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Planning for a Loved One With Special Needs
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Disclaimer The following presentation is meant for education only and not meant as a substitute for legal counseling. 12/25/2018
Why Plan? Planning for a loved one with special needs is about enhancing that person’s quality of life to the maximum extent possible and protecting them only as much as necessary to not limit or restrict their potential. 12/25/2018
Benefits of Planning Provide Financial Security
Leverage Means Tested Public Benefits Select Proper Team to Provide Lifetime Management Plan for Appropriate Housing Provide Ongoing System for Advocacy Plan for Caregiving Needs Coordinate Entire Extended Family's Planning Protect Beneficiary from Predators Preserve Assets for other Heirs 12/25/2018
Successful Planning Includes
Having the right team of advisors to advocate for the needs of your disabled loved one Making sure your plan has the flexibility to deal with issues in a changing environment 12/25/2018
Part 1: Creating an Effective Plan for Your Loved One
What Steps Should You Take Today? Envision Your Loved One’s Future
Planning ahead makes all the difference: Where and with whom will your loved one live What type/level of care will be required? Will a conservator or guardian be necessary? Who else will be involved? What kind of lifestyle is desired? Consider potential future challenges? 12/25/2018
What Steps Should You Take Today? Create a Memorandum of Intent
Lays out goals/expectations: Details preferences, needs, wishes, both medical and personal Lists key people in loved one’s life Helps guide: Family members Trustee Caregivers Others The next step is writing it all down. The Memorandum of Intent should include ample information to help anyone involved in your loved one’s future care understand the loved one’s unique personality, strengths, challenges, needs, etc. It also should provide details about all aspects of the loved one’s lifestyle, including medical and rehabilitation needs, recreational activities, educational expectations and work goals. For example, under “Residential Directions,” the document may state that the loved one will one day own a home or that a live-in caregiver will be given rent-free accommodations in the home. The Memorandum of Intent is not a legally binding document. But, because it can contain information not appropriate for SNT documentation, it can enhance the trustee’s understanding of the loved one’s situation and needs. 12/25/2018
What Steps Should You Take Today?
Estimate Income and Expenses Monthly income: SSI, SSDI, Social Security, earned/unearned income Monthly living expenses: Housing, food, transportation, medical, recreation, etc. Consider how any shortfall will be met 12/25/2018
Special Needs Expense Information
Beginning Amount Lasting Item Today At Age Monthly Annual Lifetime Until Age Housing: Mortgage/ Property Taxes Rent Expense Home/Condo Maintenance Fees/Security System Utilities (fuel/electricity/gas) Telephone/Cell Phone Cable/Satellite/Internet Misc. Household (lawn/etc.) Child Care: Special Care Needs: Live-in aid or ADL Assistance & Respite Advocacy/Social Services 12/25/2018
Beginning Amount Lasting Item Today At Age Monthly Annual Lifetime
Until Age Transportation: Automobile/Van Fuel/maintenance of auto/van Adaptive Equipment Nutrition/Food/Beverage: Food/Beverages Special Diet Vitamins/Oral Medications Feeding Devices Eternal/Nutrition/Misc. Clothing: Special Clothing Cleaning Laundry Furnishings: Medical Equipment Wheelchair/Ramps 12/25/2018
Planning for Loved One’s Incapacity
Sign Advance Health Care Directives and Powers of Attorney, if legal capacity Consider Conservatorship/Guardianship, if lacks capacity: When child without mental capacity becomes an adult and parents want to maintain legal responsibility Court appoints conservator/guardian If the individual with special needs is competent, at legal age, he or she should put in place critical estate-planning documents, including a will, advance directive and medical power of attorney. If the individual is not competent, a parent or other individual can be named as guardian or, in extreme cases, conservator of both the individual and the estate. Parents must be named as guardians to continue making legal decisions for a child who has attained legal age. The role of guardian or conservator can be challenging when an individual is developmentally disabled and/or mentally ill. 12/25/2018
Part 2: Understanding Public Benefits
Public Benefits At a Glance
Means Tested Public Benefits SSI Medicaid Entitlement Public Benefits SSDI Medicare Other Benefit Programs Section 8 Veteran Benefits 12/25/2018
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
Person Must Meet Two Tests: Medically Disabled (physically or mentally) or elderly (65+), plus Poor Resource Test –measured only one time each month Income Test – total any income received any time of the month To qualify for SSI, an individual must meet the Social Security Administration’s definition of “disabled” and have limited assets and income. SSI can be impacted as follows: It is reduced, dollar for dollar, if the individual has more than $____ in unearned monthly income, such as gifts, interest or rent. It is reduced by one dollar for every two dollars earned if the individual has earned income (wages) above $_____ a month. It is reduced by one third if the individual receives in-kind support and maintenance (i.e., food and shelter). For eligible individuals, SSI pays up to $___ a month for food and shelter. 12/25/2018
