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TERM ONE NEWSLETTER 2018 Dear Parents/Carers,

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1 TERM ONE NEWSLETTER 2018 Dear Parents/Carers,
Dates To Remember: Term One Holiday dates have been issued in the homework bags. FoJ Meeting: at 7pm on Tuesday 11th September. Friday 5th October: Personal Learning Plans issued. Friday 5th October: P1-3 assembly 9.30am Parent Consultations Tuesday 9th October: 5.30pm – 9pm Wednesday 10th October: 3.30pm – 6pm Our session on Wednesday will be attended by our Additional Support For Learning Teacher. Clubs Good News Club Good News Club will now run during lunchtime on a Friday afternoon. Knitting Club Will run every Wednesday from 3.15pm – 4.15pm. This club is suitable for pupils in P4-7 and there is a small charge of £1 per week to support the purchasing of materials. Full payment of £6 for this term is required at the time of registering your child. Technology Club Begins Friday 7th September. Baking Club Currently not running but may return in term three. Chess Club Monday from 3.15pm – 4.15pm. Dear Parents/Carers, Welcome back to session 2018/19. I am sure we all agree that we were very lucky to have experienced the beautiful sunshine throughout the holiday. We can tell that the children have had a good rest as they are relaxed and happy, coming back to school. Parental Engagement Friends of Johnshaven (FOJ) – Parent Council It is essential for the education of our children and the continued improvement of our school that we maintain our Parent Council. We have enjoyed excellent progress thanks to the engagement of parents last session. We proposed, last session, to run FOJ meetings once per term only, with parents forming smaller working groups where they feel able to (For example to audit Science equipment or draft the homework policy). Therefore, FOJ meetings would be for the purpose of updating the work going on in school and address any matters from the Parent Forum (our parents, carers and /or guardians. We also proposed to run a separate fundraising committee, to ensure the focus of FOJ was school improvement. Fundraising meetings could take place in other venues in Johnshaven and be less formal. On Tuesday 11th September we will hold a meeting to select a fresh team of parents onto the committee. There are four office bearers required: Chairperson – ensures smooth running of meetings and liaises with Head Teacher and Aberdeenshire Council. Vice Chairperson – supports the Chairperson in the roles above. Treasurer – keeping accurate financial records, counting and banking of money and making approved payments. Secretary – takes a minute of meetings and prepares any correspondence on behalf of FOJ. It would be useful to have an idea of interest for the office bearing roles ahead of the meeting therefore a return slip is enclosed with the newsletter.

2 Routines Our weekly routine is already a packed one! Here is a list of what is going on in school on a weekly basis: Mandarin – every Tuesday with Qiang Zhang Kodally – every Thursday with Mrs Russon PE – Tue/Wed with Mrs Johnstone Brass Tuition – Wednesday Morning with Mr Wallace Piano Tuition – Monday morning with Mr MAD (Making a Difference) – 1.30pm Assembly – Intervention and Prevention Teacher – Monday and Friday am Additional Support For Learning – Wednesday/ Thursday Additional information It would help the smooth running of lessons greatly if parents would continue to ensure pupils are fully prepared for the school day: PE kit on a Tue/Wed. Indoor shoes for P1-3 every day One healthy snack for break time. Appropriate outdoor clothing for all weathers. Children will go out to play/ have outdoor learning on rainy days. A pencil and rubber for recording their work. Home learning bags are being issued to all pupils in P1. We will be asking for a small payment from each child towards their bag of £2. Could all children please return their payments along with the tear off slip at the foot of the newsletter. Facebook Group Most families and carers have joined my Facebook Group, which ensures all school developments are communicated at the earliest opportunity. We will be contacting those families who have not already joined in the coming week. Friends of Johnshaven School All parents, carers and guardians form the Parent Forum and are therefore welcome to contribute to FOJ meetings. If there is anything you would like raised please do contact: One of our school values is PARTICIPATION. Please read on to see how you and your family can participate in the life of the school. NEOS Cafe On Sunday 16th September we have been asked to run the café in the Village Hall, alongside First Responders. This coincides with the North East Open Studios and would be open to the whole community and tourists. This is a great opportunity for the children to experience the world of work so to that end I am sending home a permission slip for all of the children in P4-7. We would like to set up a rota for all children to attend for 2 hours to work in the café. NEOS School Trip On Monday 10th September we will be wandering through the streets of Johnshaven in search of the artist talent in Johnshaven. We require parent helpers to support this trip as we break into small groups, to allow the children a chance to engage with the arts and crafts visited. Can you please indicate if you are able to attend, as a parent helper, by returning the slip at the end of the newsletter. Many thanks!

