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CMSC 314 Prof. Lupoli.

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Presentation on theme: "CMSC 314 Prof. Lupoli."— Presentation transcript:

1 CMSC 314 Prof. Lupoli

2 Introduction “Prof. L” Proper email Teaching for 15+ years
Lou – poll – e (it’s Italian) Proper Teaching for 15+ years Not a perfectionist, but nearly OCD Very organized, not happy when not

3 How I run class Sense of Humor
Gonna need it Will have group exercises during “lecture” Active learning Will ask you to come to the board

4 My Pet Peeves Student that is lost, but doesn’t tell me
Student that asks (begs) to turn something in late Showing up late First 15 minutes is usually the most important Excuses

5 Participation Be active in class
Come to board Raise your hand Answer questions volunteer For those of you who want to get a letter of recommendation, do not have me ask twice for volunteers

6 Those you want a letter of recommendation
I get 50+ requests each year I do not grant all Those that: Participate in class Answer questions Come to the board to solve problems Etc… Are proactive see me or the TA Show for class (not matter an A or not)

7 Active Learning What I strive for, but not always accomplish
Keeps you wake and interested Exercises during a lecture On laptop On paper 10 – 15 minutes

8 Using BB Everything (almost) will be on BB
Notes Syllabus Homework (listed) Most will be submitted through GL Etc… Do not contact me through BB Please use my

9 Why I love this class Basics and New stuff!!!
Theory you learn Syntax/Semantics New Stuff you learn Scheme and Java At the end, you really appreciate how easy it is for us now, compared to those who starting in computing 40 years ago!!

10 Book, PPTs, and my Notes The book and PPTs do not match!!
Weird The PPTs are more in a logical sequence (breakdown) But book is more details and better examples My notes are both, plus my own thoughts, plus some research

11 Homework Given every week EXCEPT FLIPPING WEEK
There will be different versions Except first homework Always due Tuesday 11:59:59 PM EST Submitted through BB (Ecampus)

12 Flipping (What is it?) In class time is replaced with a graded lab with exercises “Lectures” are broken up into smaller “videos” that contain graphics, demonstrations, etc… You watch the videos on your own time before class that is You take a quiz BEFORE class on the material

13 What Flipping is not It is not a replacement for me!
I am still your main resource you are more than welcome to see me if anything comes up the course watered down matter of fact, I get MORE in since I edit how much I talk!! easy for me to do! I personally created and continue to add the videos

14 Why are we using Flipping?
For me can focus on those who need help or just don’t understand If I get common questions I answer them immediately, but also go over it in class For you Many (but not all) learn just as much View videos on your own time (there is a time span) still have the same support (Instructor/TA) graphics and “lecturers” are much cleaner and faster than in class, getting to the point

15 What happens during Flipping
OUT OF CLASS (HOMEWORK) You review details and short videos of the SAME material you have in class My notes are still there!! Take a quiz IN-CLASS Have a group “lab” or exercise on what you learned Ask any questions you have I’m walking around helping instead of teaching to those that already know it

16 Advantages to Flipped Classes
SOME of you will get the same learning as if I lectured to you You view the videos on your OWN time Videos are short (5 minutes max) for your short attention span Videos have examples Videos use graphics and are smoother than what I can do in the classroom YOU CAN STILL ASK QUESTIONS!!!

17 After a Flipped Class PLEASE give me your feedback Will take a survey
This only helps you and everyone else Even if you think it’s stupid Will take a survey Tell me if I missed something, or something SHOULD be there!!

18 How do I know when we have a FLIPPED topic?
look at BB Calendar

19 Laptops in Class I am for, but to an extent
Will ask you to close at times But also will ask you to use at times as well Exercises Tests Communication In-Class labs

20 Making this class work for you
Learning PHP (instead of Python) Then you get to pick for Project 2!! Group project Anything you can add to your resume

21 Dispelling some rumors
Class is easy Added much more work Work is more tedious Like Scheme!! Just wait!! Class is boring Adding active Learning exercises More exercises More projects One you get to pick your own!!

22 Common Complaints of the class
We go over many programming languages, but we really don’t dig very deep into any Too much work Did not give everything needed for homework

23 Common Accolades about the class
We cover many different languages that are currently useful and resume builders Group work help me better understand material Class was not boring

24 Teams You will be placed into teams of 3
Will pick a letter from the cup Join up after selection This will be your group for a while Adjustments are only made in extreme circumstances

25 Questions? If not, we’re getting to work!!

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