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Bulk RNA-Seq Analysis Using CLCGenomics Workbench

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Presentation on theme: "Bulk RNA-Seq Analysis Using CLCGenomics Workbench"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bulk RNA-Seq Analysis Using CLCGenomics Workbench
December 11, 2018 Ansuman Chattopadhyay, PhD Asst Director, Molecular Biology information service Health sciences library system University of pittsburgh

2 Topics Brief introduction to RNA-Seq experiments Analyze RNA-seq data
Dexamethasone treatment on airway smooth muscle cells (Himes et al. PLos One 2014) Download seq reads from EBI-ENA/NCBI SRA Import reads to CLC Genomics Workbench Align reads to Reference Genome Estimate expressions in the gene level Estimate expressions in the transcript isoform level Statistical analysis of the differential expressed genes and transcripts Create Heat Map, Volcano Plots, and Venn Diagram

3 Differential Gene Expressions
Raw Reads Venn Diagram Volcano Plot

4 Workshop Page

5 HSLS MolBio

6 NGS Software @ HSLS MolBio
NGS Analysis Sanger Seq Analysis Human , Mouse and Rat NGS Analysis

7 RNA-Seq Software @ HSLS MolBio
Enrichment Analysis Deferentially Expressed Genes CLC Genomics Work Bench Ingenuity Pathway Analysis Functions Diseases Pathways RNA-Seq Reads Key Pathway Advisor Upstream Regulators Any Organism Volcano Plot PCA Plot Venn Diagram Heat Map Illumina BaseSpace Correlation Engine Correlated Expression Studies CLC BioMedical Work Bench Variant Detection Ingenuity Variant Analysis Human, Mouse and Rat Variant Annotation and Prioritization RNA-Seq Analysis Down Stream Analysis

8 CLCGx 12 Genomics Workbench BioMedical Workbench

9 Install Plugins



12 CLCbio Genomics Workbench
System Requirements Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows Server 2008, or Windows Server 2012 Mac OS X 10.7 or later. Linux: Red Hat 5.0 or later. SUSE 10.2 or later. Fedora 6 or later. 8 GB RAM required 16 GB RAM recommended 1024 x 768 display required 1600 x 1200 display recommended Intel or AMD CPU required Minimum 10 GB free disc space in the tmp directory

13 CLC Genomics Workbench @pitt
Mike Barmada, PhD

14 CLCBio Genomics Workbench Server
- You can connect your CLC Genomics Workbench software to the core HTC cluster available to University of Pittsburgh researchers through the Center for Research Computing (CRC). - This allows you to transparently migrate data from your workstation to the cluster, and run analyses on the cluster, which then run independently of your workstation (i.e. you can shutdown your machine and your analyses will continue unabated).

15 Center for Research computing (CRC)

16 Request access to CRC

17 CLC Genomics workbench
Ensure you have the most up-to-date version of the CLCbio Genomics Workbench (the software should tell you if there's a more recent version when you start it, or you can check on the CLCbio website) If you have not already done so, request a user account/allocation on the Center for Research Computing (CRC) for HTC cluster by filling out the required information If your computer is not connected to the Pitt network (e.g. you are working from home or on a trip), or you are working from a laptop that is connected to the Pitt wireless system, make sure you setup Pitt VPN, so that you can communicate with the CLC Bioserver on HTC cluster. Start the CLC Genomics Workbench

18 Connect to CLC Server

19 Access to CRC-HTC Cluster – CLC Server
If you DO NOT HAVE CRC-HTC account: Use the following for a limited access UserID: hslsmolb PW: library1# Server host: Server host: 7777 If you have CRC-HTC account Use – pitt user name; pitt password Server host: Server host: 7777


21 Pre-analyzed Results

22 Bulk RNA-seq Study




26 NCBI SRA Untreated Vs DEX

27 Bulk RNA-seq Basic Steps
convert to cDNA fragments adaptors ligation short seq reads align reads to reference genome Wang Z, Gerstein M, Snyder M. RNA-Seq: a revolutionary tool for transcriptomics. Nat Rev Genet Jan;10(1):57–63.

28 Create Folder in CRC-HTC Cluster
1 2

29 Create Workshop Folder@ HTC-CLC Server
1 2 3

30 Illumina 1,131,359 4,330,403 NGS Technologies AB SoLid 18,495 25,170
NCBI Seq Read Archive Illumina 1,131,359 4,330,403 AB SoLid , ,170 Ion Torrent , ,855 PacBio , ,097 MinIon Tutorial: Galaxy NGS101 – Overview of NGS Technologies;

31 Nature Reviews on NGS Technologies

32 Illumina Technology

33 STEP 1: Import Reads to CLC

34 STEP 1: Import Reads to CLC
3 4 5

35 Help : Import Illumina Reads

36 Contact CLCBio Support Team

37 FASTQ format

38 Results By CLC : Imported Illumina Reads
CLC_Server_Data -- achattopadhyay ----AnsumanC ---- workshop_RNA_Seq_May2016 ----- Reads

