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Twinning project activities of the Central Project Management Agency (Lithuania) 23 rd -24 th February 2009, Bratislava Rasa SURAUČIENĖ, Director of International.

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Presentation on theme: "Twinning project activities of the Central Project Management Agency (Lithuania) 23 rd -24 th February 2009, Bratislava Rasa SURAUČIENĖ, Director of International."— Presentation transcript:

1 Twinning project activities of the Central Project Management Agency (Lithuania) 23 rd -24 th February 2009, Bratislava Rasa SURAUČIENĖ, Director of International Programmes Management Department

2 Short presentation of the Central Project Management Agency (CPMA) Management of incoming Twinning projects Management of outgoing Twinning projects

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4 EXPANSION OF THE CPMA 20032009 PHARE ISPA Municipal Infrastructure Development Programme Loans from International Financial Institutions (IFI) PHARE/Transition Facility Special Kaliningrad Transit Programme Schengen Facility IFI loans Structural Funds Norwegian and EEA Financial Mechanisms Ignalina Programme Central Procurement Authority Swiss Financial Mechanism External Borders Fund European Return Fund International Cooperation Staff: 45Staff: 178

5 Having long-term experience in the management of various EU and other Donors financed programmes and projects, implementation of quality assurance and control system and accreditation requirements, we share our valuable practical experience with other countries receiving EU support. CPMAs strategy foresees to facilitate international cooperation and transfer of the CPMAs practical experience on management of EU pre-accession aid, structural funds and other instruments for partners from pre-accession and other countries which receive EU assistance. We share our experience to promote prosperity for others

6 Specialisation of the CPMA with wide range of qualified staff in the following fields: Administration and implementation of various EU funded programmes: Pre-Accession; Structurals Funds; Special Programmes (Schengen Facility, External Border Fund, Special Kaliningrad Transit Programme, Ignalina Programme, European Return Fund ). Administration of various programmes financed by IFIs and other organizations (European Economic Area and Norwegian Financial Instrument, Switzerland Financial mechanism); Implementation of DIS/EDIS requirements, accreditation process; Preparation activities for IPA; Implementation of Control and quality assurance systems; Management of grant shemes; Management of Twinning projects; Public procurement; Centralised procurement, e-catalog.

7 In the areas of its expertise CPMA can propose: Project implementation Training Consultations Study-visits Financial-administrative project management (Twinning and others)

8 Management of incoming Twinning projects

9 CPMA was acting as Programme Administration Office (PAO) for Twinning and Twinning Light projects of the PHARE and Transition Facility programmes in Lithuania: 1998 - 2004 before the Lithuanias accession to the EU CPMA acted as PAO, which was responsible for making payments for Twinning projects. 2004 – 2009 after Lithuanias accession to the EU CPMA performed the functions of PAO. CPMA as PAO assumed sole responsibility for most of functions previously performed by European Commission Delegation relating to the financial and administrative management of Twinning and Twinning Light projects.

10 There were contracted totally 125 Twinning projects in Lithuania: 85 Twinning projects and 40 Twinning Light projects. The total budget of Twinning projects for Lithuania estimated around 77 MEUR.


12 Management of outgoing Twinning projects

13 CPMA can propose financial-administrative management of outgoing Twinning projects; CPMA is mandated body; CPMA is the only institution in Lithuania having Twinning management experience as PAO.

14 CPMA actively participated in the working group of the Chancellery of the Government and made its proposals on outgoing Twinning project management in Lithuania; CPMA cooperates with other agencies managing outgoing Twinning projects in their respective countries in the EU; CPMA is consulting on the daily basis Lithuanian institutions participating in outgoing Twinning projects; CPMA receives and analyses all the circulated Twinning project fiches.

15 Central Project Management Agency S. Konarskio str. 13 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel. (+370 5) 251 44 00 E-mail:

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