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Cell Structure & Function

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1 Cell Structure & Function

2 Definition of Cell A cell is the smallest unit that is capable of performing life functions.

3 Examples of Cells Amoeba Proteus Plant Stem Bacteria Red Blood Cell
Nerve Cell

4 Prokaryotic Eukaryotic
Two Types of Cells Prokaryotic Eukaryotic

5 Prokaryotic Do not have membrane bound organelles (structures surrounded by membranes) Few internal structures One-celled organisms Example: Bacteria

6 Eukaryotic Cells Contain organelles surrounded by membranes
Includes most living organisms both single & multi-cellular Carry out more specialized functions than prokaryotic cells b/c of their complex organization Animal Plant

7 “Typical” Animal Cell

8 “Typical” Plant Cell

9 Organelles “little organs”
Cell Parts Organelles “little organs”

10 Surrounding the Cell

11 Cell Membrane Also called the Plasma Membrane
Outer membrane of cell that controls movement in and out of the cell Double layer called the phospholipid bilayer

12 Cell Wall Most commonly found in plant cells, fungi cells & bacteria
Supports & protects cells Double layer

13 Flagella & Cilia Flagella- whip-like projections
Cilia- hair-like projections Both are used for movement; composed of cytoskeleton filaments & protein; covered in an extension of the cell membrane

14 Inside the Cell

15 Nucleus Directs cell activities
Separated from cytoplasm by nuclear membrane Contains genetic material (DNA) inside the nucleolus

16 Nuclear Membrane Surrounds nucleus Made of two layers
Openings called nuclear pores allow material to enter and leave nucleus

17 Chromatin/Chromosomes
In nucleus Chromatin is DNA & protein in a loose network of bumpy threads (condenses to form chromosomes during cell division) Contain instructions for traits & characteristics

18 Nucleolus Inside nucleus Contains RNA to build proteins
ribosome parts are made here

19 Cytoplasm Gel-like mixture surrounded by cell membrane
Organelles are supported by the cytoplasm Site of most cellular activities (like the factory area of the cell)

20 Endoplasmic Reticulum
System of canals that coils & twists through the cytoplasm Moves materials around in cell Smooth ER: lacks ribosomes, functions in lipid metabolism (making & breaking down cholesterol and fats) and detoxification of drugs and pesticides

21 Endoplasmic reticulum (cont.)
Rough ER: Has ribosomes on the surface Proteins made by the ribosomes enter the rough ER then fold into their functional 3-dimensional shape. They are then transported to other areas of the cell in vesicles.

22 Ribosomes Each cell contains thousands Makes proteins
Floating free throughout the cell

23 Mitochondria Produces energy (ATP) by breaking down food (cellular respiration) Regulates cellular metabolism Surrounded by 2 membranes Has its own DNA & ribosomes! ‘busy’ cells have hundreds of mitochondria

24 Golgi Bodies or Golgi Apparatus
Stack of flattened membrane bound sacs Major function is to modify & package proteins Modifies, sorts, and packages materials for export from the cell

25 Lysosome Contains powerful digestive enzymes
Digestive ‘factory' for proteins, fats, and carbohydrates Abundant in cells that dispose of bacteria & cell debris Cell is digested if a lysosome explodes

26 Peroxisomes Most important function is to convert free radicals into hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) If left to accumulate, free radicals can have devastating effects on cells

27 Vacuoles/ Central Vacuole
Membrane-bound sacs for storage, digestion, and waste removal Contains water, ions, nutrients, & wastes Very large in plants; maintain plant shape by holding lots of water

28 Chloroplast A plastid found in plant & algae cells
Contains green chlorophyll Where photosynthesis takes place Flattened sacs are called thylakoids

29 Cytoskeleton Elaborate network of protein structures that extends throughout the cytoplasm Acts as the cells “bones & muscles” by providing an internal framework that determines cell shape, supports other organelles, and provides a route for intracellular transport Made up of microfilaments, microtubules, & intermediate filaments

30 Centrioles Rod-shaped structures that direct the formation of spindle fibers during mitosis & meiosis Made of microtubles

31 Vesicles These are not actually organelles. This is a generic term for any material that is enclosed in a membrane. Vesicles are pinched off from the golgi body, cell membrane, and ER. They may contain hormones, proteins, nutrients, etc.

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