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D10A Metode Penelitian MP-03: Computing Curricula

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Presentation on theme: "D10A Metode Penelitian MP-03: Computing Curricula"— Presentation transcript:

1 D10A.04004403 Metode Penelitian MP-03: Computing Curricula
Program Studi S-1 Teknik Informatika FMIPA Universitas Padjadjaran Semester Genap

2 Computing Curricula (CC)
Sejarah Tahun dimulai pembuatan : 1960 Organisasi pembuat ACM IEEE CC Versi 2005, 2013 Computer Science (CS) Computer Engineering (CE) Information Systems (IS) Information Technology (IT) Software Engineering (SE)

3 Selayang Pandang Computer Science Computer Engineering
Currently the most popular of the computing disciplines; tends to be relatively broad and with an emphasis on the underlying science aspects. Computer Engineering Typically involves software and hardware and the development of systems that involve software, hardware, and communications. Information Systems Essentially, this is computing in an organizational context, typically in businesses. Information Technology Focuses on computing infrastructure and needs of individual users; tends to involve a study of systems (perhaps just software systems, but perhaps also systems in support of learning, of information dissemination, etc.). Software Engineering Focuses on large-scale software systems; employs certain ideas from the world of engineering in building reliable software systems. Mixed Disciplinary Majors Bioinformatics, Computational science, Computer Science and Mathematics, Gaming and Animation, Medical (or health), Culture, Agriculture, Social informatics programs

4 Computing Disciplines

5 CS Knowledge Areas Discrete Structures (DS)
Human-Computer Interaction (HC) Programming Fundamentals (PF) Graphics and Visual Computing (GV) Algorithms and Complexity (AL) Intelligent Systems (IS) Architecture and Organization (AR) Information Management (IM) Operating Systems (OS) Social and Professional Issues (SP) Net-Centric Computing (NC) Software Engineering (SE) Programming Languages (PL) Computational Science (CN)

6 ACM-IEEE Computing Curricula

7 The Problem Space of Computing

8 CE, CS, IS, IT, SE

9 CE-Computer Engineering

10 CS-Computer Science

11 IS-Information Systems

12 IT-Information Technology

13 SE-Software Engineering

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