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Terrorism By Kyle,Hunter,Seth World Geo 3rd.

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1 Terrorism By Kyle,Hunter,Seth World Geo 3rd

2 ISIS ISIS aims to create an islamic state called a caliphate across iraq,syria and beyond. The group is implementing sharia law,rooted is eighth century islam to establish a society that mirrors the region’s ancient past. ISIS is known for killing dozens of people at a time and carrying out public executions crucifixion and other acts.

3 ISIS continued... In 2014 the pentagon sent 300 more troops over there to fight the ISIS. There are over 800 troops over sea fighting ISIS. ISIS takes control of Syria's largest oilfield and seizes a gasfield in the homs province.

4 Al-Qaeda Al-qaeda started out as a logistical network to support muslims fighting against the soviet union during the afghan war. Members were recruited throughout the islamic world When the soviets withdrew from afghanistan in 1989, the organization dispersed but continued to oppose what it’s leaders considered corrupt islamic regimes and foreign(i.e.,u.s.) presence in islamic lands. Based in sudan for a period in the 1990s, the group eventually reestablish its headquarters in afghanistan (c.1996) under the patronage of the taliban militia .

5 Al-Qaeda continued... Al-qaeda merged with a number of other militant islamists organizations, included egypt’s islamic jihad and the islamic group, and on several occasions its leaders declared holy war against the united states The organization established camps for muslim militants from throughout the world, training ten of thousands in paramilitary skills, and it’s agents engaged in numerous terrorist attacks, including the destruction of the u.s. embassies in Nairobi,kenya, and dar es salaam, Tanzania(1998), and a suicide bomb attack against the u.s. Warship cole in aden,yemen. In militants associated with Al-qaeda staged the september 11 attacks against the united states.

6 The Taliban The yellow is where the Taliban Is mainly located.
The Taliban is a Sunni Islamist nationalist and pro-Pashtun movement founded in the early 1990s that ruled most of Afghanistan

7 Taliban Attacks The Taliban tunneled under an army post in Sangin district and blew it up, killing as many as 20 soldiers The Taliban has attacked targets in different parts of the Afghan capital, Kabul, including a police headquarters in the western part of the city, killing at least 16 people and wounding dozens

8 What do the Taliban want
Taliban’s long-stated aim is to establish an Islamic government in Afghanistan Remove foreign forces from our country Some consider them heroes fighting against outsiders, others see them as terrorists.

9 Why does the Middle East hate U.S
The country Saudi Arabia and Oman have a Monarchy government American foreign policy has been squarely focused on the Middle East Deeply engaged economically, politically and militarily with countries that, individually, present formidable problems They hate us cause we support israel because they are like the only democracy They hate us because of our religion They believe that the U.S is invading the middle east just for their oil

10 Video of middle Eastern Terrorism

11 Sources
afghanistan story.html us_3_b_ html

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