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Waste to Worth Work to date October 15, 2013.

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1 Waste to Worth Work to date October 15, 2013



4 Human health Livelihoods Environment Food security Source: SOFA 2009 Developing countries Industrialised countries

5 Work to date I Since the Nairobi meeting (January 2013): o Manure Management Improvement Program Manure Kiosk: Funding proposal submitted to Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) Pilot projects: inventory Vietnam, project definition Kenya Mapping Manure Management: livestock Wiki, first analysis results o Team structure: Core team active, but very small Continuity required Representation Guiding Group Meeting in Bangkok, August 2013

6 Preliminary activities o Global inventory on manure production and management: production of NPK in manures; current manure management practices; actual use of manure as fertilizer and associated nutrient balances. FAO/ILRI/IIASA/WUR, the livestock Wiki o Target and prioritize the development of planning tools and regulatory and incentive frameworks; support viable manure management; create opportunities for nutrient recycling Manure Kiosk as the vehicle

7 Manure Kiosk o Proposal Manure Kiosk: knowledge infrastructure for: Awareness raising and learning at policy and technical levels Catalysing manure management improvement Capacity building, training Networking and practical collaboration o Structure: Information Hubs: central and regional (3), use existing structures/institutions People for contacts, training, workshops, etc. Roster of experts, for consultation and service provision Internet site for information, lessons, market place Livestock-geo-wiki

8 Manure Kiosk o Current partners: Climate and Clean Air Coalition Global Methane Initiative Global Agenda of Action Global Research Alliance World bank Wageningen Livestock Research Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE) International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) – Bangkok Office o Advanced negotiations / Proposal for funding submitted

9 From the global approach to local action o From a global initiative to local regional action

10 Waste to Worth Meeting, Bangkok o Recruit new members into focus area / Agenda o Strengthen the programme of work o Identify existing multi-stakeholder initiatives o In-country opportunities to catalyze innovation networks o Regional centre

11 Waste to Worth Meeting, Bangkok

12 Manure Management Perspectives o Policy development: East Africa, South East Asia, Latin America National and regional governments o Pilot projects: Manure refinery: bio-enzymes and nutrient separation, feed industry, intensive livestock sector Manure management pig farms Vietnam Dairy farms Kenya, on-farm research and extension o Network extension o Livestock Wiki Analyse and inform

13 Livestock-Geo-Wiki

14 Source: Robinson, Gilbert et al. (2013 ) Livestock distributions Pigs Chickens Ducks Updated sub-national statistics 1km MODIS data (2001-2008) Standardised to FAOSTAT 2006 New, improved modelling approach Accuracy estimates (internal) Cluster computing (SIB)

15 Ruminant production systems (v5)

16 Manure management (int. pigs) Dry lot Lagoon Liquid/slurry Pit Solid storage Proportion of manure managed in the five main systems 100% 0%

17 Manure is like money Accumulated its a problem Well spread its a blessing You need the stuff to keep the system going!

18 Waste to Worth: creating action on the ground

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