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Productivity & Economic Growth

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Presentation on theme: "Productivity & Economic Growth"— Presentation transcript:

1 Productivity & Economic Growth
Why Productivity Matters!

2 GDP & Standard of Living
Standard of living depends on a country’s ability to produce goods & services Real GDP per person has ↑ 2 % per year in USA over last 100 years! To ↑ Standard of Living PPF curve must shift right! Productivity per worker must rise!

3 Productivity Productivity the amount of output (goods & services) produced from a unit of input (labor, physical capital, etc) ↑ productivity => ↑ standard of living (rising wealth) Productivity (efficiency) More goods produced with same resources Standard of Living

4 Law of Diminishing Returns of Capital
As supply of physical capital rises, the extra output produced from an additional unit of physical capital falls. Output per worker An economy has a high level of physical capital, an extra unit leads to a small increase in output 1 Bottom Line: It is very hard for USA to increase Productivity An economy with a low level of physical capital, an extra unit leads to a large increase in output. 1 Physical Capital per worker

5 Determinants of Productivity
Factors of production determine productivity: Labor Physical capital Human capital Natural resources Technological knowledge Are Robotics are future? USA has led the world in technology/ Internet Led to strong GDP growth in 1980’s & 90’s

6 Encourage = PROVIDE INCENTIVES to:
GDP & Gov’t Policy Gov’t policies to raise productivity: Encourage saving & investment Encourage investment from abroad. Encourage education/training Establish property rights & political stability Promote free trade Promote research and development Encourage = PROVIDE INCENTIVES to: start new business improve human capital raise productivity

7 Real Growth Per Worker GDP Per Worker % (per capita) Growth Rate - -

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