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Sophomore Parent Workshop

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2 Sophomore Parent Workshop
Mr. Andrew Devening, School Counselor ext Ms. Tracy Tilling, Career Coach ext

3 Administrators Mr. Michael Dufrene, Principal
Ms. Barbara Bohannan, Assistant Principal (10th Grade) Ms. Amber Mungavin, Director of Counseling

4 Agenda What To Do: PSAT Academic & Career Planning Career Exploration
What I Need To Know: Dual Enrollment & AP Courses/Exam Sophomore Checklist Where to Find It: JHHS Counselor Page- Sophomores Virginia Wizard College Board

5 PSAT October 10th All students who ride the bus will report to school as normal All other students need to be in the Student Union by 8:20 at the latest Please bring a calculator and #2 Pencil

6 Academic & Career Plans
Every student will create or update a plan Academic course choices need to be connected to post-secondary plans: Enter the workforce Enter the military Enter a 2 year college or vocational school Enter a 4 year college The ACP will be used for course requests over Christmas break

7 Standard Diploma Discipline Area Credits Verified Credits English 4 2
Mathematics 3 1 Science Social Studies Health & PE Foreign Language, Fine Arts or CTE Economics and Personal Finance Electives Student Selected Test Total 22 6

8 Advanced Diploma Discipline Area Credits Verified Credits English 4 2
Mathematics Science Social Studies Foreign Languages 3 Health & PE Fine Arts or CTE 1 Economics and Personal Finance Electives Student Selected Test Total 26 9

9 Creating an Academic Plan
Begin with the end in mind: Career Cluster – 16 Career Clusters Occupation – What do I want to be? Career Pathway – What will be required? Post-secondary goals – workforce, training or college Junior Year – coursework?

10 ACP Sample RN LFCC Certified Nursing Assistant Career Goals
Career Cluster: Occupations: Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Cluster Information Hospitality & Tourism Cluster Information Nurse Architectural & Construction Cluster Information Human Services Cluster Information Arts, A/V Technology & Communication Cluster Information Information Technology Cluster Information Business, Management & Administration Cluster Information Law and Public Safety, Corrections, & Security Cluster Information Education & Training Cluster Information Manufacturing Cluster Information Finance Cluster Information Marketing, Sales & Service Cluster Information Government & Public Administration Cluster Information Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics Cluster Information Health Science Cluster Information Transportation, Distribution & Logistics Cluster Information Post-Secondary Plans Military Vocational School Associate Degree 4 year Degree Postgraduate Degree Type of Education/Training  LPN  RN Where: LFCC James Madison University Certifications or Credentials to seek during high school: Certified Nursing Assistant Clubs & Organizations:  Interact Club, HOSA, Multicultural Club, Work Based Learning : Job Shadow Community Service Internship Employment   Volunteer with Interact Events Part-time McDonald’s Cashier Plan to Prepare for Exams: ASVAB PSAT SAT ACT Dual Enrollment Placement Test AP Exams   Spring yes AP Biology Additional Plans:  1.) Prepare for PSAT with online tools 2.) Meet with Career Coach – LFCC (discuss transfer agreements and financial aid)

11 ACP Sample Eng 3 Pre-Calculus Physics Earth Science VA US History
Grade English/Language Arts Math Science Social Studies Other required courses Additional Required/ Elective Course Elective Course Career and Tech. Course Diploma Type 8  Alg 1  Spanish I  Advanced 9  Eng 1  Geometry  Biology  World History I  Kinesiology  Spanish II Fine Art Art Foundation CTE Intro to Health Sciences Advanced: Fine Art or CTE Foreign Language 3 or 2 & 2 Online course (26 total) Verified Credits: 2 in each core and 1 student selected (9 total) Standard: CTE credential (22 total) 2 in English: 1 in each other core, 1 student selected (6 total) 10  Eng 2  Alg. II-Trig  Chemistry  World History II  Heath & DE  Spanish III  Draw & Paint I CTE-credential 11  Eng 3  Pre-Calculus  Physics Earth Science  VA US History  Econ & Personal Finance Medical Terminology Or Med. Lab 12 Eng. 4   Prob. & Stats  AP Biology  US Gov’t.  Nursing I & II SOL Eng. _____ Math __3___ Science ____2__ Soc. St. _2___ Student Select __1__

12 Career Guidance How do I figure out what I want to be?
Interest Inventories PSAT ASVAB Virginia Wizard Our Career Coach

13 Career Coach Resources
Tracy Tilling Career Coach

14 Resources

15 Sophomore Checklist Meet with your school counselor… me!
Take the PSAT: Fall 2018 Tour college campuses Take challenge/college prep courses or certification courses Athletes – register NCAA (Nat’l Collegiate Athletic Assoc.) Job Shadow Opportunities Community Service Clubs & Organizations Leadership Opportunities Create Portfolio

16 JHHS Electives for Career Exploration
Art Business Education English Health and Medical Sciences Marketing Technology Education

17 Dual Enrollment & AP Courses/Exams
Need To Know Dual Enrollment & AP Courses/Exams

18 JHHS offers nearly 30 dual enrollment courses through LFCC, JMU, and Shenandoah University in the core academic and career/technical areas. Advanced Placement (AP)- College-level coursework

19 2 and 4 Yr Pathways Dual Enrollment- Ms. Tilling Transfer Agreements
Please see Ms. Tilling in the counseling office to register for the LFCC Placement tests November 12 or 14 at 3:30 given here at Handley. In order to register you must have applied to the college and have a student I. D. number. Dual enrollment registration date for spring semester is Monday Jan 14th at 7:30am in the main cafeteria. Transfer Agreements AP Exams

20 Where to Find It? JHHS Counselor Page-Sophomores (College Board) (Virginia Wizard) (Occupational Outlook Handbook)

21 Upcoming Events October 10th: PSAT!!!
November 1st: Parent Teacher Conferences November 7th: “If Not College, Then What?” 4-7 pm in the Commons and Patsy Cline Theater November 13th: ASVAB Testing Also the Quarter ends on October 11th, so all makeup work needs to be turned in!

22 Summary & Questions Complete an Academic Career Plan
Meet with Career Coach Test Prep Make good grades and create good study habits Plan college visits Finalize Junior Course Request

23 We are looking forward to a great year with the
Class of 2018! GO JUDGES!!

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