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Roman Zeitz Management of beach traffic. Roman Zeitz Management of beach traffic Speed restrictions, laws, signing and other management options Presented.

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Presentation on theme: "Roman Zeitz Management of beach traffic. Roman Zeitz Management of beach traffic Speed restrictions, laws, signing and other management options Presented."— Presentation transcript:

1 Roman Zeitz Management of beach traffic

2 Roman Zeitz Management of beach traffic Speed restrictions, laws, signing and other management options Presented by Roman Zeitz, Traffic Engineer Transport Services Division, Walkerville Ph: 8343 2891email:

3 Roman Zeitz Management of beach traffic Presentation overview What is a beach from a traffic perspective Why manage speeds What speed limits apply Speed limit signing The process to change a speed limit Other traffic management

4 Roman Zeitz Management of beach traffic What is a beach from a traffic perspective Road-related area under Australian Road Rules Simplistically, a beach is a road Same laws apply like other roads Drivers must obey rules and signs An authority has care, control or management of the beach Beaches often have multiple authorities

5 Roman Zeitz Management of beach traffic Not all speeds need to be controlled Improve safety Manage mobility and amenity Beaches are used by different users Surface conditions are variable Benefits the environment Why manage speeds

6 Roman Zeitz Management of beach traffic What speed limits apply Default limit for most beaches is 100 km/h since few have adjacent buildings Signs used to vary the speed limit Speed limit ends when another one applies or the beach ends Determining & operating a suitable speed limit is complex Changeable surface; hidden hazards, soft sand, washouts Concentrated vs sparse numbers of pedestrians Town vs isolated beaches

7 Roman Zeitz Management of beach traffic What speed limits may apply continued Drivers and pedestrians to be considerate Drive to the conditions Australian Standard: no signposted speed limits for beaches Signing the default 50 km/h and less than 50 km/h is permitted Beach cannot be rigorously assessed Variable and unpredictable surface

8 Roman Zeitz Management of beach traffic What speed limits may apply continued Speed Limits on Beaches guideline recommends: High pedestrian areas: 20 km/h Beach within town boundary: 50 km/h Other sections of beaches: rural default of 100 km/h Speed limits to complement an Authoritys beach management plan

9 Roman Zeitz Management of beach traffic Speed limit signing Usual speed limit sign at beach entrance End Speed Limit sign denotes the default limit of 100 km/h Promotes caution Drive to the conditions Problems with placing signs on beach ON BEACH 0 0 50

10 Roman Zeitz Management of beach traffic Speed limit signing continued

11 Roman Zeitz Management of beach traffic Speed limit signing continued

12 Roman Zeitz Management of beach traffic The process to change the speed limit Same as for other roads Road authority for the beach Instigates and assesses the proposal Submits application to Transport Services regional office Reviewed by Traffic and Access Standards Section Manager can approve Installing unapproved sign is an offence: $5,000 or 1 year prison Driver must obey sign

13 Roman Zeitz Management of beach traffic Other traffic management Limited choices Define areas for through traffic and parking Use permits with signed agreement to the conditions of use Review the number of entrances to beach

14 Roman Zeitz Management of beach traffic Thank you

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