Disability Defined “Disability” for an adult is defined as the inability to engage in any “substantial gainful activity” (SGA) due to any medically determinable physical or mental impairment, or combination of impairments, that has lasted or can be expected to last for a continuous period of at least 12 months, or result in death “Disability” for a minor is defined as a medically determinable physical or mental impairment or combination of impairments that causes marked and severe functional limitations, and that can be expected to cause death or that has lasted or can be expected to last for a continuous period of not less than 12 months 12/25/2018
SSI Resource Test “Countable resource” limits for SSI are:
$2,000 for an eligible individual and $3,000 for an eligible couple Not all resources are counted, some are exempt: Home of any value Automobile of any value Furniture, clothing, and personal care items Burial plots, certain types of life insurance contracts, and miscellaneous other assets 12/25/2018
SSI – What Do You Get? SSI is to pay for food and shelter
In 2019, Federal Benefit Rate is $771/month Some States Supplement, e.g. California is $156.40 Amount may change depending on living arrangement or eligible couple 12/25/2018
Reduces benefits dollar-for-dollar after the first $20.00
Types of SSI Income Unearned Income Includes gifts, payments from annuities, and pensions, alimony and support payments, dividends, interest, rents, awards and payments from other benefits programs. Reduces benefits dollar-for-dollar after the first $20.00 Earned Income Consists of wages, royalties, net earnings from self employment, and any honoraria received for services rendered. Reduces benefits one dollar for every two dollars earned after the first $65 earned monthly. 12/25/2018
Types of SSI Income In-Kind Support & Maintenance Deemed Income
Actual receipt of food, clothing, or shelter, or something that can be used to get one of these. Reduces benefits dollar for dollar up to a maximum of 1/3 the benefit. Deemed Income Someone else’s income. (Same household; duty to support) Reduces benefits dollar-for-dollar after the first $20.00 12/25/2018
SSDI Eligibility Two tests to qualify:
Disability – Same definition as for SSI Sufficient work history No resource test for SSDI SSDI benefit based on past wages After 24 months = Medicare Can receive SSDI and SSI if wages were low 20 CFR § 12/25/2018
Childhood Disability Beneficiary (CDB) (sometimes called) Disabled Adult Child
Social Security for individuals: Disabled before age 22 and With parents eligible based on their work record who are retired, disabled or deceased 50% of parent’s RSDI while living 75% of parent’s RSDI after death Social Security benefits may reduce or eliminate SSI benefits No resource test Medicare after 24 months A growing number of parents over age 65 are caring for adult loved ones with special needs. As parents retire, become disabled or die, their loved ones become eligible to receive their Social Security benefits as follows: If a parent who is eligible for Social Security is retired or disabled, the loved one receives an amount equal to ½ of the parent’s benefit. If a parent who was eligible for Social Security dies, the loved one receives an amount equal to ¾ of what the parent was receiving or would have received at retirement. If a loved one is receiving SSI, it can be reduced, dollar for dollar, by Social Security. A large Social Security benefit can even disqualify the loved one for SSI, triggering the loss of Medicaid. The loved one then must reapply for Medicaid separately. A special needs attorney can help you plan ahead for this type of situation. 12/25/2018
Medicaid and Medicare Medicaid:
Covers “medically necessary” services, equipment, hospitalization, prescription meds Preventative care Covers long-term care and in home nursing care Medicare: Medical coverage, including doctors, hospital, prescription meds Government decides amount of in-home support offered to Medicaid recipients. In-home support can include paramedical services. 12/25/2018
Medicaid and Medicare Medicaid Medicare
Automatically available with SSI Must Apply Separately with SSDI or SS Expanded Medicaid if income below 138% FPL Medicare Available with SSDI and CDB after 24 months 12/25/2018
Section 8 Housing is one the greatest concerns that persons with disabilities and their families have for the future 12/25/2018
Housing Section 8 and Special Needs Trusts Rules issued by HUD
Administered by local Public Housing Agencies (PHA) Voucher Program vs. Project Based Assistance Not an entitlement benefit 12/25/2018
Housing Qualifying for Section 8 Income limits Asset Test
Asset Test Transfer for less than fair market value Applying for Vouchers Waiting lists First come vs. Lottery May take years to get 12/25/2018
Housing Special Needs Trust Issues:
