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Midterm Demo (Fall 2008).

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Presentation on theme: "Midterm Demo (Fall 2008)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Midterm Demo (Fall 2008)

2 Outline BuggyCode Studios Employees BUGS, Last Stand Squad Game Levels
Demo 1 Game mechanics Interaction Game engine features used Sound effects Graphics AI Remaining Tasks Demo 2 20 minutes demo 1) introduce your company 2) 1-minute statement of what your game is about 3) Demo your game 4) Slides explaining: 4.1 game interaction method 4.2 game engine's capabilities so far 4.3. game sounds so far (tarik) 4.4 game graphics so far (andrew + alper + sean) 4.5 game AI- if any, so far  (sean) 4.6 next steps in each category & timeline (what's missing in the game engine and what we plan to do) 5) demo your game again Scratch notes: everybody should speak SOUND EXCITED & PASSIONATE!!!!! demo at the beginning and at the end safe last 5 minutes for questions / comments hello my name is Farid, i'm the team lead of buggycode studios... let me introduce you to... our game engine can do x, y, z (specifically for our game) 2~3 game people form the gaming industry are coming.  High Voltage software & Mark T... from ? and some one from Midway. debug mode that show AI / Graphics / Sound scenarios that you had to handle

3 BuggyCode Studios Employees
Alper Akbal Farid Harhad Sean O’Connell Andrew Staley Tarik Teksen Tutal Developer Game physics Team lead Wiimote & AI Concept Art 3D Art Sound effects Checks us out at

4 BUGS, Last Stand Squad Protect Earth from deadly gigantic cyborg bugs (the cybugs) Story Armament race drives world wide conflicts Green World’s cybug project backfires Cybugs attack nuclear sites world wide Multiplayer TPS & wiimote-based game “Tower defense” game play 4 Levels The story takes place in 2080 when….

5 Game Demo 1

6 Game Mechanics

7 Interaction Players destroy cybugs with wiimotes

8 Game Engine Features Used
Terrain & mesh readers irrEdit irrKlang

9 Sound FX Needed for the Game
Sound mixing Background music Prioritize sounds being played Specify 3D world position & volume of sound (and be able to specify nothing should EVER stop the music from being played)

10 Sound FX Implemented Console app to test the irrklang library capabilities and a test class to adjust sound FX Music for IntroState and MenuState (thrilling) Music for PlayerSelectionState (winding up) Background music for TestLevel Sound mixing Every cybug plays its own sound For now there are eight types of sounds for bugs. Type of sound is assigned to a bug when it is created. (the same music is playing for these two states) (do not disturb the gameplay but give a taste) (real insect sounds with some disgusting sounds) There are dozens of bugs in the game at the same time, each sound is audible, and player can differ the background music.

11 Remaining Sound FX Tasks
Each bug and each weapon will have its own sound Adjust volume according to distance Multiple sound effects and ambient sounds in order to get rid of monotony. Make minor adjustments for various game levels Create our own sound effects Background ambient may not need to change completely since our game has very simlar terrains for each level. But there will be slight changes among scenes in echo.

12 Concept Art :: Character Art (1/2)
Four distinct character types, each with his or her own strength and weakness Here are heavy and midrange concepts

13 Concept Art :: Character Art (2/2)
Here are the Sniper and Demolition concepts

14 Concept Art :: Bugs Techno-Organic, about 5-6ft tall, many types

15 AI :: Waypoints (1/2) The cybugs will follow certain paths, which are determined by waypoints For each spawn point, there will be different paths, randomly chosen by a cybug

16 AI :: Waypoints (2/2)

17 AI :: Flocking (1/4) To create variations, there will also be a flocking algorithm Cybugs will not collide with each other

18 AI :: Flocking (2/4)

19 AI :: Flocking (3/4) Steering Rules Separation
steer to avoid crowding local flockmates Alignment steer towards the average heading of local flockmates Cohesion steer to move towards average position of local flockmates

20 AI :: Flocking (4/4) Algorithm Basics vec3 sep = separate(flock)
vec3 ali = align(flock) vec3 coh = cohesion(flock) float A = 2.0 float B = 1.0 float C = 1.0 acceleration += sep * A + ali * B + coh * C velocity += acceleration position += velocity acceleration = vec3(0, 0, 0)

21 Remaining Tasks HUD overlay Add character and base 3D models
Create 4 distinct levels Finish sound dynamics Finish waypoint AI code Finish bug/bullet collision detection

22 Game Demo 2

23 Thank you 

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