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IB Biology 8/6/12 Pre-Lab Beets Design an Experiment.

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Presentation on theme: "IB Biology 8/6/12 Pre-Lab Beets Design an Experiment."— Presentation transcript:

1 IB Biology 8/6/12 Pre-Lab Beets Design an Experiment

2 Beets Pre-Lab Follow the instructions on your paper.

3 Whiteboard Beets Pre-Lab
Draw cells before & after salt solution Differences between original cells & demo cells #4 from the instructions

4 Design Experiment Research the problem
Choose an independent variable that will affect the outcome Notes should be in your lab notebook to indicate why this variable will have an effect on the dependent variable. Resources should be cited. Give a focused research question and hypothesis statement

5 Design Experiment Identify independent variable and levels
Identify how many trials for each How will you measure the dependent variable? What other variables need to be kept constant?

6 Design Experiment Write the methods with explicit reference to how control of variables will be achieved Sufficient relevant data (Remember 5 X 5) Don’t forget the control group Diagram of lab setup – annotate to show how variables will be instituted, especially controlled variables

7 Beet Cells Focused research question Hypothesis statement
Levels of IV with explanation of choice DV Constants Complete methods

8 Beet Cells You must have explanation for your choice of independent variable in your log book This information should include reputable reference(s) (not Wickepedia) The research question should be written on the sign-up sheet on Wed, August 8 The design must be turned in (lab notebook) on Monday, August 13 You need to purchase your own beets

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