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The Controversial F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)

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1 The Controversial F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)
America’s Most Expensive Weapons System and its Global Impact


3 F35 Landing

4 JSF Purposes and Characteristics
5th generation jet fighter to enable U.S. Air Force, Marine Corps, and Navy to meet emerging security challenges. Average age of U.S. jet fighters is 27 years! Air Force version is Conventional Take Off & Landing (CTOL) Marine Corps: Short Take Off & Vertical Landing (STOVL). Navy: Carrier Take Off & Landing- Short Takeoff & Arrested Recovery (STOBAR) Attacking targets day and night in all weather conditions including fixed and mobile land targets, surface units at sea, and air threats including advanced aircraft & cruise missiles. Range: ,200 nautical miles Maximum speed: Mach 1.6 at altitude (1,227 mph) Stealth capability Internal Weapons: Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAM); Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAM)-smart bombs; GPS guided

5 Early U.S. Plans begin in late 1980s-early 90s
Indianapolis’ Rolls-Royce plant produces JSF Liftfan gearbox, clutch, driveshaft, and Nozzle. At one time, Rolls-Royce produced a second engine for the JSF. Project has been eliminated. This influences political campaign contributions. During campaign cycle Indiana U.S. Reps. Jackie Walorski (R) and Andre Carson received contributions from aerospace contractors. Countries which have participated in JSF program include: Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, South Korea, Turkey, and United Kingdom. Each of these countries has experienced different levels of controversy, cost, success & failure with JSF Oct. 26, 2001-DOD awards contract to Lockheed Martin, Northrup Grumman, and BAE Systems. British involvement included with projected contract value estimated at over $200 billion. JSF projected to begin operations in 2008, last to 2040, and U.S. fighters expected to be all stealth by 2025. Contracts dispersed throughout U.S. and eventually various international locales as U.S. allies get chances to participate. As of late 2017, only Alaska, Hawaii, Louisiana, North Dakota, Washington, DC, and Wyoming do not have JSF suppliers. 145,898 direct/indirect U.S. jobs involved with contract value of $ billion.

6 JSF Cost Problems As of late 2017, U.S. JSF costs reached $400 billion to purchase 2,400 aircraft. Making it U.S.’ most expensive weapons system. Similar problems have occurred in other countries. CTOL Version F-35A cost per unit $94.3 million STOVL Version F-35B cost per unit $122.4 million Carrier version F-35C $ million. These per unit costs have dropped as production ramped up. DOD has had to take a greater role in cost control. Intense congressional pressure behind this.

7 JSF Technical Problems: Historical & Current
Plane’s technological complexity has contributed to costs and numerous technical problems during its history including: Limited depot repair capacity-Congress’ GAO estimates 6 years behind schedule resulting in average repair times of 172 days-twice that of program objectives Spare part shortages-Between Jan-Aug. 2017, JSF was unable to fly about 22% of the time due to shortage. Undefined technical data needs. DOD has not defined technical data needs from Prime Contractor (Lockheed Martin) and the cost of future sustainment contracts. Unfunded intermediate-level maintenance capabilities. Covers Marine Corps and Naval needs. Delays in Automated Logistics Information System (ALIS) development and uncertain funding. ALIS supports operations and maintenance critical to JSF sustainment. Pilot helmet and computer system it works cost over $500,000. Helmet malfunctions have occurred. Night flying restricted due to wingtip lights, shaped to enhance stealth contours, not meeting Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) standards. Tires have worn out two-four times faster than expected despite needing to be strong enough to withstand a conventional landing and bouncy enough to withstand a vertical landing. Chinese and Russian espionage has harvested JSF technology. Over 56,000 separate tests have been made to ensure bombs will fall when released from bomb bays at supersonic speeds.

8 Current Status FY 2019 DOD Congressional Budget request for JSF is $10.7 billion. Intended to purchase 77 JSF’s including 48 for the Air Force, 20 for the Marine Corps, and 9 for the Navy. Deployments have increased in recent years and program milestones are being met, partially met, or still experience setbacks. 235 JSF deployed at end of Sept JSF’s deployed to Australia, Israel, Italy, Japan, Norway, and United Kingdom. Pilots from other countries have trained on JSF and their eventual acquisition and deployment is forthcoming. JSF could see action in military operations against China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia.

9 Conclusions: JSF is costly and will remain controversial
Will it be the last manned fighter aircraft? Do multinational jet fighter acquisition programs work-cost effectiveness? Pilots like JSF-its combat effectiveness is unproven. U.S. and its allies must retain technological superiority against emerging Russian and Chinese military aircraft. Questions?

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