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The role of Digital Innovation Hubs to support the digital transformation of industry in all European regions Anne-Marie Sassen, Deputy Head of Unit Technologies.

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Presentation on theme: "The role of Digital Innovation Hubs to support the digital transformation of industry in all European regions Anne-Marie Sassen, Deputy Head of Unit Technologies."— Presentation transcript:

1 The role of Digital Innovation Hubs to support the digital transformation of industry in all European regions Anne-Marie Sassen, Deputy Head of Unit Technologies & Systems for Digitising Industry, DG CONNECT/A2, European Commission #DigitiseEU

2 Main messages The level of use of digital technologies depends on the size of the company, the sector it is active in and the location of the company Nevertheless, all companies need to digitise in order to remain competitive Robotics, artificial intelligence, big data, photonics, 3D printing etc will transform production processes, products and business models Digital Innovation Hubs can help companies to test out digital technologies and can create a wave of new innovations in every region along their smart specialisation

3 Digitising European Industry Communication
"Ensure that every business in Europe, whatever its sector of activity, wherever located and whatever its size, can take full advantage of digital innovations and competences" Member States & regions: build-up/strengthening of national and regional structures of DIHs Commission: Set up a pan-EU network of DIHs Support activities such as cross-border experiments, catalogue and assistance in the creation of hubs Dans la communication, DIH = pôle d'innovation numérique particular attention to SMEs Ensure companies can access advanced technologies and enhance their digital competences €100 million per year (EU) of support to the hubs and 10 times more from the Member States and regions

4 What is a Digital Innovation Hub?
Helps existing industry to take advantage of digital innovations Competence Centres are at the core of DIHs, ecosystem approach Provides opportunities for both ICT users and ICT suppliers through brokering one-stop-shop multi-partner cooperation specialist expertise access to digital infrastructure brokering/ matchmaking awareness creation innovation scouting digital maturity assessment visioning and strategy development Mentoring/coaching training Access to finance investor readiness services Digital Innovation Hub Competence Centre Digital Skills pilot factories Experimentation and testing Fab-labs fabrication of new products Working Group report on DIHs:

5 A guide for DIHs 1 2 3 4 6 5 Understand regional needs
Develop the vision for the regional DIH Look at what is already available in region as basis* Audience Needs Strengths Smart specialisation Shared vision for a regional service ecosystem Science Parks, technical facilities, clusters, universities, banks, education providers Define the services that the DIH should offer Awareness, testing and experimentation, skills, finance Build links and establish collaboration Common approaches & procedures, common services & tools, best practices, exchanges… Deliver services and assess impact H2020 Structural funds Other funding 2 3 4 5 6 Improve services and facilities *There is a separate presentation with information related to each country on

6 Funding opportunities for Digital Innovation Hubs
Commission European H2020 200 M€ in the H2020 work programme 300 M€ in the new H2020 work programme , focus area "Digitising and transforming European industry and services" Focusing on networking Digital Innovation Hubs and highly innovative cross border experiments European Structural and Investment Funds ESIF support for digital growth is based on national or regional Digital Growth Strategies and Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation. Around EUR 2 billion will support digitising EU industry, in particular SMEs, to develop ICT products and services, e-commerce and the take-up of ICT, Around EUR 1.2 billion will support e-Inclusion, e-Accessibility, e-Learning etc. to enhance human capital for the digitised economy and society, Around EUR 7.6 billion will go into intelligent transport, smart grids, e-health and e-government, offering also procurement opportunities for IT firms, Over 100 regions and 14 countries at national level will also invest in ICT-related research and innovation. Total funding for RIS3 accounts for 42 billion euro. Other sources of funding (private, innovation funds of regions, loans, etc) National and regional Authorities

7 Examples of digital innovations
Simulation software for micro-breweries delivering casks at the right moment to the right customers Smart Industry Fieldlab in NL: 3D scanner for medical insoles, using high performance computers in the cloud More examples:

8 What next? The digital transformation is not finished in 2020 – investments need to be reinforced in the next MFF Strategic and simpler pooling of investments across regional, national and EU level across structural, research and innovation, and investment funds

9 Further information Mentoring project for Digital Innovation Hubs
Open until 22 October Catalogue of Digital Innovation Hubs Working group on Digital Innovation Hubs Report: Pilot Call on industrial transition and interregional cooperation

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