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Gramática de 2A.

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1 Gramática de 2A

2 Los Posesivos Possessive adjectives have a long form that can come AFTER the noun instead of before. Normally you used mi(s), tu(s), su(s), y nuestro(as) in front of a noun. Example: mis amigos, tu libro, su casa, nuestro amario

3 Los Posesivos The long form that is used after a noun is used more for emphasis. These forms are: Mío(s) Mía(s) My/mine Nuestro(s) Nuestra(s) Ours Tuyo(s) Tuya(s) Your/yours Suyo(s) Suya(s) His, Hers, Your (formal) Theirs You all’s

4 Los Posesivos The long form of the possessives must agree in NUMBER and GENDER with the noun they describe Ejemplo: un amigo mío unas amigas tuyas unos libros nuestros

5 Los Posesivos These possessive adjectives may also be used WITHOUT a noun. This means the possessive adjectives will replace the noun used. Ejemplo: ¿Estas chaquetas son suyas? Sí, son nuestras.

6 Los Posesivos To clarify or emphasize possession, you can use de + noun or pronoun instead of a form of possessive adjective. Ejemplo: Un vestido suyo  Un vestido de ella Una chaqueta tuya  Una chaqueta de ti Unos libros suyos  Unos libros de ellos

7 Práctica Write each possessive and noun using the long form of possessives My gel Our classes Her perfume 7. You all’s jewelry Your (informal) brush 8. My towel Their make-up 9. Marta’s hair dryer His books His teeth

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