image from Microsoft PowerPoint 2016.

6 Food Supply Today Only GRAS list and recent approvals
Generally Recognized As Safe Not officially considered food additives Except from legal requirement of safety testing Constantly re-tested Some substances removed *Scientific researchers complied GRAS, save time*

7 Safety “Reasonable certainty… that the substance is not harmful under the intended conditions of use” Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938 Food Additives Amendment (1958) Color Additives Amendment (1960) Before 1958, role was FDA After 1958, roles was/is manufacturer

8 Delaney Clause 1958 Tightened food additives regulations
Has been modified as technology improves Image from Microsoft PowerPoint 2016.

9 Banned Additives FDA has banned all carcinogenic additives Exception:
Saccharin Select food colorings Image from Microsoft PowerPoint 2016.

10 Cancer Department of Health and Human Services
Food additives linked to 1% of cancers Cancer rates (except lung) are same/slightly decreased Believed that correlation would be evident Additives, if correlated, responsible for <1%

11 Questions? Image from Microsoft PowerPoint 2016.

12 Feedback? Image from Microsoft PowerPoint 2016.

13 References Brown, A. C. (2008). Understanding food: Principles and preparation (5th ed.). Belmont, CA: Thomson/Wadsworth. All images from Microsoft® ClipArt© via Microsoft PowerPoint, 2016.

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