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Scientific Method.

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Presentation on theme: "Scientific Method."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scientific Method

2 Steps Observation Hypothesis Experimentation
Collecting and Analyzing Data Conclusion Theory Communication

3 Observation See something and question it
Create question or define problem based on what you see.

4 Hypothesis Educated guess Prediction about what will happen
Based on gathered research and observations Prediction about what will happen Often an “IF” “Then” statement If you fertilize pea plants they will grow taller

5 Experimentation Design experiment to test hypothesis
Must be controlled experiment Only 1 variable will change all other remain the same Control group- standard, normal group Experimental group- same as control except for 1 variable that has changed Independent variable- the variable that is changed Dependent variable- variable that is measured It reacts to the independent variable

6 Collecting Data Qualitative data Quantitative data Organize data
Cannot be measured Color, odor, shape, etc. Quantitative data Measured data Organize data Graphs Charts Tables

7 Conclusions Hypotheses can only be disproven they cannot be proven by an experiment Inferences made based on data collected in experiment Can be used to build models of things

8 Theory Explains many related hypotheses
Highly tested generally accepted principal Explains lots of data and observations

9 Communicating Publish papers
Explain experiment and results to others Important for expanding scientific knowledge

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