Regular recurring distributions may be problematic Cell Phone, Cable, Internet Common exclusions Sporadic income/gifts Reimbursement of medical expense Benefit back-pay, settlements, lump-sum inheritance 12/25/2018
Housing Purchasing a home Allowable Should be sustainable
Consider money, management, safety, and support 12/25/2018
Part 3: Special Needs Trust and ABLE Account
Types of Special Needs Trusts
Source of Funds Who Establishes Distribution Upon Death Third Party Anyone except beneficiary Grantor’s wishes (d)(4)(A) Disabled beneficiary’s funds before age 65 Individual/Beneficiary, Parent, grandparent, Guardian, Court Medicaid payback; then remainder beneficiaries (d)(4)(C) Pooled Trust Disabled beneficiary’s funds Individual/Beneficiary, parent, grandparent, Guardian, Court Non-profit Trustee; or, Medicaid payback; then remainder beneficiaries 12/25/2018
Utilizing a Third Party Special Needs Trust
A Third Party Special Needs Trust is the best method for providing instructions on leaving inheritance to a loved one with special needs Called a third party SNT because it is established with the assets of someone other than loved one with special needs An SNT offers a good way to preserve public benefits while providing the supplemental funds needed for a higher quality of life. Assets in the SNT do not disqualify the beneficiary from public benefits because they are owned by the trust. The trustee distributes assets for the benefit of the beneficiary according to strict guidelines. In Nathan’s case, the parents might have funded the SNT with life insurance and left the assets accumulated over their lifetime to their daughter. This would have allowed them to preserve Nathan’s quality of life by maximizing public and private resources, while still meeting other important estate planning goals and preserving harmony between brother and sister. An SNT also can be tailored to meet individual situations, such as the need for an advocate, care manager or conservator. 12/25/2018
Other Arrangements - Not Recommended
Outright inheritance – loss of SSI and Medicaid Left in non-qualifying trust – loss of SSI and Medicaid Disinheritance – no money available for loved one with special needs Leaving assets to brothers or sisters with request to take care of sibling Subject to creditors What if they die who then has assets May not want to take care of brother/sister if have own family Could be lost in divorce 12/25/2018
Third-Party Special Needs Trust
Third-party trust main requirements: Beneficiary (or spouse) did not create the trust. The trust does not hold any of the Beneficiary’s (or spouse’s) own money. The Beneficiary is not trustee and Trustee has sufficient discretion to withhold distributions 12/25/2018
Third-Party Special Needs Trusts
Most families prefer third-party trusts: No payback requirements Grantor can leave any remaining funds to whomever he or she wants Revocable during life of grantor More drafting flexibility so long as correct distribution standard is used 12/25/2018
Choosing The Trustee Family vs. Professional vs. Attorney
Complexity-SSI rules, tax reporting, investments, Amount under management Court oversight - bond? Family relationship Fees Conflict of interest Knowledge and experience Ability vs. willingness 12/25/2018
Using Trust Advisory Committee and Trust Protector
Consider Using: Trust Advisory Committee Name Family/Friends to Make Sure Trustee doing job Trust Protector Provide Authority to make modifications if change in law or situation 12/25/2018
Trustee Duties Advocacy Accountability Financial Best interest
Understand public benefits Promote independence and quality of life. Financial Proper investments Understands taxes Hires professionals Accountability Accurate records Keeps beneficiary informed Complies with statutory duties 12/25/2018
What Can a SNT Pay For? How does the expenditure affect beneficiary’s government benefits? Is the expenditure appropriate for the beneficiary and consistent with trust policies? Is the expenditure at fair market value and otherwise reasonable? 12/25/2018
How Much Should I Fund Most People Fall Into Two Groups:
Treat All Kids Equally Fund Loved One with Special Needs with More Because Unable to Work Life Insurance is good funding tool Must use special planning for retirement assets Find good financial planner 12/25/2018
First-Party Special Needs Trusts
First Party SNTs are the only planning tool that allows an individual who has assets to preserve those assets AND preserve eligibility for needs- based public benefits First-Party SNTs are called: (d)(4)(A) SNT (a/k/a Litigation or Payback SNT) (d)(4)(C) SNT (a/k/a Pooled Trust) 42 USC §1396p(d)(4)(A) and 42 USC §1396p(d)(4)(C) 12/25/2018
First Party SNTs When are First Party SNTs commonly used:
Personal Injury Award Inheritance or Gift Minor with a Disability Turns 18 Adult Recently Disabled 12/25/2018
The ABLE Account Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) account
Passed into law on December 18, 2014 Similar to 529 Plan Educational Plans but for persons with disabilities As described in following charts, person can fund his or her own ABLE account, yet there are several restrictions on it
ABLE Account Issues ABLE Account Who can use?
