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HEI ICI Monitoring Plan

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1 HEI ICI Monitoring Plan 2017-2019

2 Why monitoring? Means MFA/EDUFI contract, general terms and conditions of state aid, EDUFIs responsibility, recommendations in evaluation report Several tools to support and follow up the project: Annual and final reporting, project specific meetings, ”desk monitoring”, ”on the spot monitoring, ”field monitoring”, final evaluation made by MFA Meetings in the beginning of the project implementation, field monitoring during the project implementation phase. Final evaluation after the programme period. 25/12/2018 Finnish National Agency for Education

3 Aim of the field monitoring activities
Relevance of the project so far Project design, risks, changes in operational environment Implementation and effectiveness to date Management and communication Expected impact and issues influencing sustainability 25/12/2018 Finnish National Agency for Education

4 Experiences in the South
6 HEI ICI monitoring visits to South: Namibia 2012, Nepal, Peru and Mozamique 2014, Kenia and Tanzania 2015 Made in close cooperation with finnish coordinators and finnish embassies (planning, representatives in the meetings etc.). Some observations from the past: the conditions vary a lot depending on the country, the southern voice is sometimes missing in the written annual reports- difficult to measure the impact, the need for the cooperation concretely shown during the field visit, the central administration often very professional but with heavy workload, sometimes several donors in the same field; different kind of rules/quidelines, all partners are not aware of the HEI ICI documents (please share them!), need for the PHD level education, longer periods in partner countries, no replacement if you have to teach at the same time etc. Monitoring is very rewarding and for us but what does it give for the southern partners? Time consuming for the south. ”Popular” travelling months, rush. More cooperation with other Donors- harmonisation group 25/12/2018 Finnish National Agency for Education

5 Experiences in the North
Observations: sometimes cooperation between the HEI´s supporting services weak; more support for the project needed what are the benefits for the finnish HEI? enough time for the project (specially key experts)? 25/12/2018 Finnish National Agency for Education

6 Plan for the Programme Period 2017-2019
Aim is to monitor at least half of the projects in the South. Starting from the most ”popular” countries (for example Ethiopia) during years Visit preferably straight after we have received the annual report. In Finland the aim is to monitor all projects 25/12/2018 Finnish National Agency for Education

7 Discussions during the monitoring visit
RBF of the project – how project has reached its goals, policies and strategies etc. Ownership of the project (heads of the organisation) Checking the administrational operations (contracts, decision making…) Student/teacher questionnaires Observations during the teaching/workshops Participating to seminars/stake holder meetings Special quidelines sent before the meeting (whom to meet, what material should be available etc.) Mutual learning, feedback to the programme administration 25/12/2018 Finnish National Agency for Education

8 u 25/12/2018 Finnish National Agency for Education

9 Financial check Acces to project accounts/bookeeping, all vouchers available Discussion on procurement procedures (checking also on the use of procured items) Audit trail 25/12/2018 Finnish National Agency for Education

10 Example on monitoring visit in Finland
25/12/2018 Finnish National Agency for Education

11 Example: monitoring visit in the South
25/12/2018 Finnish National Agency for Education

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