39 Results By CLC: Imported Illumina Reads

40 CLC SRA Download



43 STEP 1: Import Reads to CLC; Download from NCBI SRA

44 FASTQC Project

45 Phred Score wikipedia

46 Step 2: Create Seq QC Report
1 2

47 Results By CLC: Read QC Report

48 RNA Seq Questionnaire What is the scientific objective of the RNA Seq experiment? How many classes will be compared? Are only coding RNA (mRNA) or long non coding RNA, miRNA expected to be detected? Did all the samples pass RNA quality checks before sequencing? Are there biological replicates? If so how many? What type of sequencing platform was used to sequence the reads? Illumina, Ion torrent, Solid Where was the sequencing performed? Facility name and contact info When was the sequencing performed? Year/date Which RNA – extraction method was used in the experiment? Total RNA/ poly A/ rRNA depletion method and kit name and if possible, link to protocol Whether the protocol is strand specific or not? Unstranded/ forward/reverse, kit name and if possible link to protocol Whether the data is single end or paired end? What is the expected read length? Do the reads contain adapters? If adapters present, what type of adapters? Adapter sequence, if available, or link (usually can get this info from facility) What are the experimental conditions to perform differential expression analysis? Which organism and the reference genome to be used for analysis?

49 Read Seq Trimming

50 STEP 3: Create Metadata Table

51 Step4: Import Metadata

52 Step4: Import Metadata 2 1 3

53 Step4: Import Metadata

54 STEP 5: Read Mapping

55 Read Mapping Wikipedia

56 Read Mapping Ozsolak et al. Nature Review Genetics

57 RNA-Seq vs. Microarrays
covers more dynamic range allows to discover novel transcripts able to detect SNPs more costly ($300-$1000/sample) than Microarray ($100-$200/sample) Generates times larger dataset than Microarray uncompressed RNA-Seq raw files: >5GB Microarray RNA-Seq Riki Kawaguchi’s Blog: Zhao S, Fung-Leung WP, Bittner A, Ngo K, Liu X. Comparison of RNA-Seq and microarray in transcriptome profiling of activated T cells. PLoS ONE Jan 16;9(1):e78644.

58 Must Read Cresko Lab, University of Oregon

59 Best Practices

60 RNA-seq Analysis Pipeline

61 Popular Software

62 STEP 5: Read Mapping 5

63 STEP 5: Reads Mapping 7

64 STEP 5: Reads Mapping 8


66 Reference Genome

67 STEP 5: Read Mapping

68 STEP 5: Read Mapping 9

69 STEP 5: Reads Mapping 10

70 STEP 5: Reads Mapping 12 11

71 Expression Values

72 STEP 5: Reads Mapping

73 Normalization Methods

74 STEP 5: Reads Mapping 12 Click on Role

75 STEP 5: Reads Mapping 13

76 Results By CLC: Reads Mapping

77 STEP 5: Reads Mapping; Fusion Tracks

78 STEP 5: Reads Mapping; Fusion Tracks

79 STEP 5: Reads Mapping; Gene expression Track

80 Step6: Create a PCA Plot

81 Step6: Create a PCA Plot

82 Step7: Differential Expressions

83 Step7: Differential Expressions

84 Step7: Differential Expressions; Dex vs Unt

85 GraphPad Statistics Guide :

86 Step7: Differential Expressions; Dex vs Unt Volcano Plot

87 Step8: Create a HeatMap

88 Step8: Create a HeatMap

89 Step8: Create a HeatMap

90 Step8: Create a HeatMap

91 Step7: Create a Venn Diagram

92 Step7: Create a Venn Diagram

93 Step7: Create a Venn Diagram

94 Create a Track

95 Step8: Create a Track Track for CRISPLD2

96 Step8: Create a Track Track for CRISPLD2

97 Step8: Create a Track


99 Normalization Methods

100 Downstream Analysis DEG Annotates differentially expressed genes from
an RNA-seq experiment, using the curated public data from GEO

101 NextBio Research

102 Export Data from CLC

103 Find Correlated Gene Expression Studies from GEO

104 Find Correlated Gene Expression Studies from GEO

105 Ingenuity IPA Analysis

106 RNA Seq Questionnaire What is the scientific objective of the RNA Seq experiment? How many classes will be compared? Are only coding RNA (mRNA) or long non coding RNA, miRNA expected to be detected? Did all the samples pass RNA quality checks before sequencing? Are there biological replicates? If so how many? What type of sequencing platform was used to sequence the reads? Illumina, Ion torrent, Solid Where was the sequencing performed? Facility name and contact info When was the sequencing performed? Year/date Which RNA – extraction method was used in the experiment? Total RNA/ poly A/ rRNA depletion method and kit name and if possible, link to protocol Whether the protocol is strand specific or not? Unstranded/ forward/reverse, kit name and if possible link to protocol Whether the data is single end or paired end? What is the expected read length? Do the reads contain adapters? If adapters present, what type of adapters? Adapter sequence, if available, or link (usually can get this info from facility) What are the experimental conditions to perform differential expression analysis? Which organism and the reference genome to be used for analysis?

107 Thanks To…. HSLS Carrie Iwema David Leung Michael Sweezer CLCBio
Shawn Prince Center for Simulation and Modeling Kim F Wong Mu Fangping

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