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TP-COAST Poem Analysis.

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Presentation on theme: "TP-COAST Poem Analysis."— Presentation transcript:

1 TP-COAST Poem Analysis

2 T: TITLE An integral part of the poem Consider every word (and any multiple meanings)

3 P: PARAPHRASE Put the poem into your own words Timed exam: only the rough parts

4 C: CONNOTATIONS Find some of the meaning beyond the literal Check the title, the last line, the first line

5 O: ORGANIZATION What are the parts of the poem?
fixed form? (sonnet / sestina / villanelle…] in stanzas? let the punctuation guide you follow the rhythm and rhyme

6 How does the poet organize the parts ?
visually (on the page) by content (story/thought) temporal spatial

7 Pay attention to the ‘unexpected’
breaks in the established rhythm breaks in the prevailing rhyme words used with a sudden new sense

8 A: ATTITUDE (TONE) What is the tone of: the speaker the poet (twofold)

9 S: SHIFTS tone setting syntax diction speaker form (rhythm/rhyme)

10 T: THEME What is the meaning of the poem—the comment on human existence? universal theological psychological social

11 EHCOES ? Bible myth Literature HISTORY

12 Abilene ISD ♦ Skip Nicholson

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