Only persons disabled before age 26 Who can fund? Anyone, including person with a disability How many can person have? One Who can control? Person with a disability and likely their legal guardian, conservator, or agent Who inherits on death of person with disability Medicaid first, then can go to heirs
ABLE Account Issues ABLE Account How much can fund in a year?
$15,000 (or annual gift exemption) Is funding gift-tax free? Yes Is there a cap on how much can be in account? Yes, currently $100,000 limitation for SSI recipients and up to State 529-plan limitations How is income taxed? No income tax What type of distributions can be made? Only “qualified disability expenses” as defined by government
Part 4: Guardianship/Conservatorship
At age 18, an individual is presumed to have legal capacity If loved one lacks capacity to manage personal or financial affairs a court appoints a guardian or conservator to take control over that person’s affairs 12/25/2018
There are two general types of Guardianship/Conservatorship: Of the Person has the care, custody, control, and education of the person; and Of the Estate must manage finances and legal affairs 12/25/2018
Part 5: Making Decisions About the Future
What You Should Do Create Memorandum of Intent
Establish own Estate Plan Establish Special Needs Trust Calculate future financial need Consider funding alternatives, e.g. life insurance Name SNT as beneficiary of retirement accounts Special considerations If there is an SNT in place, anyone wishing to bequest assets from a retirement plan, insurance policy, etc. should be told to name the SNT, rather than the loved one, as beneficiary. Parents with more than one loved one who wish to pass assets equitably can provide for the loved one with special needs by funding the SNT with life insurance. Funding an irrevocable SNT removes the transferred assets from the parent’s taxable estate. 12/25/2018
Case Study: Nathan Current situation:
Just turned 18-year-old, has autism and lacks capacity Lives with mom and dad Income from SSI Limited personal assets (clothing, t.v.) Beneficiary of Uniform Transfer Minor’s Act Account available to him at age 21 and worth around $25,000 Qualifies for Medicaid [Note to speaker: replace “autism” with relevant condition based on audience.] Once families understand the role of public benefits, they can make decisions about their loved one’s future. Planning ahead is critical to preserving a loved one’s quality of life. Let’s consider Nathan…. While Nathan’s mom is alive and able-bodied, Nathan will continue to live at home and mom will make his medical and financial decisions. Nathan receives Social Security because his dad was eligible for benefits before he died. Nathan’s mom is not currently eligible for Social Security. 12/25/2018
Case Study: Nathan Future situation: How to preserve public benefits?
Who will make health care decisions? Who will make financial decisions? Where will he live? How will his medical expenses be paid? Who will advocate for care, employment, or schooling? What will happen to Nathan? After Nathan’s mom dies, his SSI will increase but his resources will not be sufficient to preserve his quality of life. Nathan will need someone to make his medical and financial decisions. He also will need a place to live if he is unable to stay in the family home. And he will need a way to pay for medical expenses. 12/25/2018
What Plan Could Nathan’s Parents Make?
Make no decisions/plans Leave money to Nathan Disinherit Nathan Leave money to siblings with promise to help Establish third-party SNT for Nathan Establish first-party SNT for Nathan/ Spend down Assets Establish Limited Conservatorship What plan of action could Nathan’s mom make to protect him after her death? No plans: If Nathan inherits assets under mom’s will, he will be disqualified from SSI and be forced to live on the inheritance and income from Social Security and work programs. When the inheritance is gone, Nathan will qualify for SSI again but have no supplemental income to preserve quality of life. Disinherited: If mom leaves all assets to Nathan’s sister with the understanding that she will care for Nathan, he will remain eligible for SSI but could become destitute if the sister cannot or will not comply with the mom’s request. Non-SNT Trust: If Nathan’s mom creates a trust that is not an SNT, income and principal will be counted as his assets and he will lose SSI. Third-Party SNT: If Nathan’s mom establishes a third-party SNT, Nathan will keep SSI and benefit from supplemental funds, which the trustee will distribute. The trust can be structured to help ensure the involvement of people important to Nathan. [optional:] The trust also may require and provide money for periodic monitoring of Nathan’s caregivers. At Nathan’s death, there will be no “payback” to Medicaid. First-Party SNT: If Nathan has his own assets, his mom can establish a first- party SNT. This works in the same way as the third-party SNT except that, at Nathan’s death, any funds remaining in the trust are subject to a Medicaid payback. 12/25/2018
Get Started Today Understand your loved one’s public benefits
Make plans for the future Start naming those persons who will advocate and care for your loved one Make the Special Needs Trust the key part of your estate plan Talk to an Attorney who Specializes in this Complicated Area of Law 12/25/2018
Thank You [Insert Name] [logo] [address] 12/25/2018
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