3 Our learners feel safe to take risks and challenge themselves.
Welcome In Wednesday Each Wednesday morning your child’s class will be open to all parents/carers for thirty minutes. We hope you will come along to see how your child is getting on, how they are learning and what their relationship with staff is like. Welcome in Wednesday – every Wednesday 9am – 9.30am. This term’s focus is Literacy. Child Minding We are delighted to inform parents that Miss Caroline, former Nursery Teacher at Lathallan School is now a fully registered Child Minder. Caroline has 15 years experience in Childcare and is has SVQ level 4 in Child Care and Education. Contacts: Phone: or We are thrilled with the outcome of our work with Child Minding UK last year to address the issue of Child Care in Johnshaven. "An ambitious, vibrant learning community which inspires us all to develop within ourselves the skills and attitudes to realise our full potential in a modern world.“ Our learners feel safe to take risks and challenge themselves. We care for and value each other. Our children take ownership of their learning. Successful learning requires grit and determination Our pupils have high expectations of themselves. Eco Friendly Communication In a bid to reduce the amount of paper being used in school we will now be using our Group Call text and system to send home newsletters and other forms of communication from school. A letter is being issued to determine whether families would prefer to receive a hard copy or switch to paperless. My newsletter will also switch from monthly to termly, with interim newsletters being issued when necessary. We continue to work towards achieving our Eco School’s Green Flag during MAD time, every Friday. Visual Stress Assessments We have recently carried out a visual stress assessment to determine if our pupils require coloured reading rulers for reading and coloured paper for writing. This is in keeping with being a dyslexia friendly school. Children who have been identified as requiring coloured reading rulers/paper will receive notification from school along with links to purchase equipment for home learning activities. School Security Whilst we all actively promote a warm and welcoming environment in school may I gently remind all parents that they must report to the office when entering the school, during the school day. This is mainly to ensure the safety of all staff and pupils in school however learning can be greatly disrupted when parents appear in class during lesson time. Thank you all for your co-operation with this essential guidance.

4 Home Learning Bags Please find enclosed £_____ towards the cost of my child/ children’s home learning bags. Name of child/ children_________________________________________________ I agree to ensure my child brings their home learning bag to school every day. Signed:________________________ Friends of Johnshaven I am interested in becoming an office bearer for Friends of Johnshaven Parent Council: Name _____________________________________  Chairperson  Vice Chairperson Treasurer Secretary Please tick all positions you might be interested in. School Clubs Pupil Name: ________________________________________________ My child will attend weekly unless club is cancelled because of staff absence due to illness or training. I accept that if my child demonstrates an unacceptable standard of behaviour, they may be asked not to return to club. I enclose fees for the full term to confirm my child/ren’s place. Signed (Parent/Carer) _________________________ Date: ___________  Chess Club (no fees)  Knitting Club (£6 payable with returned slip)  Technology Club (no fees)

5 NEOS Café – Sunday 16th September
My child (P5/6/7 only):_________________ Will/ will not (delete as appropriate) be able to volunteer at the NEOS café on Sunday 16th September. Availability (Please tick): 9am – 11am__________ 11am – 1pm__________ 1pm – 3pm___________ They will be brought to the café by_______________ And collected by____________________

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