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Post Secret Does everyone have a secret?

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1 Post Secret Does everyone have a secret?
“PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a homemade postcard. PostSecret, Copper Ridge Road, Germantown, MD 20874, USA” - Postsecet website Does everyone have a secret?

2 Secrects Secrets can be happy….

3 Secrets Secrets can be sad…

4 Secrets Secrets can be silly…

5 Just as long as they are true



8 Your Secrets Over the course of this term, each one of you (on the honour system) will create an anonymous card To keep your identity a secret you can slip them into the envelop on my door. I will collect and post everyday. Feel free to encourage your friends to participate. The materials are simple. Recipe cards.



11 Marking?? “But how?” you say, “will you be able to mark us on these?!”
Once there are some cards on the wall to chose from, you will be able to select a secret (it can even be your own) as your inspiration. You will create a response piece to the secret in anyway of your choosing. Whenever possible, the original card and the response piece will be displayed together.



14 My Concept. “Can you keep a secret?”
Its hard to see in the image, but there are real secrets (from my classmates) on every second square.

15 Objectives, students will….
respond verbally and visually to the use of art elements in personal works and the works of others acknowledge and respect individual approaches to and opinions of art recognize and describe the role of the visual arts in challenging, sustaining, and reflecting society’s beliefs and traditions identify opportunities to participate in the visual arts in school, community, and the world of work develop an appreciation of diversity among individuals as reflected in their artwork recognize that, and investigate how art as a human activity emerges from human needs, values, beliefs, ideas, and experiences use, with confidence, experiences from their personal, social, cultural, and physical environments as a basis for visual expression

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