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Spanish class Welcome - Bienvenido Mrs. Rogers

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Presentation on theme: "Spanish class Welcome - Bienvenido Mrs. Rogers"— Presentation transcript:

1 Spanish class 2016-2017 Welcome - Bienvenido Mrs. Rogers
OPEN HOUSE September 29,2016 Jacksonville Commons middle school

2 What are the goals for this semester?
To be able to express simple ideas about ourselves in Spanish. To communicate our basic needs. To capture the students interest for a second language.

3 What are we doing in Spanish class?
We are getting organize to function correctly and efficiently in class helping each others.

4 What are we doing in Spanish class?
We are using greetings and basic introductions in Spanish.

5 What are we doing in Spanish class?
We are learning about our soundings: Our classroom

6 What are we doing in Spanish class?
We are learning about asking and answering about things in class: the location of items in class

7 What are we doing in Spanish class?
We started our first project to keep a record of our learning: Spanish Portfolio

8 What are we doing in Spanish class?
The are learning concepts in class, and we practice using them. Spanish Portfolio will allow them to express what they know by teaching it back. Ask your child about it.

9 What are we going to do? Our second project: Discovering Hispanic culture. Each student will select a Spanish Speaking country. They will research the most important cultural aspects. They will prepare a presentation and share their finding with the class.

10 Thank you! Gracias We welcome you to be part of the learning path of your child.

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