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Communications session

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1 Communications session

2 What we will be doing in this session ?
Why be effective at communicating? Member and steward preferences and behaviours How EoE stewards communicate with members and each other How you can improve communications and how CSP HQ can help

3 Session Why communicate as a steward? With whom? Are we effective?
Main barriers to effective communications

4 Session – what East of England Stewards Say
Why communicate as a steward? Educate, inform members Early intervention/ avoid problems occurring Promote membership Influence ie Shape trust policies Negotiate

5 Session – what East of England Stewards Say
With whom? Members Managers HR CSP (SNO) Regional rep Other reps in the region Non-members JNC/Other unions

6 Session – what East of England Stewards Say
Are we effective? ?

7 Session – what East of England Stewards Say
Main barriers to effective communications Icsp not user friendly Fragmented workplaces (ie community) Social media – don’t want to use it for role as steward Problem with lists

8 Session – what East of England Stewards Say
Solution? We like – fix issue with lists and start communicating in this way

9 Big Picture What the CSP says…

10 Why be effective communicators?
Underpin our organising strategy – build the power and influence of the CSP Boost member involvement in wider campaigns in their communities Raising the profile of trade union issues within the CSP & CSP profile in the wide trade union movement

11 Why be effective communicators
Demonstrate the value of being a member of the CSP and the work you do as reps Share intelligence on effective collective bargaining, campaigning and influencing Motivate and equip members and reps to deliver for themselves

12 Barriers – big picture National media 'captured' by corporate interests Westminster government decidedly anti Union Negative stereo types and myths about unions But objective conditions that weaken unions Cutting through the noise / info overload Less face-to-face contacts with members, fragmented workplaces, workloads

13 Opportunities – big picture
Social media and spread of info tech – bypass Big Media cheaply and create horizontal networks Potentially greater leverage at local regional level – devolution, more friendly local media Changing union membership more like us Union and professional body

14 Understanding your Audience

15 CSP Member communication preferences
preferred channel for two way communications Not big on social media – but growing: 22,000 csp Twitter account, most will be members Also like to see more video Mix of channels is best strategy

16 What do members like? Professional issues – of course!
Pay, downbanding, pensions, but also work life balance (maternity rights) Employment advice eg 'Advice Line' in Frontline Examples of success, local and national Members 'doing it for themselves' – including interviews with reps

17 Stewards behaviours, preferences
Face to face (with SNO) Steward specific comms via icsp, Stewards News but only minority read / access them regularly Nearly all on Facebook, 4 in 10 on Twitter BUT only small minority use social media for union activity

18 Social media and stewards – fast facts
Of those who use Twitter / Facebook 83 per cent follow /like members in their trust board 41 per cent follow / like other csp stewards 22 per cent follow other trade unionists / campaigners

19 Common themes Information overload Lack of time
Want more succinct / action based info Dissatisfied with icsp and CSP website Generally feel getting sufficient info on issues that matter to them

20 Activity - solutions How to boost member engagement at local / regional level How to improve communications / engagement between reps Communicating with reps who don't attend training Resources / training on comms from CSP?

21 Plans underway Revamping icsp – but 2017 Social Media
Pro formas for workplace wins, new reps, local reporting

22 Communicating – your members

23 Things you could do - weekly
Use - icsp ‘messaging’, internal system and face-to-face where possible ‘Pro-active’ comms – reflect back what members are telling you share actions taken for members; Pass it on – share CSP relevant info (briefings, Frontline articles, )

24 Communicating - wider reps network, membership

25 Things you could do - weekly
5 min scanning the CSP weekly ebulletin 5 min checking into your icsp reps' network 1 tweet / retweet on employment matters

26 Things you could do - monthly
1 comment on CSP website news story 1 brief posting on your icsp reps' network 1 petition signed, letter sent to MP / AM or other small action promoted by ERUS, CSP affiliated orgs or TUC

27 Things you could do - annually
1 letter or quote supplied to frontline, or your local media Attend 1 TUC-backed public event (or 1 or more other members attendance secured)

28 Key contacts Frontline – letters and suggestions for stories * Stewards News – @going_to_work * CSP website – log in and comment on any news item, Like It or Tweet

29 Tom Gill EMAIL TWITTER @mrtomgill

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