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Cards 53-56 As Jesus was very tired from the journey, he sat down by Jacob’s well to rest himself. It was noon-day. The disciples went to the village to buy some food. While Jesus was sitting there a woman of Samaria came to the well to draw water. Jesus was hot and thirsty, as well as tired. He asked the Samaritan woman to give him a drink of her water. The woman looked surprised that Jesus, who was a Jew, should ask a drink of her, a Samaritan. The Jews hated the Samaritans and would have nothing to do with them, because the Samaritans knew very little about the true God. The woman asked, “How is it that you are willing to ask a drink of me, a Samaritan woman?” Jesus said, “If you knew who I am, you would ask me to give you living water.” The woman said, “Sir, the well is deep, and you have no pitcher to let down into it, how then can you get that ‘living water’?” “Whoever drinks this water will be thirsty again”, replied Jesus. “But whoever drinks this water that I shall give him will never be thirsty again, for the water that I shall give him will be in him a well of water, springing up into eternal life.” The woman did not understand this. She said, “Sir, give me this water, so that I will not be thirsty, nor have to come here to draw water.” To make the woman realize that he was not an ordinary man, Jesus told her many things about her life. She was startled. How could this man tell her all about her past life? He had never seen her before! She said to him, “Sir, I see that you are a prophet.” Then she asked him something which had often troubled her. “Our fathers” she said, “always worshipped in this mountain: but you Jews say that Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship. Which is right?” Now, Jesus was always teaching the people about His Heavenly Father. When the Samaritan woman asked this question, Jesus answered it in such a way that he taught her more about God than she had ever known. “God does not command us to worship Him in any special place,” He said, “It is in our hearts that we must worship Him. God is a Spirit, and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.” For two days Jesus stayed with the Samaritans, Many accepted him as the Christ. After they heard him, they knew truly that this was the Christ the Savior of the world. MESSAGE TO THE SAMARITAN WOMAN After a time Jesus left Judea and went towards Nazareth, the city in Galilee in which he had grown up. This was a distance of more than sixty miles. As Jesus and his disciples walked along, they came to a city of Samaria in which there was a very old well, made long ago by Jacob. In that hot country water is very precious. There was usually only one well in a whole village. Every day the people brought their pitchers there and drew as much water as they needed.

A. Worship any way you want B. Worship when you feel like it C. Must worship in Spirit and Truth How did Jesus and His disciples get from city to city? In that hot country was water a very precious item? Were there wells everywhere along the way? Whose well did Jesus sit down by? Who came to the well while Jesus sat there to draw water? What did he first ask the woman? Why did the woman look surprised when Jesus ask her that? Did the woman understand all Jesus told her? Did Jesus tell her many things about her life? When the woman ask Jesus about where men ought to worship what did He teach her? (see below God is a S________, and they that w____________Him must worship Him in S__________and in T___________? 11. After the Samaritan heard Jesus did they know truly that this was the Christ, the Savior of the world?

One day Jesus was talking to His disciples. They saw someone running toward them! It was a young man. This man was very rich. He had many things. He kneeled before Jesus and asked, “Master, will you tell me what I should do so that I will go to Heaven when I die?” Jesus looked at the young man. “You have to obey the Commandments that God gave us.” “I do everything that God told us,” the young man said. “I haven’t killed anyone. I haven’t stolen anything. I don’t lie. I have done what my mother and father told me to do. I love other people as God wants us to love one another. What else do I need to do so I will go to Heaven?” Jesus answered, “You are very rich. Sell the things that you have. Then give all your money to the poor people and follow after me. And then you will go to Heaven when you die.” The young man looked very sad. He wanted to keep all his money. So, he walked away. Jesus’ disciples were watching Him. Jesus said to them, “It is very hard to love God more than you love money and things. But God helps you do what you should do. And anyone who loves God more than anything else and keeps his commandments will have a home in Heaven with our Savior.

A. Go and sell that thou hast and give to the poor B. Accumulate as much riches as you can D. You can keep all your processions When the rich young ruler kneeled before Jesus what did he ask Jesus? Jesus looked at the young man and told him he had to obey the C_________________of God? Did the rich young ruler think that he had done this? Had he done any of the bad things---kill, steal, lie? He ask Jesus what else do I need to do so I will go to Heaven? True or False How did Jesus answer this second question? Is it very hard to love God more than you love money and things?

5 MESSAGE TO ZACCHAEUS Zacchaeus was a wealthy tax collector who lived in the city of Jericho. When he heard that Jesus was passing through the city, Zacchaeus joined the crowd waiting beside the road. But the tax collector was a short man; he knew he would not be able to see over the heads of the others waiting for Jesus. So Zacchaeus ran ahead and climbed a sycamore tree further down the road. When Jesus passed by He stopped under the very tree where Zacchaeus waited. Jesus looked up. “Come down, Zacchaeus! I would like to spend the evening at your house.” Zacchaeus was so excited; he quickly scrambled down the tree. He took Jesus home and offered Him the finest foods and the best bed in the house. Jesus spent the evening talking with the tax collector, and the next morning, Zacchaeus announced, “I have done wrong. I have grown rich collecting too much tax money. I will give half of what I have to the poor. Those I have cheated, I will pay back four times over!” The good people of Jericho could not understand why Jesus would spend time with a dishonest person like Zacchaeus, but Jesus said, “I came to find lost people and save them.”

6 MESSAGE TO ZACCHAEUS B. You are a dishonest tax collector
A. Glad you could see me from the tree B. You are a dishonest tax collector C. Today I must abide at thy house Zacchaeus was a wealthy T___________ C_________________? He lived in the city of J________________? Why did Zacchaeus climb a tree? What kind of tree was it? When Jesus walk down the road where did he stop? What did he tell Zacchaeus when he looked up into the tree? How long did Jesus stay with him? The next morning what did Zacchaeus realize after talking to Jesus that night? What did he say he was going to do? Could the good people of Jericho understand why Jesus would spend time with a dishonest person like Zacchaeus? 11. Jesus told them: “I came to find L___________people and S______________them!”

JESUS GOES TO HIS HOMETOWN—NAZARETH Jesus left and went back to his hometown. His followers went with Him. On the Sabbath day Jesus taught in the synagogue, and many people heard Him. They were amazed and said, “Where did this man get this teaching? How did He get such wisdom? Who gave it to Him? And where did He get the power to do miracles? Isn’t He just the carpenter we know—Mary’s son, the brother of James, Joses, Judas, and Simon? And don’t His sisters still live here in town?” So they had a problem accepting Him. Then Jesus said to them, “People everywhere give honor to a prophet, except in his own town, with his own people, or in his home.” Jesus was not able to do any miracles there except the healing of some sick people by laying His hands on them. He was surprised that the people there had no faith. Then He went to other villages in that area and taught.

A. Bethlehem B. Egypt C. His hometown Nazareth 1. What was the name of Jesus’ hometown? 2. When Jesus taught in the synagogue there, where the people amazed? What were some questions they ask---Where did this man get this T_____________ How did He get such W_______________? Who G____________it to Him? Where did He get the power to do M________________? Isn’t He just the C_______________we know---M__________son? Did Jesus have other brothers and sisters? Jesus said to them, “People everywhere give H__________to a P______________, except in his own T_________, with his own P____________, or in his H_____________? What was the only miracles Jesus was able to do in Nazareth? Did the people there have faith?


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