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WAKEUP - Template pitch – Challenge by

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Presentation on theme: "WAKEUP - Template pitch – Challenge by"— Presentation transcript:

1 WAKEUP - Template pitch – Challenge by

2 WAKEUP - Template pitch – CHALLENGE BY CONAD
Introduction slide Present your company\business idea: name and logo, your name and job title, your contacts You can include a picture of your product\service One line pitch (your idea in one sentence) WAKEUP - Template pitch – CHALLENGE BY CONAD

3 WAKEUP - Template pitch – CHALLENGE BY CONAD
Problem and Pain Introduce your product\service: What is the problem? What is the solution proposed? You should include photo, graphs, etc Explain why your product\service is so attractive to your customers. What is the customers’ benefit? WAKEUP - Template pitch – CHALLENGE BY CONAD

4 The market (market size)
You have to identify and explain the market size and its growth perspectives (use pictures and graphs) Identify the positioning of your product\service in the market WAKEUP - Template pitch – CHALLENGE BY CONAD

5 The market (market strategies)
Show your market entry strategy and sales strategy Describe your sales and marketing plan Describe your product development plan WAKEUP - Template pitch – CHALLENGE BY CONAD

6 WAKEUP - Template pitch – CHALLENGE BY CONAD
Business Model Describe top 1-3 revenue sources Prioritize by size, growth, and/or potential Cite current market activity-customer behavior as proof Show how you get to break-even (or profitable) Common revenue models WAKEUP - Template pitch – CHALLENGE BY CONAD

7 Partners and collaborators
Show the existing and potential strategic partners (even if your customers still do not generate revenue) Describe why they are your partners and why the partnership will have benefits for both WAKEUP - Template pitch – CHALLENGE BY CONAD

8 WAKEUP - Template pitch – CHALLENGE BY CONAD
Competitors Identify potential competitors and show how you are different from them. It should emerge in what the products\services of competitors are less\best than your product, also identifying some drivers, for example: the different approaches to the market, business strategies, resources, etc.. WAKEUP - Template pitch – CHALLENGE BY CONAD

9 WAKEUP - Template pitch – CHALLENGE BY CONAD
Barriers to entry What have you done to make difficult for your competitors entering the market? (patents, trademarks, exclusive arrangements, first to be in that market, other business assets, etc.) WAKEUP - Template pitch – CHALLENGE BY CONAD

10 Management team and advisors
Describe who are the founders and the key people of the company/business idea Show how the team is qualified to make the project in a successful company WAKEUP - Template pitch – CHALLENGE BY CONAD

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